Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 508: Insect Invasion

Countless mechanical insects are spreading everywhere in the underground building. The Rubik's Cube is looking for one thing, the computer host in Area 7.

One of the mechanical insects was coming out of the ventilation fan. After adjusting its direction, it was going to see if the computer laptops used by the employees in the 7th District could be connected to the host. After searching around, they found two laptops in a four-person dormitory. One employee was playing a game with a red face, playing very seriously and sweating profusely.


The mechanical insect carefully flew from the side to the interface on the back of the laptop. The mechanical insect's own energy could not start another shut down laptop, so I had to focus on this gaming laptop.

The employee was playing the game when suddenly the screen turned gray and GameOver popped up.

"Asshole! It's all because of the damn flies! I'll swat you to death!"

Snapped! The man smashed the mechanical insect to pieces with a slap, blew the remains of the mechanical insect into the trash can with a blow, took a few deep breaths and continued his game, while the mechanical insect in the trash can was completely out of shape and covered with arcs of electricity. It was declared scrapped in just a few clicks. Although the mechanical insect was hidden, it could not change its small size and sturdiness.

Rubik's Cube was speechless and had to give up this laptop and continue searching for other computers.

The mechanical insect continued to draw the map of District 7. In addition to aliens and the wreckage of alien spacecraft, there are also various advanced weapons research and development laboratories. No wonder the technology has been leading the world before the end of the world and is completely unbelievable. Emotions are all from aliens. If you pick them up from a human body, you will find everything from advanced air-to-air missiles, special radars, weird firearms, etc. From Rubik's Cube's point of view, these things are of little value. They are either too expensive to manufacture and the metal is scarce and cannot be installed in large quantities, or their stability is so poor that they cannot kill themselves.

The search continues.

During the search process, Rubik's Cube found some clues related to the engine company. It was unclear whether District 7 had a cooperative relationship with the engine company or whether there was an undercover engine company inside. In short, human beings are very confused.

Finally, the mechanical insects found an extremely well-guarded place. In addition to various technological equipment, there were a large number of armed guards guarding the room. The room was locked by a full metal door. These were very effective for humans. The mechanical insects directly penetrated into the air conditioning system. Sneak into this room...

While sneaking along the air conditioning system, the mechanical insects discovered a large number of dense lines. This is most likely the host of the seventh area. The mechanical insects entered more than a hundred at a time.

There was no one in the quiet host room, except for the large host server that kept flashing. Only the sound of the radiator on the host server could be heard in the quiet room. A dense number of small mechanical insects crawled out of the ceiling air conditioning unit silently. After getting out of the air conditioning system, they flapped their wings and flew towards the host computer, quickly attaching to each interface for data link...

The Rubik's Cube far outside connected to the host in Area 7 through mechanical insects and began to quickly attack the firewall!


The alarm bell suddenly blared in the quiet command center of the 7th District. The staff member who was napping on the chair was frightened and fell to the ground with a thud. After waking up, he hurriedly got up to check the situation.

"Jem! What happened?"

a colonel shouted to an ensign.

"Someone is invading our firewall! Someone in the underground base is releasing computer viruses! Oh my god... By the gods, our firewall has collapsed, and he is copying data!" the second lieutenant held his head and shouted in disbelief. It just showed that there was a virus invasion. The firewall has collapsed. You know, this place is no worse than the Ministry of Defense! How can this be?

"This speed...is those alien robots! Hurry! Everyone immediately enters a state of emergency to search for alien robots! Highest alert!!"

The entire underground base in District 7 was alarmed. The resting and on-duty personnel immediately took out their weapons and closed the closed doors one after another according to the usual training procedures.

"Jim, where was the abnormality found? Is it the laboratory or which node?"

"I...I don't know...there are no features or traces at all. This is beyond our capabilities..."

"Damn! Call Decentu Air Force Base for support immediately!"

In the underground base where the alarm bells kept ringing, the closed doors were closed one after another. A large number of armed soldiers guarded each entrance and exit. The colonel led a team of people and quickly rushed to the location of the host server. The colonel had an intuition that the alien robot must still be there. In the underground base, it is most likely in the computer room.

Regardless of the chaos in Area 7, the mechanical insects are constantly sending large amounts of data to the Rubik's Cube.

In this information, Rubik's Cube discovered a large number of crazy experiments, including mixing human and animal genes, genetic changes, and even optimization of zombie viruses. In addition to biotechnology, the most important thing is military technology, such as fighter jets, missiles, and various weapons research and development experiments. As early as Decades ago, an alien spacecraft crashed on Earth and was brought back. This operation changed the alert level of District 7. In order to prevent the remains of the alien spacecraft from emitting signals to attract other aliens, the real story behind the Eagle Empire The operator established a scientific research base buried deep underground here.

Since the outbreak of the apocalypse, District 7 has indeed had a series of cooperation with the engine company. There is no way, the world is already like this. If you don't change, you will die. Both parties have gotten what they want. This relationship is in the half-light and half-darkness. Keep it up.

Among them, Rubik's Cube found a lot of information related to himself.

Since accidentally obtaining the engine from the wreckage of the reconnaissance aircraft, District 7 has learned a very depressing news. Although humans think they are high-level, the facts are before their eyes. The seemingly unattainable octopus biotechnology is comparable to that engine. The comparison is like a bicycle facing a sports car. The level of technology is so high that it is completely incomprehensible, and humans are completely at the bottom.

Unexpectedly, they learned that advanced mechanical life forms had appeared in Jiangcheng of the Dragon Kingdom and had signed an agreement with the Dragon Kingdom. This made the researchers in the Seventh District certain that alien creatures with a higher-tech civilization were in the Dragon Kingdom and were cooperating with the Dragon Kingdom. The man behind the news about the Eagle Empire is going crazy.

Why did the Dragon Kingdom obtain higher technology? These should all belong to the property of the Eagle Empire!

They wanted to acquire technology but had to slow down their actions because of the apocalyptic crisis. Marukuni, which was closest to the Dragon Kingdom, became an ideal fighter, and Marukuni was also looking for opportunities to expand its territory so that the Eagle Empire could coincide with each other. What happened next Several invasion incidents were private cooperation between the two countries. Unfortunately, several operations were defeated by the mechanical army, resulting in countless deaths and the destruction of Marukuni's few remaining naval warships and warship operators.

In addition to some vague information about Rubik's Cube, the document also contained information about Zhang Xiaowen, Xiao Jing and others. Rubik's Cube was very calm after reading this information. Before, he felt embarrassed because the engine's self-destruction might kill many people. Now, It is ready to detonate at any time. I believe that engine will keep them in this damn underground forever. Since they have chosen to walk in the darkness, they must be prepared to be swallowed by the darkness at any time!

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