Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 395: Sinking

After receiving the combat order issued by the furious drones, one after another, the high-altitude drones lowered their heads and dived towards the dock. The precision-guided bombs mounted under the long wings had opened the safety to lock the positions of all the military equipment of the Maruko on the dock.

The first high-altitude drone has been diving, constantly passing through layer after layer of clouds, and the ground image is becoming clearer and clearer...


The mechanical collision sound when the hook of the rack popped open was heard one after another. The high-altitude drone dropped the precision-guided bombs. After dropping all the bombs, the wings deflected and drew a semicircle to fly towards Jiangcheng Airport. Behind, one after another, high-altitude drones dropped bombs one after another, and after dropping the bombs, they followed the first drone formation back to Jiangcheng Airport.

The precision-guided bombs adjusted their falling direction while landing, and each fell to its own target point!

The high-altitude drone bombing was very standard. If you observe from above, you will find that the impact point was blown along the dock. The explosion was very neat. A large amount of fuel and ammunition that had just been unloaded from the ship and had not had time to hide were detonated. The dock was ablaze. The only good thing was that the fireworks were too dark, causing several precision-guided bombs behind to explode crookedly.

On the destroyer, the captain who was in charge of the operation knew that the soldiers on the shore were finished by looking at the rising black smoke and the rumbling explosions. The two large transport ships were about to sink. Just like the previous two operations, the mission failed and the personnel died. However, they finally knew what had dealt with the Maruko army before. It turned out to be the legendary alien army...

"Attention all warships, adjust the course and return immediately."

"Sir! There are still our people on the shore..."

"Don't worry about them, it's useless, execute the order." The captain bowed his head and waved his hand, and the deputy had no choice but to convey the order.

Suddenly, the soldier who was monitoring the sonar found something unusual.

"Report to the captain! There is something in the water approaching the dock quickly! Very fast!"

"It must be the other side who wants to sneak up on us, pass my order! All warships quickly move back, operate the close-in defense guns to stop that thing for me!"


Five huge destroyers emitted black smoke and began to speed up desperately to sail far away. The helicopter on the rear deck of the warship took off with anti-submarine torpedoes. The close-in defense guns and heavy machine guns on both sides adjusted their targets to the sea surface in the direction of the dock, and were cautious as if facing a great enemy. The soldiers responsible for operating the sonar equipment were confused because the sonar could not find the specific direction and location of the thing.

The anti-submarine helicopter took off. The Maru army had a set of anti-submarine in order to fight against the Long country's submarines. After the helicopter took off, it quickly circled in the sea between the warship and the dock to search for the unidentified object.

In the sea water. The two giant claws of the Death Scorpion rotated rapidly. This thing can not only drill into the ground, but also dive and propel. This is why Zhang Xiaowen let the Death Scorpion deal with the warship instead of Fury. It is estimated that Fury's weight and ability will sink to the bottom if it jumps into the sea. At present, only the Death Scorpion is more suitable for naval battles.

Looking from underwater to the surface, the Death Scorpion's eight thin legs are folded, the tail is straightened, and the giant claws on both sides act as thrusters to swim quickly...

"There! Nine o'clock, two hundred meters away!"

The anti-submarine helicopter found the Death Scorpion and dropped a torpedo without saying a word. The effect was beyond the anti-submarine helicopter's expectation. The torpedo passed by from a distance as if it had not found the monster. When it wanted to continue to launch torpedoes, it was found that the strange thing was very close to the warship. Launching a torpedo is likely to hit its own ship.

"Issue! That monster is coming towards you!"


The side gunner of the destroyer named Izumi quickly raised his machine gun and fired at the ripples in the water. The flying bullets shot out water columns on the sea surface. The close-in anti-submarine guns were in a blind spot because they were too close, so they could not fire to stop it. The personnel on the anti-submarine helicopter watched the monster drill into the bottom of the Izumi destroyer.

Underwater, the death scorpion that swam to the bottom of the ship turned over and fixed its mechanical feet to the bottom of the ship upside down as if it was grasping the ground. Then its eight thin legs moved upside down from the bottom of the ship and walked towards the weak device discovered by the detection equipment.

"Aha~ You can stay. Isn't this what you want?"

The death scorpion smiled grimly, and its two giant claws accelerated and stabbed the outer shell of the bottom of the ship. The vibration and roar caused by the friction of the rotation could be heard from the bridge.

The captain of the Izumi destroyer remembered something bad...

"It...it's going to sink us! Bastard!"

Suddenly, the alarm in the control room sounded, and the fault device showed that there was a water leak at the bottom of the cabin, and there was more than one leak!

Under the ship, the Death Scorpion drilled holes one after another until it was big enough to sink the ship. After it succeeded, it released the fixing device and quickly fell off the bottom of the Izuri, flipped over and headed straight for another destroyer. Her Majesty the Queen said that these damn warships must be sunk, so of course the mission must be carried out well.

When it surfaced and headed for another destroyer, the two machine guns on the back of the Death Scorpion surfaced, adjusted the direction and fired shells at the lifeboat of the Izuri, smashing the lifeboat...

"Ah...! I'm so angry! Retreat quickly! Don't worry about the Izuri! Retreat faster!" The commander of the operation was furious.

There is no difference between rescuing the Izuri now and sending yourself to die. Not only will everyone on the Izuri die, but the entire fleet may also be destroyed. The only right thing to do is to retreat quickly, otherwise the rescue is not rescue but a worthless death!

"Our Empire's warships..."

The commander and captain looked at the sinking Izuhi and felt heartbroken. As the saying goes, it takes ten years for the army, fifty years for the air force, and one hundred years for the navy. It takes at least a hundred years to build a navy. It will be difficult to replace one less warship. Industrial The industry has disappeared and there is no way to build warships. Moreover, after the end of the world, there are not many people left in Maru Country who can operate destroyers. This kind of job is not just like driving a car, just find a few people, but requires long-term use and training to be possible. In terms of combat effectiveness, the loss of the naval officers and soldiers on the Derihi would be a big blow to Marukuni.

The captain knew that if he went back this time, his naval career would come to an end, and he might stay in the academy for half his life.

"Sir... the Takano has also begun to sink..." The adjutant turned pale as he watched the destroyer sailing at the rear of the fleet lose power and slowly sink. Another destroyer was finished.


The commander and captain sat down on the ground.

"Accelerate...accelerate the retreat...We must not lose any more warships..."

In an instant, the three threatened destroyers accelerated desperately, even at the expense of shortening the life of the destroyers' power systems and fled frantically. Not far from the sinking destroyer Takano, the Death Scorpion surfaced and looked helplessly at the three escaping destroyers. It was really difficult to catch up at this speed.

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