Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 555: Imprisonment

Rubik's Cube walked out of the mall with two zombies, and a civet helicopter landed.

"Get on the plane and the helicopter will take you where you need to go. Remember, escaping means death, and killing someone will detonate a bomb. I wish you good luck."

The two zombies got on the Tanuki helicopter and quickly took off to the temporary base of the mechanical army amidst the roar of the engine. When they flew into the sky and looked down, the two zombies saw how huge the mechanical army was. The densely packed mechanical soldiers stood in a formation. Square formations, a large number of planes flying around, and some mechanical birds, the two zombies knew that the Dragon City zombies were over...


After sending away the two zombies, Rubik's Cube continued to enter the mall to search for high-level zombies layer by layer.

It took nearly an hour to kill the high-level zombies in the mall one by one. Rubik's Cube held Tang Dao and continued to enter another building to clean up. He started from the underground parking lot first, and then went up the stairs to clean up one by one. When you reach the top, jump directly and activate the thrusters to fly to another building.

In fact, according to the meaning of ordinary mechanical soldiers, they simply knock down the building and forget about it. They can eliminate the zombies inside the building and the zombies on the street outside without even having to run away. It's so easy.

Rubik's Cube also wants to do that, but if he really does that, the Dragon Kingdom will probably be doomed. It is a ruin that is not even worth rebuilding. If there is time to clean up the rotten bricks and waste tiles, it is better to rebuild in another place. Other cities don't matter. , just change it, countries are different, how can you just change it in this place.

Temporary base in the rear.

After the zombie couple was brought here by the civet helicopter, they were sent to an ordinary house next to the airport. They were given a large piece of meat by the way. The clean and tidy room had good lighting and was not exposed to the sun. It had a kitchen, a bedroom, and a small garden. All of this made the two zombies seem to be separated from each other and couldn't tell where they were.

This point happened to be the rest time for the Guardians of the Galaxy. Ever since they knew that a level 5 zombie and a level 4 zombie had arrived at the base, several guys came over excitedly to watch. They didn't care about the feelings of the two zombies, so they just lay on the window and violently Look, for the animals, it’s no big deal to lie down by a window or something like that. It makes the two zombies awkward and afraid to rush away. Who knows what these animals are wearing weapons and equipment for...

It was pointless to watch in confusion for a long time, and several animals pouted and walked away.

Ruoyan, who was still setting up a stall selling barbecue in the Longshan camp, knew that the Rubik's Cube had captured two zombies. She was so excited that she didn't even set up a stall and went straight to the train. She took the mechanical army's train transporting supplies and ran overnight to a temporary base not far from Longcheng. Level 4 Zombies and level five zombies are rare, and Zhang Xiaowen doesn't bother to care about them. Anyway, this female neurotic zombie's brain is very abnormal after being exposed to nuclear radiation. She can do everything except bite people, so go ahead.

early morning.

Two zombies were eating meat in the house. The door was pushed open with a clang, and then a carefree girl walked in.

"Hi~ I'm Ruoyan, Ruoyou Ruowu Ruo, Hongyanyan, I'm very happy to meet you two~"

Ruoyan came in and greeted the two zombies with a smile on their faces. The two zombies confirmed that the one named Ruoyan was definitely a zombie, and a special variant of the fourth-level zombies. But why was there no necklace around his neck still in the base? Wandering around? How did she do it?

The two zombies introduced themselves in a vague way, and then, various voices of Ruoyan, who was very nervous, could be heard in the room...

Longcheng District.

After the Transformers and aerial firepower cleared out a large area overnight, the mechanical army began to move forward. Densely packed robots entered shopping malls and buildings, and ordinary zombies and low-level mutant zombies were cleared away in large numbers. Rubik's Cube found that although this speed was slow, it was safe. After thinking about it, I found that this action is similar to nibbling. Don't be in a hurry, just keep a steady pace and clear it out piece by piece. This method is really good.

The mechanical soldiers cleared up to the Transformers calibrated position and established a defense line again. The Rubik's Cube, along with the Transformers and air power, continued to clean up the advanced zombies.

The facts are as expected. The pressure increases as you go into the city. There are more and more level 3 zombies that were rarely seen before, and even level 4 zombies will appear. However, we have never seen the couple like that again, and the few we have seen. They were all ferocious and violent, and Rubik's Cube didn't even bother to consider killing these level four zombies directly.

Strange to say, the Rubik's Cube once found the perfect combination of humans and viruses in Jiangcheng Pedestrian Street. The mechanical army has killed countless zombies and contacted countless survivors, but it has not seen a perfect combination. .

This kind of perfect combination has a terrifyingly low proportion, and may even be rarer than level five zombies.

On this day, Rubik's Cube, who had transformed into a Transformer, was walking on the street. His giant mechanical feet kept crushing cars, knocking down street lights, and heading towards the main road. There were several helicopters of the Dragon Kingdom Army in the sky to conduct video surveillance. Rubik's Cube guessed that these were Dragon Kingdom bosses. It doesn't matter if they are sent here to check the true combat strength of these Transformers. Fighting a few zombies will not show their true combat level. Even if they know the combat level, it doesn't matter. They have no way to deal with it.

As we walked, the targeting system on the video screen locked onto a building next to the main road, marked as a subway entrance.

subway? The Rubik's Cube computer screen shows the busy scene of this subway line before the end of the world. Crowds crowd the subway station. There are always so many people getting on and off the train. It is said that if you stand inside, you will be pushed into the subway car without walking. The world is so big, Rubik's Cube is very puzzled by the behavior of human beings who like to gather in a city. Why don't they disperse to other places when there are so many people? They can survive wherever they go.

Shaking off all the messy thoughts, he walked straight across the road to the subway station without even looking at the traffic lights that relied on solar energy.

There is no sunlight in the underground subway station and the crowds are very crowded during the outbreak. Rubik's Cube bets that there will be more zombies than imagined underground. Needless to say, high-level zombies, there may be so many that they can fill the carriage.

"Death Scorpion, come to me."


You can't fight underground without the Death Scorpion. This guy's abilities can be used to their greatest potential in the subway.

After a while, the Death Scorpion arrived. The Rubik's Cube transformed into a human-sized robot and walked into the subway station entrance and exit first. He jumped up and stepped on the middle of the escalator and quickly slid underground. The Death Scorpion turned into a scorpion and burrowed down. For the first time, the Guodu Subway Station welcomed Two extraterrestrial passengers...

After sliding to the bottom and standing still, the Rubik's Cube smashed the head of an ordinary zombie and threw it aside.

"There are really... not many zombies here!"

In front of me, the smelly subway station, which has almost run out of oxygen, is filled with zombies of men, women, old and young. There are even many unlucky ones who have been squeezed to death. Some emergency lights powered by unknown sources are still flickering. The weak light makes the subway The site is filled with an atmosphere of terror.

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