Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 406: Ejection Parachuting

The Dragon Kingdom Southern Branch of the Engine Company, which was arranged like an iron wall, was heavily guarded. The anti-aircraft guns and other weapons that had been retired and covered with dust in the warehouse were pulled out again. Several fighter jets on the airport runway took off quickly with a loud roar from their engines. Armed helicopters have also taken off and headed towards the direction of the Rubik's Cube...

"The warm-up match before the massacre begins."

The Rubik's Cube lowered its altitude and headed straight for the huge rock at the top of a big mountain. The rock was flat, wide and had a wide field of view. It looked like a good shooting platform. Heavy helicopters couldn't engage in combat chases with those fighter jets and armed helicopters, so they should just stick to the ground. My own technology and firepower are relatively good. For example, I would give priority to upgrading the electronic jamming system...

It landed smoothly and quickly transformed into the Transformer form. At the same time, the latest electronic jamming system was upgraded. Rubik's Cube believed that the weapon should now be transformed into the strongest form after the upgrade.

The left robotic arm changes into a weapon form, and then the right robotic arm is placed against the cannon weapon and raised toward the sky for a quick combination transformation!

Immediately afterwards, the Rubik's Cube mechanical legs became shorter and gradually assembled into a stable device, while the entire upper body was rapidly assembled with the cannon as the main body. The cannon was being lengthened and made more complex. Even the engine devices on both sides of the head and shoulders were all attached. On the extended cannon, the mechanical eye has been transformed into a targeting device, and the transformation is still in progress...

The sound of clicking metal machinery is endless, and it is impossible to evaluate the complexity of science fiction. The previously deformed cannon weapon form is no longer sufficient to deal with the faster jet fighters. Even if it can interfere with the opponent's electronic equipment, they still have cannons and rockets. As well as bombs and other weapons, all the Rubik's Cube has to do is transform into a super anti-aircraft weapon, somewhat similar to the earth's anti-aircraft cannon.

The anti-aircraft guns on the earth gradually withdrew from the war stage because they could not meet the requirements. However, the anti-aircraft guns still exist in the Dragon Star. Of course, this anti-aircraft gun is not the other anti-aircraft gun. The Dragon Star anti-aircraft guns use a lot of high-tech technology to fire the shells high enough and fast enough. Therefore, it has always existed. The reason why the earth's anti-aircraft guns have withdrawn from the stage is because they are short and inaccurate. These problems can be solved.

A few minutes later.

After the transformation of the Rubik's Cube, the entire energy cannon is more than ten meters long. It is not the conventional round barrel of the earth, but a complex science fiction shape. On both sides of the barrel are two enhanced auxiliary weapon machine guns, and at the end are twelve equipped Different from the rockets with tracking function of earth weapons, at first glance, the words science fiction and extraterrestrial will definitely come to mind.

"I didn't expect that the hope of regaining the majesty of Earth's anti-aircraft weapons would be pinned on alien mechanical life. Things are unpredictable."

The energy weapon is charged, and the Rubik's Cube is ready to fight by electronically jamming the fighter jets that are about to enter the range.

In the sky.

Six Type 16 fighter jets manufactured by the Eagle Empire were flying in standard formation.

"At an altitude of 1,200 meters, it is searching for targets at cruising speed. No abnormalities have been found so far."

The pilot's report sounded in the communication equipment, and the signal was simultaneously transmitted to the other five fighter jets and the airport command center. In addition, the armed helicopter flying behind could also receive the pilot's signal.

"The target is near your area. Lower the altitude and continue searching. I suspect it has landed on the ground to avoid detection. If you find the target, fire immediately, even if it is our own aircraft."

The commander issued an order that was very fatal to other helicopter pilots, and he cursed in his mind why the Rubik's Cube didn't transform into a fighter jet or a car. Could it be that the helicopter was lying on the ground for no reason? As for refuting the superior's order, forget it. Maybe it can be shot down by a missile now.

The six pilots spread their hands to each other through the cockpit glass, and the wings of the first long plane suddenly dropped to the altitude. The pilots who control jet fighters, especially the Type 16, the world-famous King of Fighters, are not afraid of a plane used for transportation and infiltration. The heavy-duty helicopters that pave the way for the mission, super maneuverability, advanced missiles and other equipment will provide powerful combat effectiveness.

The remaining five fighter jets also lowered their altitude and spread out at a certain distance to carefully search for ground targets with their eyes. There was no way, the radar could not find any valuable targets on the mountainous ground.

While flying...

suddenly! Fighter pilots found that the onboard display turned into a blurry screen with various warning lights flashing wildly!

"Report...my plane has a serious malfunction and cannot continue flying!"

Amid the flashing red lights and sirens, the pilots each panicked and contacted their superiors in hopes of returning. However, there was no sound other than the chirping sound in the radio waves. A pilot in charge felt that he must have been attacked by a strong electronic interference attack. As a result, the onboard equipment cannot work properly.

"Tower! Please speak to the tower if you receive it!"

Bang~! A fighter pilot suddenly felt the plane shake violently. When he realized something was wrong, he looked back and saw through the cockpit glass that the plane's engine was spitting out fire and black smoke. What was even worse was that the fighter was losing power and starting to descend...

"No. 39! You've been hit! The engine is on fire. Jump out quickly! Damn the communication system!"

Another fighter pilot angrily took off his flight helmet and controlled the fighter jet to escort behind the crashing plane that was emitting black smoke. The pilots lost communication and did not know what to do first. According to international practice, they should return to the airport immediately for repairs, but according to company rules... …The pilots gave up on returning to the airport.

The burning fighter jet fell faster and faster.

"Search for the location of the attack! If you find it, fight back!" The lead pilot gestured to the other four fighter jets that could still fly through the cockpit glass. Suddenly, something flashed from bottom to top, followed by another one. A fighter jet's engine fuel tank caught fire and lost power.

The lead pilot gritted his teeth and controlled the fighter jet to fly towards the sky and turn sideways. He looked at the ground through the cockpit glass, and happened to see something flying into the sky again. Fortunately, he found the attacker's position. After climbing to a certain height, Immediately turn the nose of the plane and dive towards the top of the mountain...

The pilot of the crashing fighter was sweating and his hands fell on a red tab between his legs.

"All the gods, you must protect me..." He pulled hard with both hands!

I saw a circle of screws on the fighter canopy being fired out one after another, and the entire canopy was unfixed!

Bang! The canopy flew off.

The flames spewed out from under the pilot's cockpit. Many plastic equipment roasted by the hot temperature melted and caught fire, and the pilot and the seat were ejected together! After ejecting from the cabin, the booster adjusted its direction and flew vertically to a high altitude. Finally, the flight seat was separated from the pilot. The parachute bag under the descending pilot's butt opened the guide chute. After a while, the pilot felt a sudden shock and the parachute was fully Opening it, it was only then that the pilot breathed a sigh of relief that he would not die for the time being.

Looking up at the sky, another fighter jet that was hit had also parachuted out. The other four fighter jets were swooping down and firing aerial bombs at the top of a mountain. The attacker must be there.

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