Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 419: Rescue

"Well...can I go see your new fighter plane? It looks so cool~"

"It doesn't matter if you look at it, just test drive it. There are no manned facilities on the fighter planes. In addition, the technology of these fighter planes is simply incomprehensible at the current level of the earth, so you better not make up your mind. A snake cannot swallow an elephant, unless you Only when technology has advanced to a certain level can we understand these technical details.”


The Rubik's Cube did this for the benefit of the scientists of the Dragon Kingdom. There is no need to cite too many examples. The wreckage of the reconnaissance plane he flew on made the scientists of the Dragon Kingdom waste a lot of time and achieve nothing. I know they can't accept it at the moment. Honestly First learn to walk, then slowly learn to run and jump.


While the Rubik's Cube was under construction near the airport, the Tanuki helicopter combat team responsible for expanding the safe zone to combat zombies ran into some trouble.

A standard Civet Cat helicopter combat team generally consists of a Civet Cat helicopter and four to five combat robots. Usually, the Civet Cat helicopter carries combat robots on both sides to search for zombies in the red area, and then either fires in the air or drops combat units. Ordinary zombies are the easiest to clean up. , followed by the primary mutant zombies and the secondary mutant zombies. The third-level mutant zombies will usually call more combat teams to assist in the attack. Today, a civet helicopter combat team encountered a rescue problem.

In mid-air, four combat robots hung on both sides of the Tanuki helicopter were hovering around an ordinary house in the mountains. The house was crawling with primary and secondary lickers, and there were a large number of ordinary zombies waving their arms and roaring as they squeezed in outside. , the detection results showed that there were two survivors, one large and one small, in the house. The house was very ordinary and did not have any strong structure to stop those devil-like lickers. The roof tiles were flying and the door creaked. If it were not for I'm afraid the wooden boards installed for safety have been torn long ago.

While hovering in the sky, the combat robot could barely pick up the cry of the child coming from the house. It was obvious that he was not dead, otherwise he would not have the strength to cry while being torn apart.

A combat robot raised its gun and pointed it at the house. After thinking for a while, it turned the gun and shot the zombies in the yard. It was not that it didn't want to shoot the lickers on the house, but that the building structure could not withstand the powerful machine gun bullets. Penetrating power, when killing a zombie, it will also kill the two people inside.

"The 933rd Combat Group seeks support from five nearby combat groups. Time is very urgent."

The five nearest Civet Cat helicopter combat groups immediately turned around and headed straight for the area marked on the map. At the same time, the combat robot hovering over the house controlled the three-barreled rapid-fire machine gun on the side of the Civet Cat helicopter to fire at the zombies in the yard!


The bullets were fired so fast that the sound was almost continuous, and bullet casings fell like rain under the machine gun, sweeping across it was an empty area of ​​bloody flesh. When the body encountered the torrent of metal, it always seemed so insignificant. After carrying all the bullets, the rotation speed of the rapid-fire machine gun slowly slowed down, and the barrel became a little red.

"There are still a lot of zombies, what should we do?"

"If we don't rescue him, the human child and the adults will die before the rescue comes."

"There are too many second-level lickers. If we go down, the four of us will easily be killed, but... I can't watch children die in front of me, what about you?"

"We're going to do something."

On the helicopter, four combat robots were discussing whether to take the risk to rescue the two human survivors, one large and one small.

"Are you crazy? Those lickers will tear you apart! According to the combat rules, when facing an enemy that cannot be dealt with and threatens you, you should give priority to saving yourself. Even if we don't save the two of them, we will not violate any rules. Mechanical law!" The Tanuki Helicopter was startled by the idea of ​​four combat robots and quickly persuaded them. They had been fighting together for so long and really didn't want to watch four of their kind die in front of their eyes. Maybe this is what humans call emotion.

"No, we have souls and minds, and there are children there. Thank you for your kindness, but we have decided to lower the altitude and let us go down."

"What a bunch of lunatics!"

The Tanuki helicopter hummed as it descended to a height where it could be airborne, and the four combat robots jumped off without hesitation, holding their guns...

"Don't die! Otherwise, it will be difficult for me to do business when I get back!"

Looking at the four combat robot tanuki helicopters jumping off the ground, he yelled, and then began to adjust the nose and cannons to aim downwards to prepare for support. For some reason, at least six second-level licker zombies and a bunch of primary level lickers were gathered here. There are lickers and ordinary zombies, which are a little bit more stressful for the four combat robots.

Bang! The four combat robots holding machine guns almost simultaneously bent their legs slightly to release their strength and landed on the ground!

Kaka ~ Put on the bayonet immediately. Sometimes the bayonet is more effective than bullets at such a close distance. After attaching the bayonet, pull the trigger and fire continuously, blasting away the lickers and ordinary zombies that are jumping on the houses one by one. The brick walls of the house were shattered by the flying bullets, and there was black blood everywhere. Some lickers felt threatened and jumped directly on the four combat robots, but they automatically jumped on the bayonet and were stabbed to the core.

Looking from the sky of the Civet Helicopter, countless zombies began to surround the four combat robots. The anxious Civet Cat Helicopter could only urge other Civet Cat Helicopter combat teams to come as soon as possible.

"The situation is quite dangerous! How much time do you have until you arrive!"

"Estimated to take five Earth minutes."

"Then it will be difficult to last five minutes. You should speed up."

The other five supporting Civet Cat helicopters knew that the situation there was critical as soon as they heard it, so they turned on the afterburner system and accelerated as hard as they could, but the Civet Cat helicopter's maximum speed was right here and it was impossible to go faster.

"Change the magazine!"

A combat robot with an empty magazine pulled out the empty magazine and kicked away a charging zombie. Then he threw the magazine in his hand and smashed the head of an ordinary zombie. He loaded the new magazine with two clicks and continued to fire. , the constantly vibrating firearms and the collapsing shells seemed to be celebrating the killing. Every area seen by the mechanical eyes was filled with black and red blood!

"Beware of Level 2 Lickers!"

In an instant, two machine guns opened fire at the charging secondary licker. Almost all the ferocious bullets hit the secondary licker's chest and pushed it back.

"fire in the hole!"

A combat robot learned the earth's military language from somewhere. He opened a personal grenade and threw it towards a group of zombies. The safety bounced off with a ding. The grenade with a flashing red light rolled in mid-air and hit the ground among a group of zombies. This thing did not It didn't attract the attention of any zombies, and even if they did, they wouldn't care.


There was a violent explosion and dust flew up. Four combat robots took advantage of this opportunity and hurriedly approached the house through the blasted passage, opened the door and got in.

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