Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 554: Unable to start

I don’t know why the female zombie didn’t believe that such a powerful robot would be killed by a group of zombies. Anyway, it’s better to be cautious and leave quickly. Thinking of this, the female zombie didn’t even look at the group of zombies huddled together and dragged the fourth-level male zombie towards it. Walking up the escalator, before I could walk a few steps, I suddenly felt a bad feeling in my heart...


The originally dark underground shopping mall suddenly erupted with light blue fluorescence. The two zombies who turned around only saw something bursting out of light in the pile of zombies. Then the zombies scattered and flew upside down. When the light blue halo passed over their bodies, they were filled with excitement. Trembling and stagnation.

Rubik's Cube stood up and took out the cannon from his back with his left manipulator to quickly charge...

"not good……"

The female zombie grabbed the male zombie and dragged it behind a load-bearing pillar. As soon as she hid, she saw a light blue light flashing outside the pillar. Many zombies flew past both sides of the pillar with their bodies twisted and distorted. The annoyed Rubik's Cube finally used the energy shock wave. Killing zombies in an area, holding the cannon in the left hand, turning in circles and shooting the dense zombies with energy shock waves, the small red dots belonging to the zombies' lives disappeared in the video.

After killing all the zombies, Rubik's Cube aimed the cannon at the load-bearing pillar, and the energy shock wave was changed to energy bombs!

The two zombies hiding behind the pillar suddenly found that the ground was quiet. After thinking for less than a second, they felt a bad feeling in their hearts and hurriedly lay down on the ground together...


The load-bearing pillars were smashed into pieces, and cement slag and steel bars were flying everywhere. The two zombies lying on the ground were only covered in cement dust and were not hit. The female zombie knew that no matter how fast she ran, the robot would calculate her movement trajectory and use it. When hit by a faster energy cannon, it is better to step forward and fight than to run away and die!

I have to say that this female zombie's combat understanding is quite high. As she thought, she would only be hit by energy bombs from the Rubik's Cube if she ran away.

The level 5 zombies are very fast in a short distance. Rubik's Cube can only put away its cannon and use Tang knife and fists to fight the female zombie. Rubik's Cube is waiting for the level 4 male zombie to come over. Sometimes the energy field attack is too weak if it is too far away. It failed to produce the expected effect. Sure enough, after seeing the female zombie fighting with the Rubik's Cube, the male zombie also rushed over.

It's now!

Buzz…! The aperture spreads and decelerates the energy field suddenly erupting, and then the left mechanical fist hits the female zombie's chest hard at the heart, knocking the female zombie away. The huge force hits the heart, making the female zombie feel suffocated due to insufficient energy supply, and temporarily loses the fight. Ability, then the Rubik's Cube did not take advantage of the victory to attack the female zombie, but instead focused on the male zombie. With a sudden swing of his right mechanical hand, the Tang knife came out of his hand and rushed forward with the tip of the knife... straight towards the fourth-level male zombie...

"don't want……!"

Phew! The Tang knife passed through the chest of the male zombie who was disturbed by the deceleration energy field and reached the hilt of the knife. The huge force flew the male zombie backward. Finally, the Tang knife penetrated into a load-bearing pillar on the side. The male zombie who almost stabbed the heart was killed by the Tang knife. Pierced through the chest and nailed to a pillar, he temporarily lost his fighting ability.

The female zombie, who was worried about her spouse's safety, was in chaos. Taking advantage of this opportunity, the Rubik's Cube stepped forward and kicked her in the heart again. The female zombie was kicked to the ground and slid to the side. Before she could struggle to stand up, she felt her chest sink. The mechanical foot As she was stepping on her chest, there was a cannon barrel emitting red heat in front of her eyes. The buzzing sound and flashing light inside the barrel told the female zombie that she would be killed immediately if she dared to move.

"Ho! Let go... ahem... let go of my wife..." The male zombie who was nailed to the pillar grabbed the blade with both hands and kept exerting force, but it was of no use except cutting his own palm.

Rubik's Cube ignored the male zombie and continued to charge the cannon. The cannon's energy was already at its maximum.

The mechanical finger was about to pull the trigger. Suddenly, the Rubik's Cube was stunned for a moment. Was the female zombie crying? Why do zombies have tears? Is she sad?

"Why are you crying?"

The female zombie took a breath and tried not to cry, but tears still fell down her dusty cheeks.

"Because of the helpless fate, you are right. There are too many helpless things in the world. I just let our family of three accept our fate..." After saying that, tears fell down on his cheeks and fell to pieces on the dusty ground.

"a family of three?"

The Rubik's Cube was stunned, and then the mechanical eye shot out a fan-shaped scanning beam to conduct a thorough inspection of the female zombie. When scanning to the lower abdomen, the scanning equipment found a life signal. Is the level five female zombie pregnant? It's true that high-level zombies will find a mate, but this is the first time Rubik's Cube has seen a zombie getting pregnant. Pregnancy and childbirth are the continuation of life, but... are zombies life?

In an instant, the Rubik's Cube Fire Computer quickly calculated and even got a little hot, and inadvertently fell into a dead end.

What is life? Existence, self-awareness, emotion, continuous reproduction, Rubik's Cube knows that there are many ways of life, and these two zombies are one of them. They even have cell continuation, but are they two zombies? The unconscious mind of zombies is driven by the virus and they eat to replenish virus nutrition. They are virus parasites. But what about advanced zombies that can reproduce after regaining consciousness? They already belong to the category of life...

The underground dark space became quiet, with only the two lights on the Rubik's Cube shoulders shining on the female zombie, and the teardrops on her cheeks reflected crystal light under the light.

The two of them eat beef and mutton, take care of each other, and have a deep relationship. Such zombies...maybe they can be saved.

The machine started to work. Three seconds later, there was a necklace in Rubik's Cube's other hand. The female zombie put it directly around her neck without any objection. Then the necklace automatically combined and fastened into an ordinary-looking jewelry. Rubik's Cube put away its cannon. Turn your back and lift the mechanical foot.

"You...you won't kill me? Aren't you afraid that I will attack you?"

The female zombie asked in disbelief. What the Rubik's Cube did surprised her.

"I will not kill a pregnant life with good intentions. You will remain a prisoner of the mechanical army until I find a way to solve the virus threat. The necklace I just put on you has the same power as a machine gun energy bomb. If you break away or stay away from the designated area of ​​​​the mechanical army, the bomb will automatically detonate. Trust me, you will leave nothing but nails and bones."

The female zombie touched the necklace around her neck, and she did feel a huge energy from it. From now on, becoming a captive made the female zombie uncomfortable, but thinking that the child in her belly could be born safely gave her some unspeakable feeling. happiness.

Following the same pattern, Rubik's Cube put a necklace around the neck of the unhappy level 4 male zombie and grabbed the handle of the Tang Dao.

"Be patient, it will hurt."

Before the fourth-level male zombie could react, the Rubik's Cube pulled out the Tang knife with a loud bang, and a ball of black blood came out from the edge of the knife.


The male zombie who fell to the ground coughed up black blood. Although the Tang knife did not hit the heart, the male zombie's lungs were damaged. This injury is nothing to the zombie. I believe it will be healed in less than half a day.

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