Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 400: The game begins

Although the audience is excited, many boxers sitting in the boxing area are a little uneasy. Ordinary people will naturally not go on the court to seek death. The rest depends on who of the mutant boxers will come on the court. Sure enough, those ace fighters are going to come on the court. , all the boxers closed their eyes and took a nap.

Rubik's Cube scanned a circle and found four second-level power mutants and two third-level mutants. Among the third-level mutants, there was a speed mutant. Rubik's Cube was very surprised by this. No wonder this place dared to clearly disobey the command of Dragon Kingdom. Dare to make trouble on your own. There are many masters here. Also, in places like underground black boxing, it is easiest to stimulate human potential to become advanced mutants. If living conditions are better, who will go all out to strengthen their own abilities.

At this time, the short, thin and wretched man sitting outside ran to the Rubik's Cube and spoke close to his ear.

"Brother, please don't participate in this. In fact, this competition is just a performance. In fact, it is said that the second-level mutants and third-level mutants are some of the generals of His Excellency the Governor. The competition is only It’s just a matter of sending them a girl for fun. In the end, they compete on their own and it’s all about competing for girls. It’s better to wait for the next one.”

"Wait! You said those experts are the right-hand men of some governor here? Who is the governor?" Rubik's Cube caught the key word, and his eyes suddenly lit up with a blue light, which scared the short and thin man to the point where he almost screamed. .

"Big...brother...your eyes..."

"It's okay, you tell me the key points of my powers."

"Yes... yes, have you seen those two brawny men with shirtless tattoos? They are the most ferocious generals under the president. They were the ones who conquered the first few camps and got the most girls. The Chief Governor is As the boss of our camp, the president divided the largest camp and several other small camps among his subordinates. If I can become the governor..."

The short and thin man was still talking to himself about the wonderful life of YY. The Rubik's Cube was so happy that he couldn't find Bei. He didn't expect the opportunity to come so suddenly. I think the governor and the president would be very distressed if they killed these guys. This black and white The punch must be struck!

The short and thin man, who had been trapped in the wonderful ecstasy, came to his senses and found that the Rubik's Cube was already standing at the entrance of the iron cage.

"This guy really wants to die..."

It seems that everyone present knows that this is just a performance and there are no outsiders at all, but it is also exciting to see the third-level mutants take action, isn't it? It represents the highest level in the current camp. Where can I usually go to see these third-level masters? Take action? Just when everyone thought they could only watch the show, the iron cage door opened and an ordinary man walked in.

Uh-huh! Countless gazes were directed at the Rubik's Cube.

In the cage, two level three mutants were talking face to face without even looking at the Rubik's Cube who walked in.

"Mouse, I was very unhappy about losing to you in the last game. This time we have a good showdown. Whoever wins will take the girl away. How about it?" A muscular man said in a loud voice.

"Come on, when did you lose to me? Only speed is the key to victory and your strength can only do heavy work. Also, last time you tortured the best person to death with your power and made me touch him. I haven’t touched her yet, I don’t like leaving my girl to you.”

"Hmph~ Who makes her so weak? We will go to war soon after this competition is over. I hope those armies can withstand my strength."

The strong man with level three power mutant licked his tongue and waited quietly for the beauty to announce the start of the game.

Several beauties were walking around in the stands with plates and betting tickets. Everyone was betting that they were either level three power mutants or level three speed mutants. As for the others, they were just soy sauce. A few beauties After walking back and forth for several times and encountering countless unscrupulous people, I finally completed the bet task and walked back to a special venue to hand it over to a few men in suits and ties.

"Okay, the game that everyone has been waiting for is about to start. Please lock the iron gate." The beauty shouted loudly with a loudspeaker.

A staff member came forward to close the cage and lock it with a big lock. At this time, everyone looked at the Rubik's Cube as if they were looking at a dead person. In the past, there were many rookies who didn't know anything and wanted to get some benefits. Unfortunately, in the end Even his life is gone. This man is young and doesn't look like he can't survive. Why should he seek death?

"The game begins~!"

Whoosh~ As soon as the beauty called for the start of the competition, the four second-level mutants rushed towards the Rubik's Cube, with the intention of getting rid of the outsiders first. As for the two third-level mutants, they were still looking at each other and did not notice the actions here. .

"Well done!"

The Rubik's Cube computer quickly selected a fist that rushed forward, clenched its mechanical fist, and won fiercely. It used the mechanical fist to fight the power mutant's fist. Various scans enveloped the four people and then found each weakness. In the eyes of the Rubik's Cube, in front of them The second-level power mutant's entire arm flesh and blood disappeared, leaving only the bones similar to those under X-ray rays. He adjusted slightly and fist-bumped the opponent...


This second-level power mutant watched helplessly as his fist almost shrunk to the elbow joint, and he could still see the bone stubble exposed through the skin! After a short moment, severe pain hit the brain. The pain could no longer be described in words. Even wanting to faint became a luxury. I had smashed many disobedient survivors to death with my fists. Now... I haven't waited for this. After the second-level power mutant sighed, his head suddenly shook and he lost consciousness.

When the second punch hit the opponent's head, the magic cube specifically hit the temple. Although the man didn't change much on the outside, his brain had been shaken into a mess. People who didn't know the situation thought that the second-level power mutant had fainted. After killing the man, the magic cube grabbed the still shaking body and held it horizontally in front of him to block the fists of the other three people. The mechanical leg kicked forward quickly! There was another click. The knee of another second-level power mutant bent back to 90 degrees. Then the magic cube threw the body in his hand and smashed it at the two second-level power mutants who were still standing, knocking them back one after another. At this time, the second-level power mutant with a broken leg was already in front of the magic cube. In surprise, the magic cube kicked the temple of the screaming second-level power mutant with his right foot! Kicked him directly away! Clang! The dead body hit the railing of the iron cage and slid to the ground. The field was already silent. I thought it was a performance, but I didn't expect a dark horse to kill the two ace fighters of the Grand Commander. It was dark enough! It was bold enough! So, the onlookers cheered and shouted wildly. What about the commander-in-chief's men? Anyway, no one wants to live anymore, so who cares about you! There are no normal people who come here to play!

"How dare you, kid! How dare you lay a hand on my brother!"

The third-level power mutant roared angrily, and the sound even drowned out the roars of everyone in the gymnasium, which shows how strong his physical fitness is.

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