Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 431: Flying with zombies

The transport plane hovers and the Furious and Death Scorpions jump out of the plane.


After the Rubik's Cube deformed, its mechanical feet crushed a large amount of rocks and landed on the top of the mountain. The mechanical hand pulled out a propeller machete from its back and pointed at the corpses.

"Strangulate those high-level zombies wandering around the periphery of the corpse group. Don't let any of them go."


Immediately, three giant Transformers began to encircle and suppress the high-level zombies lingering near the zombies...

The mountainous area here belongs to the type of valley between the mountains on both sides. Countless zombies are densely packed in the valley and pushing towards Jiangcheng. The slopes on both sides are where the third-level zombies hang out. It is not difficult to walk on the slopes. It can easily avoid the bombing of white phosphorus bombs. After two bombings with no effect, the flight formation ignored these high-level zombies and concentrated on dealing with the ordinary zombies, so there were only some third-level zombies walking around on the hillside.

The huge weight of the Rubik's Cube caused a landslide on the hillside. A level 3 licker nimbly and quickly rushed towards the Rubik's Cube from some crooked trees. It thrust its limbs on the tree trunks and rushed towards the Rubik's Cube!

The left manipulator raised its hand, grabbed the licker, and threw it against the rock, as if it killed a frog...

"Separate a group of civet helicopters to use mechanical missiles to attack high-level zombies and search for the location of the rat corpse demons."

"Command confirmation."

A group of civet helicopters were immediately separated from the formation and began to attack high-level zombies. At the same time, a large number of reconnaissance devices were dropped to search for zombies over the corpse group. There were many zombies in the corpse group. Fortunately, there were many small gadgets such as reconnaissance devices that could be manufactured at any time. , high performance and fearless of death, it can be called a weapon for investigation.

bass! The machete directly cut off the neck of a tank zombie, and the Rubik's Cube mechanical foot kicked the headless corpse's chest and directly kicked it down the hillside. In the process of rolling, it killed countless ordinary zombies.

The Rubik's Cube is waiting. It is impossible for such a huge group of zombies not to have level 4 zombies. If a few zombie demons want to get rid of a large number of zombies, how can they succeed without the consent of those level 4 zombies? The zombie group is too big and there are too many zombies. The detection equipment cannot detect it. The chaotic environment makes accurate judgments. Quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes. The valley is no longer as vibrant as it used to be. There is a strong corrosive smell of white phosphorus bombs and a stinking corpse gas that permeates the valley almost like a sea of ​​clouds. The smell was stronger than marsh gas.

Another tank zombie rushed over. The Rubik's Cube robot grabbed the big head and slammed it against the rock. The big head and the rock were smashed into pieces.

The big trees on the hillside were constantly smashed into pieces by the three Rubik's Cubes and fell down. Occasionally, the heavy tree trunks could kill a few zombies. They were cleaned up along the hillside all the way to the other side. Fury opened fire and punched them with fists from time to time, and the death scorpions were It's much simpler. Lickers and evolved zombies only need to be cut. The sharp giant claws can't even withstand a poke from tank zombies.

Half an hour later...

The mechanical life is not tired, but after half an hour of continuous fighting, there are still many scratches on the armor. Some are scratched by rocks, and more are scratched out by the zombies' nails. It is easy to cause continuous cutting and smashing. The mind is tired and the vigilance is relaxed, but fortunately, computer systems do not have the same problems as humans.

"Finally can't help but take action? Pay attention to prepare for the attack of level 4 zombies, and give priority to using the deceleration energy field to control those speed zombies." He ordered while smashing a level 3 licker's head Rubik's Cube.

"Ready and ready to fight at any time."

The Rubik's Cube and the Death Scorpion continued to pretend they knew nothing and continued to kill level 3 zombies with rage. In fact, the movement of each level 4 zombie was marked on the computer screen. It was very embarrassing. Five of them came at once, and three evolved. The zombies include a licker and a tank zombie, which is exactly the proportion of advanced zombies.

With the five level four zombies following him, he moved little by little to the ridge on the top of the mountain. The other side of the mountain had already been secretly arranged with dense nano carbon fiber wires. This was a trap...



After quickly transforming into a Paver heavy-duty helicopter, the Rubik's Cube quickly flew over the heads of five level four zombies. The winches on both sides of the helicopter used for lifting and lowering launched two steel cables with mechanical hooks!

puff! The two steel cables were all shot into the muscular muscles of the somewhat slow-moving tank zombie. The mechanical hook suddenly popped out and the manipulator grabbed the flesh and plunged it into the flesh. Then the machine in the flesh opened a fixed device similar to an umbrella, and the tank zombie was captured by the Rubik's Cube. After everything is done, the propeller makes a huge roar and flies upward with force and stirs the winch to pull the tank zombie up. As long as it is pulled up, the tank zombie has no focus and cannot use its strength!


The tank zombie was furious. It flailed its legs and kicked countless big trees before flying into the air. Perhaps it was the first time to fly. The tank zombie was obviously frightened. It kicked its legs and clawed desperately. The hooks in the muscles of its shoulders and back were firmly attached to the muscles. No matter how hard I try, I can't get it out. After flying away from the hillside, the Rubik's Cube rises higher and higher, bringing with it the tank zombies, and for the first time, zombies rise into the sky...

Ground on the hillside.

Fury blocked the three evolved zombies and forced the three guys to the other side of the hillside without leaving a trace. The death scorpion was using the deceleration energy field to fight with the fourth-level licker. The fight was full of blood and flesh, and parts fell off. The death scorpion was completely Having the upper hand, the licker's lizard-like tongue attack failed to do any damage in the face of the perfect defense of the giant claws. The speed advantage was suppressed, and death was only a matter of time.

"Mr. Muscle, welcome to foreigners' paradise."

The helicopter was still rising, and the huge power brought the tank zombies to fly below the clouds. The cold temperature at high altitude reminded the tank zombies of the difficult winter.

Buzz buzz——

The propeller engine continued to roar, lifting the tank zombie up. This guy would be a scourge on the ground, but it would be different in the sky. He was trembling and frightened, looking like a wronged little animal. This height was not enough. It will continue to rise, and the Rubik's Cube will make this zombie set a record for the highest flight, and let it leave a glorious page in the history of zombies.

"Didi, the altitude is 4,500 meters." The computer automatically sent out the altitude data.

Ice crystals have begun to appear in the wounds of the tank zombies, and the body temperature has dropped sharply and its activity has become weaker and weaker. This is a reaction that zombies only have in winter. After all, zombies are not warm-blooded animals, and the cold will affect their body functions.

"Didi. Height 5,500 meters."

At this time, the zombies fighting on the ground could no longer be seen from the sky. Even the fury could not be seen clearly. It had completely turned into a gray color. Only the flashes of explosion flames and the thick smoke from white phosphorus bombs could be seen clearly. , the Rubik's Cube feels that it will be almost done if it rises for a while...

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