Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 401: Level 3 Mutant

In fact, it is not that easy to defeat mutants. After all, as strength increases, bones, muscles, and other body tissues will naturally increase to adapt to the huge force. Otherwise, if the muscles are strong but the bone density is not enough, wouldn't it be possible to use just one thing? The bones are broken, and the speed mutant's whole body has also been enhanced, so it is estimated that only a robot like the Rubik's Cube can beat the mutant to death with one punch with a strong and strong body.

"Be careful, Man Niu! I'm afraid this kid is weird!" the third-level speed mutant reminded carefully. After all, they are all a group of people. If Man Niu loses face, he will also lose face.

"I don't believe he can block my punch! Don't run away, kid!"

The third-level power mutant rushed towards the Rubik's Cube like a bull. He didn't know that the two people had been beaten to death. The bodies were at the feet of the Rubik's Cube. No one dared to go over to check. They thought they were beaten unconscious. In the past, only a few people in the audience felt that something was wrong with the two people. How could they keep their eyes open after they fainted?

"It's time to play like a martial arts master. First let me find a classic scene from the movie."

The computer quickly searched the database and quickly found several moves to deal with this bullish opponent. The Rubik's Cube smiled and squatted half-crouched with its mechanical legs to accumulate power. After precise calculations, it found the most suitable action timing. When the third-level strength mutant stepped on The Rubik's Cube suddenly jumped upwards when it was scheduled to simulate the location!

Due to the difference in force between the two legs, he jumped up and circled back and forth in the air. When the third-level power mutant rushed under the Rubik's Cube, the Rubik's Cube turned around and kicked the big head full of muscles with its mechanical foot...

His head shook violently, and the Level 3 power mutant rushed forward as if he couldn't stop a car, and finally hit the iron cage railing with a clang. The huge force and strong flesh broke the iron railing and opened a big hole. Just as the Rubik's Cube was planning to When I took the opportunity to go up and kill this guy, the detection equipment suddenly discovered that the third-level speed mutant had moved!

Level 3 mutants are very fast, but they are still far behind compared to level 4 zombies. During the attack on the provincial capital, Rubik's Cube was able to kill a level 4 evolved zombie in human-sized robot form. What's more, the speed of level 4 mutant zombies is now comparable to that of level 4 mutant zombies. They are almost the same level 3 speed humans. The only difference is that the Rubik's Cube now has a fully human appearance, which affects its combat effectiveness. However, having a supercomputer is always many times better than the opponent's slow thinking speed.

Punch! Directly block the location where the third-level speed mutant is about to appear!

Whoosh~ The third-level speed mutant quickly retreated and looked at the Rubik's Cube in surprise. It was obvious that this guy knew his sprint route in advance and forced himself back. When did such a master appear in the camp?

Danglang~ The level 3 power mutant at the edge of the iron railing breaks free from the iron railing.

"Ah! I'm so angry! You damn rat, don't run away! I will crush your bones one by one before you faint!" The third-level power mutant roared loudly.

The onlookers were dumbfounded. When did such a master appear in the camp? He actually fooled a guy who looked like a bull and then had a fight with a level 3 speed mutant, but nothing happened. Such a master wouldn't be so unknown, would he? Soon, news spread that Rubik's Cube had just entered the camp today.

"You two, get up! Huh? Are you out of breath?" The third-level power mutant happened to be standing next to the two corpses and wanted to wake them up. When he reached out and touched them, he found that the corpses were a little cold and there was no warm breath. Only then did I realize that the two of them were lying on the ground with their eyes open!

"You killed our people! Today is the day you die!"

Originally, the third-level speed mutant planned to recruit Rubik's Cube to join the camp. Unexpectedly, the two second-level power mutants died. Thinking about it with his toes, he knew that this guy was here to cause trouble. There was no possibility of attracting him, so he directly winked at Manniu. , the look in their eyes was very familiar to the two of them. They had often joined hands to kill difficult opponents like this.

Rubik's Cube smiled, not using his various weapon skills yet.

With a breath, a layer of light blue translucent halo that was hard to see spread out. The level three speed mutant who was about to use his speed power to rush forward suddenly found that he was struggling to move very slowly. For an inexplicable moment, he was surprised. Rubik's Cube quickly ran straight towards the two level two power mutants hiding in the outer circle.

"you dare……"

Before the two second-level power mutants could react, the Rubik's Cube had already appeared between them. Each of the two robot hands grabbed one person's neck and continued to rush backwards before slamming it onto the ground!

With a bang, the neck and head fell to the ground first, but because the speed was too fast, the body was still in the air. After the body landed, the two of them had stared with unwilling eyes and were breathless.

The Rubik's Cube let go of his hand, and many onlookers with better vision in the silent gymnasium could even see the dark purple fingerprints on the necks of the two people. It looked like they might have been crushed to pieces by the ruthless man and died without even reacting. Okay, thinking of this, many people unconsciously touched their necks and broke out in cold sweat. Two powerful second-level mutants could be pinched like this. What if it were you?

"What kind of power is this?" The level three speed mutant watched in horror as he lost his speed advantage. Without speed, he was no different from ordinary people. In the blink of an eye, he saw the inexplicable master continuing to rush towards him...

"No! Something is going to happen! Shoot that kid quickly!!"

The man in a suit and tie with shiny hair who was in charge of the underground black boxing outside yelled at several gun-wielding guards around him. The guards were stunned for a moment, but they still raised their guns to shoot the Rubik's Cube.

The Rubik's Cube was too fast for the guard to aim at. When the gun was aimed at him, he found that the man had already captured the third-level speed mutant...

"You will lose your abilities."

The third-level speed mutant heard a creepy sound in his ears. Before he could wait for the third-level power mutant to rescue him, he suddenly felt a pain in the back of his neck and felt his body lose consciousness. However, he was still conscious and alive. What happened? What happened? Why can't I control my body?

Behind him, the Rubik's Cube had just destroyed the central nervous system in the neck of the third-level speed mutant, turning the speed mutant into a high-level paraplegic. It seems that for a person who once had speed powers, becoming like this would be more uncomfortable than death.

Another master was killed...

The onlookers discovered that today seemed to be more than just a black punch. The Governor's powerful masters were killed one after another. This was not an accident. I'm afraid the whole camp would be in chaos next, right? Who is that person? Is it the other camp masters or the Dragon Kingdom army masters who are said to have been attacking?

Rubik's Cube used the paralyzed third-level speed mutant's body to block the direction of several gun-wielding guards. While dodging bullets, the calmed down third-level strength mutant finally found the opportunity to hit Rubik's Cube with a punch...

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