Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 525: Calm down

As soon as they discovered the spaceship, the Guardians of the Galaxy were attacked by a large number of constructed beasts and birds. Seeing that their former counterparts were now like zombies, the members of the Guardians of the Galaxy opened fire angrily. With a few guns, they were able to block the large number of constructed animals. The attack lasted until the Tanuki helicopter arrived.

Transport planes and civet helicopters quickly rushed over and used machine guns to clean up the constructed animals. Perhaps the octopus creatures saw that they would lose and had to order the constructed animals to retreat.

The members of the Guardians of the Galaxy all used real fire. They threw away their empty firearms and brought in a few large long guns from combat robots to continue chasing. They fired grenades and small rockets from time to time, trying to clean them up in an impossible environment. A large number of constructed creatures got into the strange fog without even looking.

Rubik's Cube was startled. What if he was knocked down by the medicine?

As the members of the Guardians of the Galaxy breathed, countless drugs entered their bodies and entered their blood circulation systems. Before the viruses could do their damage, a large number of nanorobots in the bodies of the Guardians of the Galaxy began to clean up. Suddenly, The virus was cleaned up and anti-venom serum was created on the spot. From then on, these viruses had no harm to the members of the Guardians of the Galaxy.

After climbing over a small hillside, the escort members found a bunch of constructs in the bushes, tightly surrounding a strange thing in the middle.

When the goggles were scanned, it turned out to be an alien octopus creature! This guy didn't move fast enough, so he didn't expect the guards to be so aggressive, so he was caught off guard and blocked here. There were only a dozen or so messy mutated animals around him. It could be said that this guy had already been made a dumpling by the guards.

After the crackling gunfire, the animals dragged an octopus creature out of the forest while humming a tune they didn't know where they heard it from. The little raccoon at the back would hit the octopus creature with the butt of his gun from time to time.

By checking the equipment carried by the octopus creatures, we easily found the locations of the other two broken spaceships. They were actually parked in the sea, with only one octopus creature left to guard them. The others were divided into various octopus creatures except for creating various octopus creatures in the forest. Two groups went to search for strategic intercontinental missiles. The first group secretly went to the F city missile base, and the second group went to the vast wilderness of the Bear Country in the north. The Bear Country also has strategic intercontinental missiles with a long range, and the number is greater than that of the Dragon Country. need more……

"Have they separated a few days ago? These bastards still know how to attack in the east and in the west! The radar robot immediately pays attention to the missile objects in the direction of the northern Bear Country. As long as there are missiles in the sky, they must be intercepted no matter where they are shot!"

"Command confirmation."

The Rubik's Cube looked very unhappy. The original metal color looked even colder. A few days later, it was easy to seize the missile base with the methods of those octopus creatures. Now it is as if there is a big mountain pressing on the Rubik's Cube's fire.

Feeling that intercepting missiles is still not safe, search for the coordinates of the nearest missile bases in Xiong Country.

"Immediately set off seven fighter planes to cruise at supersonic speeds to destroy all the missiles in those missile bases. Don't even leave me a single iron pipe!"

"Command confirmation."

Immediately, seven fighter planes roared towards the Bear Country, entered supersonic cruise, emitted a sonic boom and then disappeared quickly.

I don’t know why, but Rubik’s Cube always has a bad feeling...



The transport plane landed at the height of the treetops and opened the hatch. Countless mechanical dogs stared at the large red eyes on their foreheads and jumped off the ground. They sniffed the scent and quickly rushed towards the forest. The bionic muscles gave the mechanical dogs super-fast running and jumping abilities. , the machine gun above the hind legs fired continuously to eliminate one constructed animal after another, and finally they simply used their mouths and claws to tear them apart and violently mopped them up.

The constructed birds in the sky also suffered massacre attacks. A large number of mechanical birds either used laser weapons and machine guns, and the more violent ones directly used their claws and hooked beaks to tear the constructed birds apart.

A large number of mechanical insects entered the forest to search for the remaining alien octopus creatures. The originally troublesome situation quickly subsided after the mechanical animals joined.

Xiaopan near F City sent news that two alien octopus creatures have been found and all the constructed animals have been eliminated. The threat to the missile base in F City has been lifted. Two transport planes and several civet cat helicopters heading to the sea have been found hidden in the sea. The wreckage of the spaceship, as expected by the Rubik's Cube, all the power energy on it was taken away, leaving only two broken spaceships without power. Following the principle that metal cannot be wasted, the mechanical lifeforms enthusiastically moved the three ships in the sea and the river. The spacecraft was all lifted and transported to the recycling station.

Rubik's Cube looked very unhappy. He stood on the top of the mountain and looked north, waiting for news about the seven fighter planes.

Opening the satellite positioning map, the seven green-marked fighter icons were quickly approaching their target. They had already flown out of the territory of the Dragon Kingdom and entered the Bear Country. Fortunately, there was no air traffic control or airspace defense at this time. The seven fighter planes moved as quickly as possible. It quickly approached the target in the air, and finally, the first fighter plane arrived at the nearest target.

More than twenty minutes later.

From the satellite map, the fighter plane launched four small red missile icons representing missiles.

The scene shifts to the missile base in Xiong Country. Four missiles with special shapes in the sky are heading straight for the missile silos and launch vehicles. This kind of intercontinental strategic missile is not usually equipped with warheads, except for those missiles on duty. Will cause extensive damage. Some soldiers at the base had already discovered the missiles roaring from the sky. They yelled and ran out quickly. There was no other way. Maybe they couldn't run away with the missiles bigger than trucks.

When they were about to fly to the position of the intercontinental missile, the four missile shells suddenly split into four parts and opened like umbrellas, revealing the dense small missiles fixed on the axis inside...

Teng Teng Teng...

The dense small missiles were launched continuously and then swarmed towards their respective targets. The entire missile base exploded in pieces!

Not only this missile base, but several other places were also attacked by high-tech missiles. In order to prevent those alien octopus creatures from contacting the army of Rubik's cubes in the universe, they had to cross the border and attack important bases in neighboring countries. As for what would happen as a result? There is no time to consider the series of consequences now. Finding those monsters is the most important thing.

Seven fighter planes successfully destroyed all the nearest missile bases, but the Rubik's Cube still couldn't rest assured and informed the Bear Country? Forget it, maybe they don't want to kill alien creatures but want to obtain technology from those disgusting things.

Just when Rubik's Cube was anxious, he received a message from Liu Wenhai.

"Boss Rubik's Cube, the old man from the headquarters asked me to tell you some bad news."

"When I heard what you said, I knew that the news would definitely make me uncomfortable. There have been enough troubles recently. Let's talk about what decisions noble humans have to make."

"Ahem...I'm very ordinary. Let's talk about business. The old man said that the Alliance, which has been silent for a long time, will hold a meeting to discuss the issue of alien invasion. He also said that the mechanical army will also participate. The time and place will be determined. This meeting is It was initiated by the Eagle Empire and Maru Country, and the Dragon Country is currently quarreling over this matter."

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