Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 405: Being ambushed

Buzz buzz——

A Pavement heavy-duty helicopter is on its way in the sky, and Rubik's Cube is heading to the next rebel area to continue the cleanup mission. After flying in the Northeast for more than a year, I feel that the scenery has changed a lot when flying in the South. Each has its own beauty, and there are strange peaks and rocks on both sides of the river. The cliffs are breathtakingly beautiful, bamboo forests cover villages and houses and lotus ponds, and a thin layer of rain and mist covers the beautiful mountains and rivers. Without the haze, the world will have fresh air, clear blue sky, and dense vegetation. It would be better if there were no zombies wandering around from time to time.

After holding it in for a long time, Rubik's Cube, who originally wanted to imitate some poems written by poets long ago, couldn't hold back even the shudder of the engine. He secretly sighed that he was really just a person suitable for playing with data.

"It seems that writing poems and writing lyrics has nothing to do with machinery. Making guns is still no problem."

The fuselage deflected, and the Rubik's Cube bypassed a towering and beautiful mountain and continued to fly along the river. Occasionally, when looking down, you can still see some strange fish and mutated bugs jumping out of the water in the river from time to time. It is expected that the profession of fishermen will only be available in the future. Appeared in the pond.

Suddenly, the system issued an alarm!

"Alert! The radar detection wave was found and locked! The radar position has been confirmed!"

"Alert! Two man-portable anti-aircraft missiles found!"

A red dot marking the launch position and two rapidly approaching red dots appeared on the helicopter cockpit display. Those two small red dots marked a portable Stinger anti-aircraft missile produced by the Eagle Empire, and it was the latest improvement. model, Rubik's Cube Computer was curious about the possibility of such standard equipment from its old rival, the Eagle Empire, appearing in the Dragon Kingdom region. However, after thinking of another old rival of Rubik's Cube, the answer was readily apparent. The engine company had already participated in the rebellion in the southern region!

"I knew these two scum would have the same chemistry! No one would believe that these missiles equipped with anti-jamming systems were produced using earth technology!"

When Rubik's Cube implemented electronic jamming on the two missiles, he found that this missile was different from previous earth weapons and more like the weapons of the alien civilization that made dinosaurs. The engine company may have cooperated with District 7! The two missile Rubik's Cube computers quickly calculated various possibilities and data. After some calculations, they turned the nose of the aircraft and dived towards the mountains on the ground, and launched two rockets to attack the missile launchers on the high mountain winding road...

At low altitude, two modified Stinger missiles sprayed flames straight towards the Pavement heavy-duty helicopter in the air. Whenever the Pavement heavy-duty helicopter made a maneuver, the two missiles would adjust their direction and continue to aim. The huge model of the Rubik's Cube was destined to Unable to make more agile dodge movements.

While the Rubik's Cube was twisting and turning to avoid the missile, several people on the winding mountain road had already gotten into the pickup truck and started to move.

What they didn't know was that if they and others spread out and ran away, most of them would survive. However, if they got into the car out of habit and their targets became more focused, and they didn't realize that they were already targeted by rockets, they would definitely die. Two pickup trucks, After the rocket flew above the winding mountain road, the computer quickly locked onto a pickup truck and plunged into it!

In the car, a young man looked out the window and saw a black dot flying toward him with white smoke. This was the last scene he saw before his death...

There were violent explosions and flames, and the burning wreckage of the two pickup trucks rolled down the hillside. Fortunately, the flames did not cause fires in the humid forest during the rainy season.

The Rubik's Cube on the other side of the mountain is maneuvering quickly to avoid Stinger missiles!

Teng Teng Teng~!

Three interference bombs, similar to illumination bombs, were launched from under the belly of the aircraft. The three interference bombs drew a curve and fell to the ground. Fortunately, a missile lowered its head and ran after the interference bombs before hitting the mountain and exploding shortly after.

"It seems that we need to find time to upgrade the system! Otherwise, how could the broken anti-aircraft missiles lock on this starship! The damn engine company just happened to come to the southern region this time and simply destroy your underground rat holes!" Rubik's Cube directly placed the engine company in the In order to eliminate the rebels first, these damn bastards are like a group of mad dogs who will do anything regardless of the consequences. They can't live without cleaning up.

After dodging for a few minutes, the Rubik's Cube suddenly swerved, and the anti-aircraft missile almost missed the helicopter and flew by not far away. Taking this opportunity to launch an energy shock wave that caused damage to all areas!

boom! The anti-aircraft missile was hit by the shock wave and exploded in the air.

"Plasma meatballs from the engine company, your death is coming."

Turning the plane around, Rubik's Cube headed straight for the engine company's southern underground base in Longguo that had been detected long ago. At the same time, it connected to all low-Earth orbit satellites to capture any news related to the engine company. During this period, Rubik's Cube also learned about the battle in Jiangcheng. , directly issued an order to the engineering robots to seize the time to manufacture long-range cruise missiles, and started manufacturing anti-ship missiles and long-range air defense missiles at the same time.

The Paver heavy-duty helicopter quickly disappeared among the mountains, and three people walked out of the entrance of a cave tunnel somewhere on the winding mountain road.

"Notify the headquarters that anti-aircraft missiles using alien technology are effective against that robot. Take the time to modify all our anti-aircraft missiles."

"But...that helicopter is really the alien Transformer?"

"Nonsense! Who else is still flying the Pavement heavy-duty helicopter at this time? How can the Dragon Kingdom Air Force use this kind of helicopter when it has its own model?"

"Yes, yes... what the captain said makes sense..."

The Rubik's Cube, which was flying at low altitude, suddenly noticed that radar detection waves were constantly sweeping over the air. It must be the engine company searching for its location. In order to prevent traces from being discovered, the Rubik's Cube cautiously lowered its altitude and flew in the valley. These guys thought they had gotten outside. Even with star technology, he can sweep the world without looking at how much he weighs. He always thinks about the good things, and how can he die if he doesn't seek death.

In order to prevent sneak attacks by engine company personnel on both sides of the valley, Rubik's Cube deliberately turned on all detection equipment and vigilantly scanned every possible threat.

Sure enough, when flying through a narrow valley that must be passed through, anti-aircraft guns and anti-aircraft missiles were found on the mountaintops on both sides. It seems that these guys also knew that they would come to kill them, so they had already prepared them on various routes. It’s a good idea to prepare, or send them on their way in advance.

First, an electronic attack was launched to destroy the electronic equipment on the air defense positions on both sides of the valley, and then four rockets were launched...

Buzz buzz——

In the valley filled with flames and black smoke, the Rubik's Cube propeller spun and rushed out at high speed. Behind it were two fireballs rolling into the valley. Even if the opponent had anti-aircraft missiles that could now lock on itself and could not launch, it would be no different from dangerous goods. , after being killed, the power of the rocket increased and they killed themselves.

The explosion here is like launching a flare in the dark to tell others that I am here, but the Rubik's Cube doesn't care. At this time, it is so close to the opponent's base, even if it is not discovered, it will be the same.

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