Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 418: Upgrading Computer

Rubik's Cube returned to the factory to continue the development of fighter jets. If there were fighter jets, those damn Marukuni army warships would not have been able to go to the Rubik's Cube's territory to show off their power. Finally, a few ships ran back. Once they come, they must stay! Next time, not only must the opponent stay but also be beaten back happily. Not fighting back is not the style of a mechanical army.

After repeated calculations and precise operations, the first fighter came out of the production line. Different from the Earth fighter, this special fighter is more sci-fi and many design principles violate the laws of the Earth. If more are built in the future, they will be named Air Combat Team, which is better than the current one on Earth. The fighter jet is slightly larger and does not use a front triangular landing gear. It uses two mechanical legs as landing gear. It can rise and fall vertically. It is equipped with an energy weapon and can carry cluster bombs and conventional missiles. It currently does not hit outer space, so it has space torpedoes. Temporarily slowing down the loading, since there is no need to worry about overloading the human body through excessive aerial maneuvers like humans, fighter jets controlled by fire can fully exert unimaginable maneuvering capabilities.

A group of mechanical beings with high combat achievements were selected from the high-altitude drones that have performed well recently and upgraded to new fighter jets, and the air combat team was officially established.

At present, the demand is not too big and Rubik's Cube has only built twenty fighter planes. In addition to excellent high-altitude drones, Rubik's Cube has also selected several outstanding spider robots and combat robots to upgrade to fighter planes. The enhanced body is full of infinite temptations for mechanical life. Each mechanical life seems to be fighting harder. The only ones who can feel the enthusiasm of the mechanical life are the zombies far away...

One morning, young scientists who had just arrived at Jiangcheng Airport saw a row of cool fighter jets parked in front of the factory. The dark metal gave off a faint luster. The ubiquitous science fiction atmosphere deeply intoxicated these future scientists.

Xiaorou walked out of the car holding her laptop and was immediately attracted by the row of fighter planes.

"Those...are fighter planes? Can we obtain the technology of those fighter planes?"

"To be honest, I, an old man, have been confused by those airplanes. Many places have violated the principle of flight? Why are they made like this?" Mr. Jiang, who finally got off the car, felt as if he was back in elementary school, simply learning more and more. The more I feel like I can do nothing.

"How about I go and ask?" Xiaorou rolled her eyes and focused on the Rubik's Cube.

"This... isn't very good... but it's really hard not to understand."

"No matter, it's torture to see such advanced equipment and not understand it. By the way, the robot seems to have built some large facilities around it. I feel like it's an energy harvesting device." The more Xiaorou looked at those facilities, the more she was fascinated by them. Attracting his footsteps, he moved over a little bit, as if there were some huge magnets attracting him to the construction robot.

After Xiaorou left, Mr. Jiang looked around with a blush and sighed to himself that he had also cheated on his children, but when he saw no one was watching, he walked away.

Over there, Rubik's Cube is leading the engineering staff to install the latest solar collection panels. The area and scale are quite large. They can be called a solar power station. Xiaorou took a rough look and saw that there are tens of thousands of solar collection panels. The area near Jiangcheng Airport is almost deserted. The farmland is completely occupied, and the shape looks more and more familiar.

"Hey~ Rubik's Cube, what are you doing."

Xiaorou climbed onto a construction vehicle and shouted at the Rubik's Cube. The Rubik's Cube turned to look at the ghost girl.

"Of course we are building energy facilities. I don't believe you didn't realize that this is your computer?" Rubik's Cube pointed at the notebook in Xiaorou's arms and said.

"Yeah, the most popular fruit brand before the end of the world, I spent a lot of money to buy it."

Xiaorou touched her computer proudly. When she saw the playful expression on the big mechanical face, she realized that this robot was a real high-tech expert. In its eyes, this computer was probably just a piece of junk.

"Bring it to me and I'll help you upgrade it."

"Really? Thank you so much!"

Xiaorou hurriedly handed the laptop to the Rubik's Cube in excitement. Xiaorou had seen Zhang Xiaowen's laptop before. That ordinary domestic brand computer before the apocalypse was simply not like the earth in terms of performance, solar energy absorption and waterproof functions. After asking, I did get the answer to the high-tech upgrade of the Rubik's Cube. From that day on, Xiaorou dreamed of asking the Rubik's Cube to upgrade her computer. Unexpectedly, she took the initiative to help before she even asked. Think of those advanced functions. Very excited.

The Rubik's Cube stretched out its mechanical hand and gently held the notebook in his hand. It was not too light, and a little focus could crush this thing to pieces.

"Discover low-tech computer, initiate upgrade process."

"Upgrading is in progress and is expected to be completed in ten seconds."

Ten seconds later...

"After the upgrade, it has been determined that it is still a low-tech computer. It is recommended that it be destroyed and disposed of as physical garbage."

The Rubik's Cube was embarrassed. This system always told the truth and didn't know how to take care of the little girl's face. Look at this girl, her head was almost buried in the ground. After thinking about it, she added many special programs to the computer to recover all the The energy tentacle Rubik's Cube on the computer handed the notebook to Xiaorou.

"I have installed many identification systems in the computer that only you can use. I'm worried that this computer will be confiscated after you leave here, so it can only be used by you. If anyone is dissatisfied, you can let them crack the computer program themselves. That way they will be immersed in cracking programs until they die of old age.”


Xiaorou was both happy and humorous when she heard this. Yes, the programs created by these mechanical beings could not be solved by programmers until they died. Just now, she was worried that she could not protect her computer like Zhang Xiaowen. Blink A brilliant idea came up in a short time, and Xiaorou started to look around for some topics to talk about. At first glance, she found that the solar collection panels seemed to be arranged in a regular pattern.

"Are you setting up gossip?"

"Bagua? What gossip? Is it the kind of pattern invented by the ancient civilization of the Dragon Kingdom?"

"Yes, if you don't believe me, look at your shapes, from here to there..." Xiaorou stood on the engineering vehicle and pointed with her little hand at the solar collector array under construction. With this finger, the Rubik's Cube discovered It really seems like that. Wow, I never thought that I would plagiarize intellectual property rights.

"Can solar energy really generate enough energy to maintain the operation of a mechanical army? Our earth's utilization rate of solar energy has always been very low."

"How to say this... Well, to put it in one sentence, just because you didn't see it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. It's very troublesome. If you explain it clearly, you won't be able to do anything else in this life."

"That's it..."

Xiaorou nodded in understanding.

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