Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 579: The replaced idol

The situation was very strange. The two vampires looked at the man as if they were a ball of poison and kept moving back. If the combat robots were not guarding him, they would have been able to escape. The man who observed this phenomenon boldly continued to move forward. The two vampires His face became even uglier.

He raised his hand and put his arm on the vampire's mouth, which made the vampire retreat in fear.

"Ah ha? Are these damn vampires afraid of me? These damn bastards! Come and bite me! Come on!" Seeing the vampire's expression as if he had seen a ghost, his man was so happy that he kept reaching out to the vampire. , seeing the vampire being tied up, he simply slapped him in the face with his bow from left to right.

"This is for my wife! This is for my good friend! This is for my neighbor Mingdong Wang!"

The two vampires were caught by the combat robot and were unable to move. You could see that the man's hands were swollen and he didn't stop when he was shooting left and right, as if he wanted to vent his repression on the two vampires since he was hunted.

The son and daughter stood at the door of the radar station and stared at their father in shock. It turned out that their father was so powerful! The mutated giant panda, which ran back after hearing the noise, was so happy that it started clapping its hands again. Anyway, its feeling is that the more people, the better, and the more delicious food it will have. When it was in that garden, the more people, the better...

Zhang Xiaowen shook her head, took two syringes, walked towards the two children, and gently injected them with preventive vaccines one by one.

"Wenzi, you go deliver vaccines to those survivor camps, and kill as many vampires as you can. Find time to recycle the vampire hunters on the mission. If there are difficulties, let Ark use ion cannons to solve the problem. I'm going to the capitals of those countries. Look, if I could, I'd kill those bastard bosses who turned into vampires."

"Go, go, I'll take the Ark and the robot to play in various attractions for a few days, and come back early."

"Remember to bring some souvenirs to Xiaojing and Jiajia."

After saying that, the Rubik's Cube walked down the mountain. After playing for a long time, the man, who was exhausted, bent over and gasped for breath. He was surprised when he saw the Rubik's Cube walking down the mountain. Why did he leave? This seems to be their spaceship, right? Before he could straighten up, he watched helplessly as the young Asian man quickly turned into a giant robot and soared into the sky...


The Rubik's Cube flew in the air all night, and the lighted area on the ground was full of laughter and laughter at night. Human beings who once loved the sun have now become evil creatures hiding in the darkness. This is really a great irony.

The sights I saw along the way in broad daylight all illustrate the seriousness of the proliferation of vampires. There are advertisements for arresting humans everywhere. The small towns are quiet, there are no zombies, no humans, not even rats. The small towns are like desolate and lonely mass graves. Even the crows who like to eat carrion are unwilling to come to the vampire residential area, which shows that these vampires exude some disgusting smell.

After flying for a long time, the Rubik's Cube arrived in City B, the capital of a large western country, known as the romantic capital.

Aiming at the spacious and clean city streets, the Rubik's Cube descended. When it was very low to the ground, it suddenly changed from a Transformer to a tractor truck and landed with a crash. Thick smoke billowed out from the two exhaust pipes, and the engine roared and drove quickly on the street.

The city is empty and silent, and no other sound can be heard except the sound of engines. The streets are very clean, and all garbage and debris have been cleaned and hauled away. If there is any characteristic, it is that all the shops or residences in the surrounding streets are covered with thick black curtains, and the Rubik's Cube I feel like I'm traveling in the underworld.

Squeak~! The brakes stopped at the door of a cathedral.


The Rubik's Cube deformed and stood up, turned around and smashed the front wall of the church with his body and walked into the church hall. The falling bricks and broken glass fell all over the floor. The chairs inside were trampled into pieces by mechanical feet. The sudden sunlight shining in made the hiding place A group of vampires in the church screamed and turned into a ball of fire. The Rubik's Cube continued to walk in without looking at the group of vampires. The large chandelier that was knocked off by the huge machine fell to the ground, and countless glass products bounced and rolled down. Finally, the Rubik's Cube stood in the innermost part of the church.

The original belief placed on the wall had long since disappeared, and a black monster with bat wings was placed in its place. The Rubik's Cube did not expect that these damn vampires would give up their human beliefs so quickly and convert to this bird thing.

"Monster...you damn monster will definitely be punished by God...ah...I hate the sun..."

An old vampire struggled and shouted in the debris pile next to the altar. The voice was as unpleasant as a night owl. The Rubik's Cube smiled, stretched out its mechanical hand to clamp the vampire and threw it out the window. Well, it was much quieter now.

"They gave up their faith when they became vampires, and now they create a monster to worship. Are they afraid that they will be punished by the gods they believed in before? I'm afraid they have already been punished. They can't see the sun again. What a pitiful and tragic thing, living in darkness forever, poor virus.”

After saying that, Rubik's Cube took out the machine cannon from his back and loaded it twice, then pointed it at the ugly and disgusting statue.


The statue shattered into powder, and the huge vibration shattered the stained glass on the church window. After breaking the statue, the Rubik's Cube walked outside, and a cannonball shell fell to the ground...

Rubik's Cube was walking towards the largest building. During a simple scan, Rubik's Cube discovered that there were many anti-aircraft missiles and radars around the building, and even several tanks. There were also many remote-controlled weapon base stations equipped with cameras around it. Anyway, an ordinary vampire If you don't know how to use these things to protect yourself, most of the vampires living there will be the country's boss who is willing to become a vampire.

"Destroy their computer network first."

The Rubik's Cube's mechanical eye scanned around, and finally locked on a cable two meters deep underground on the side of the street. It bent down to dig up the soil. The robot hand grabbed the cable and then extended its energy tentacles to drill into the cable.

Immediately, a large amount of information was stolen from many facilities and controlled by the Fire Computer. The anti-aircraft weapon radars around the building all failed. The vampire soldiers hiding underground could not restart the weapons no matter how they operated. Even the remote control weapon base stations lost contact. Not only the weapons outside, but also the computer began to automatically enter the shutdown process.

"This base is mine."

Pulling off the cable, Rubik's Cube walked towards the well-defended building. He had just queried all the information when he hacked into the opponent's computer network system. The people inside were indeed the big bosses of the country. Now it is more accurate to say He should be the boss of the vampire kingdom, and the most active one. In order to drink the best fresh blood and even keep pets, he raised a group of young girls as blood suppliers. He gave the girls the best food he could collect every day, and then Blood was drawn and given to the bosses to enjoy. In order not to be killed by the sun, an underground castle was dug under the building. All kinds of enjoyment were provided.

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