Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 432: Falling objects from high altitude

Soon, the height reached six thousand meters.

"Then, you can return to the wonderful ground. I wish you good luck." After Rubik's Cube finished speaking, the umbrella-shaped hooks in the tank zombie's muscles suddenly merged and fell out of the muscles with a handful of black blood, and black blood spread all over the sky. Quickly forms ice crystals.

The rising tank zombie suddenly found itself stopped in the air, as if it was staying in the sky quietly with no support around it. The tank zombie's underdeveloped head, the size of a walnut, must not know that this is a state of weightlessness. What will happen next? You will experience falling objects from high altitude and feel the law of gravity that few people like...

After pausing for two or three seconds, the tank zombie noticed that the wind was getting stronger and stronger, cold air was continuously poured into his mouth, and he was falling uncontrollably!


The Rubik's Cube transforms into a Transformer form. The propeller cape on its back slightly shakes to adjust its falling direction to chase the tank zombies. The left robotic arm transforms into a cannon form and fires at the tank zombies!


The tank zombie was shaken. Although it was not fatally injured by the cannonball, the speed of its descent increased again after being hit by the impact. Yes, the Rubik's Cube did not intend to kill it with a machine cannon, just to increase its falling speed. What happened next? It is to keep firing at the tank zombies to make them fall faster, and the height value decreases rapidly.


When the Death Scorpion knocked away the Level 4 Licker's attack, its tail suddenly fired at the Level 4 Licker. The energy bomb directly penetrated the Level 4 Licker's shoulder and knocked off one of its arms. The guy was seriously injured and in pain. Trying his best to fend off the giant claws of the death scorpion, he turned around and jumped down the hillside, in the direction of the trap area on the other side of the hillside...

"Hehe~ You're dead." Death Scorpion said grimly.

The fourth-level licker who jumped down the hillside and thought he had escaped suddenly felt a leg hit, followed by severe pain. When he looked down, he found that the entire leg had been cut off in half. When he stopped, only half of the leg had been cut off. The remaining arm was in pain again and again, and then it was discovered that what seemed to be a very thin metal wire was cutting into the flesh. The legs and arms were injured. The unbalanced Level 4 Licker rolled downwards, and his whole body was seen inexplicably. There are more and more wounds.

The Death Scorpion waved its giant claws twice, ready to help Fury to deal with the three evolved zombies, when it suddenly raised its head and looked at the sky.

In the blue sky, the computer marked two small boxes, one green and one red, falling at a high speed. The green box marked the Creator. The Death Scorpion finally understood what the Rubik's Cube wanted to do. It was to crush the tank zombies alive. The rhythm of flesh, it turns out that no matter what is in contact with the earth at high speed, it will not win. The earth is still the earth, and what falls down is not necessarily the same as before.

Height two thousand meters...

One thousand meters high...

The Rubik's Cube quickly transformed back into the Pavement Heavy Helicopter. The propeller tried hard to control the descent speed. At the same time, it launched two rockets. After the two rockets detached from the pylon, they dragged their tail flames straight towards the fourth-level tank zombies below. The first one exploded. It did not hit the tank zombie but exploded above it. The huge explosion shock wave once again accelerated the tank zombie's descent speed. The second one was as usual, maybe it was too fast, and even the stupid head of the tank zombie realized that he was about to face it. To what.

Buzz buzz——

The propeller engine made a huge roar and tried to increase the thrust to slow down the falling speed. Rubik's Cube tragically discovered that the falling speed seemed not to be beneficial to itself and overestimated the helicopter's response ability in this situation...

"Oh~ I'm playing Dafa...!"

The level 4 tank zombies fell very fast and reached low altitude in almost the blink of an eye. Directly below was a huge rocky mountain. The exposed rocks of the mountain looked very rounded by the wind and sun.

boom! The level 4 tank zombie suddenly landed on the rocky mountain top. The camera zoomed in countless times. After the tank zombie slowly came into contact with the mountain rock, its muscles were slowly flattened like a piece of cake and stuck to the rock. The big face landed chin first, from the side. The entire face was compressed back. After a short time, as the tank zombie completely hit the mountain rock, the rock began to deform and crack. In the blink of an eye, the tank zombie and the mountain rock shattered into pieces. This blow actually cut the height of the top of the mountain by two meters. The unlucky guy's intestines flew out. Maybe he didn't even have time to feel the pain.

Immediately afterwards, a heavy-duty helicopter flying down the side of the mountaintop almost clinging to the hillside with a huge roar. The Rubik's Cube narrowly avoided the top of the mountain and continued to descend along the hillside. Finally, it passed over the heads of many zombies in the valley and flew up again, almost I climbed up by drawing a black and red route close to the zombie's head.

"It's exciting, but it's not safe..."

The Furious and Death Scorpions on the top of the mountain tricked another evolved zombie into the trap area, while the other two ran away desperately. The fourth-level evolved zombies could speak and even think. Two guys died inexplicably on the back of the hillside. The guy didn't believe that there was nothing there. Just because he couldn't see it didn't mean it didn't exist, so he simply made a strategic retreat!

After flying up to the top of the mountain and transforming into a Transformer, the Rubik's Cube landed and looked at the entire group of corpses.

"Have you stopped moving forward? Have the corpse monsters run away? What a bunch of gutless trash. Then, there are only two groups of corpses still moving, one has been cannibalized by mutant animals, and the last one is left..."

The huge valley was almost filled with white phosphorus bombs, and there was burning and pungent fog everywhere. In the fire of napalm bombs, many zombies were like burnt frogs, with only bones still flickering and emitting sparks. A large amount of chemical weapons and burning made the valley as dead as hell. It was estimated that it would take several years for this place to recover.

The civet helicopter was still using a three-barrel rotary machine gun to strafe the zombies. The air combat team had already turned to bomb the last threatening group of zombies, and high-altitude drones were also moving one after another. At this time, the reconnaissance device found a corpse demon...

Two civet helicopters quickly flew to the area where the corpse demon was located, and at the same time, the device under the belly was opened to reveal a thicker strange weapon.

"The corpse demon was found and locked with a net gun."

Bang! The weapon with a thicker nozzle fired a large net, which directly covered the corpse demon like a spider web, and the two lickers protecting it were also rolled in. Then the second large net was fired. Two large nets made of high-grade toughness materials wrapped the corpse demon tightly, and the more it struggled, the tighter it became.

A civet helicopter lowered its altitude, extended its hook, hooked the big net, lifted up the three tangled guys, and headed straight for the top of the mountain where the magic cube was.

The corpse demon tightly entangled in it knew that it was finished...

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