Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 506: Big Truck

"I'm not afraid of you! You damn monster! Come on! Come and kill me!"

Not far from the Rubik's Cube, there was a fat bald man shouting at the Rubik's Cube. Rubik's Cube lowered his head and saw that not only was this guy's bald head covered in various patterns, but his face was also covered in tattoos. He was wearing an animal skin skirt underneath, which made his neck more original and lively. There are still a bunch of messy things hanging on it, which look like a magic stick.

"as you wish."

The robot grabbed an off-road vehicle and hit the fat bald man hard.

Maybe this guy had taken too many drugs and had hallucinations in his head, thinking he had divine powers. He just stood there with his hands raised in prayer and recited mantras. As you can imagine, his poor god failed to save him. With a bang, the entire cross-country trip The car was smashed into a discus, and that force would be enough for a human being, even if there was a stone underneath.

"A bunch of psychos."

Cursing, Rubik's Cube turned around and walked towards a vehicle full of humans, raising his cannon and aiming at the bus.

"Huh? It doesn't seem like there are crazy people here. They are all women? Imprisoned survivors?" Fortunately, the Rubik's Cube did not open fire directly but scanned one side first. Otherwise, no one in this car of women with their hands locked would be able to escape. The machine gun and the Rubik's Cube walked to the bus with a few steps on their mechanical legs.

The women in the car didn't panic or cry, they just stared at the Rubik's Cube.

Rubik's Cube suspected that these women were frightened by his heroic and invincible appearance. Anyway, those bastard villains were killed and there was almost no threat. The guns picked up from the ground could still be used. Since nothing happened, let's go. Thinking of this, he turned and walked towards the highway. Go and kill some bald villains pretending to be dead.


Hearing someone calling him, Rubik's Cube stopped and turned around.

"Thank you……"

"It's nothing, just killing a few scum and scum." After saying that, Rubik's Cube continued to walk towards the road, repairing the tail rotor as he walked. He had to hurry up on the rest of the way, as long as he didn't encounter these brainless idiots again. A villain is so proud. It’s true that the more society evolves and civilization becomes more developed, the more regressive the thinking of these bastards becomes. Anyone who is evil or who opposes the normal world will be warmly welcomed. In this case, you need to use artillery to speak, and try not to make any noise if you can do it.

Flames rose in the valley, and the women who got off the bus stood behind and watched Rubik's Cube go away. Rubik's Cube didn't know what kind of torture they had experienced to become like this. They have to walk their own path in the future, or continue to be bullied. Or take up arms.

Fortunately, the first woman picked up the gun from the corpse of the bald villain, and then the second and third women picked up the gun more and more.

After solving the madman, think while walking the Rubik's Cube.

Now that the energy is sufficient and the metal is enough, promotion should be considered. So why is the shape of transformation so important? I previously planned to transform into a fighter jet, but after repeated consideration, I gave up the idea. The reason is very simple. The air force fighter jets are already capable of aerial combat and attack. I Transforming into a fighter jet is nothing more than a fighter jet level. The most important thing is the upcoming octopus creature from outer space. They have giant construct creatures such as dinosaur constructs. What is currently missing is a powerful Transformer that can effectively fight the dinosaur constructs. Therefore, the land form will be the first choice for the Rubik's Cube.

Considering that the flight problem is easy to solve, just install a simple propulsion system. It does not need to be too flexible. Having the ability to fly long distances is the best choice.

After walking for about an hour, all the tail rotors were repaired. After a burst of metal mechanical combinations, the Rubik's Cube turned into a Pavement heavy-duty helicopter and parked on the side of the road. However, it was not in a hurry to take off but was debugging all the machinery to prepare for the next step of transformation. .

Taking this opportunity, the Rubik's Cube began to strengthen the metal to enhance its anti-strike ability, especially the mechanical parts. The weapon system is currently sufficient to cope with various current situations, so there are no plans to upgrade for the time being. All that needs to be done is to change all rockets to mechanical rockets. The storage quantity of twelve bullets does not need to be changed. The energy hand knife needs to be modified taking into account energy optimization.

It took more than two hours to finally solve it all. Now I can look for opportunities to upgrade to a more powerful state at any time.

Rubik's Cube was just about to start the engine when suddenly a big truck whistle came from behind the bare mountains in the distance...

Driven by curiosity, I decided to stop on the side of the road and take a look.


The nose of a Peterbilt tractor-trailer appears around the corner, a vehicle familiar to many fans of the movie.

Rubik's Cube fell in love with this powerful and powerful vehicle at first glance. The truck roared past the Rubik's Cube on the road. When the vehicle passed by, several special lights on the nose of the helicopter suddenly emitted a fan-shaped scanning beam to illuminate the entire tractor. The truck head was scanned in detail, and the promotion and transformation began!


The propeller was retracted and reassembled into other parts. Various equipment on both sides of the belly of the aircraft were combined to form the load wheels, front wheels, fuel tanks and other equipment. The cockpit position was quickly recovered and deformed. The front windshield and doors appeared. The entire aircraft body quickly carried out complex and complex operations. Another sci-fi super deformation, completely restoring the characteristics of the tractor truck's front, even the exhaust pipe is exactly the same...

In less than ten seconds, the front of a tractor truck completely deformed.

The engine started, and the powerful sound of the engine made people feel passionate. After the black smoke came out of the exhaust pipe, the huge tractor truck drove onto the road. This is not over yet. Rubik's Cube is repainting the body.

Blue spray paint, red flame pattern, silver parts, and a starship logo rising from the original logo on the front of the car.

"The thick and strong feeling is really good, as if the whole body is full of strength."

With the roar of the engine, the Rubik's Cube drove all the way to the seventh district. Occasionally, it would sound the whistle when it saw someone on the road. It whizzed by in the eyes of many inexplicable eyes. An alien mechanical life disguised as an earth vehicle ran wildly on the earth's highway. Perhaps those guys who are still staring at the radar-warning Pavement Heavy Helicopter will never think that their work has been in vain. Mechanical life can disguise itself as any kind of mechanical body, and it is extremely difficult to find it on earth, unless in ancient times.

Driving on the road and approaching District 7, there were often planes flying over the sky after entering a certain area, but none of them paid any attention to this impressive truck, and were still looking for the suspicious helicopter with their eyes wide open...

When approaching the outer warning zone of District 7, the Rubik's Cube stopped in a deserted small gas station. The yellow sand brought up by the sudden braking covered the spray paint of the Rubik's Cube. It transformed from a clean large truck into a truck that could be parked for many years. Rubik's Cube is making preparations for scrapped vehicles in Japan. A place like that must have done a lot of protection against aliens. Especially after knowing that they have come to the Eagle Empire, they are more likely to increase their vigilance and even use octopus creatures' alien weapons. Rubik's Cube I just need information here, so the problem will be much simpler.

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