Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 580: Lair

The vampire in charge of the guard immediately entered combat mode after discovering the abnormality. Several tanks at the door were activated. The vampire hiding inside carefully turned the turret and used equipment to search for hostile targets.

Suddenly, several rockets trailing smoke traces rose up from behind a building in the distance. They turned a corner in the air and then suddenly lowered their heads and aimed at the top of the tank. They were so fast that the vampires in the tank had no time to control the slow-moving tank to avoid it. , don’t even think about escaping from the turret, there is no difference between being exposed to the sun outside and being hit by a rocket!


Ding! Amidst the continuous metal collision, the rockets penetrated the top cover of the turret and penetrated into the interior of the turret...

There was a loud bang, and the entire turret was blown away. The heavy turret and the barrel ferociously smashed into the nearby building, smashing the wall and causing collapse. Now, the last barrier for the vampires' defense has completely disappeared. The tank that was once known as the world's ace was destroyed as soon as they met. Expired, the vampire inside turns to ashes.

Through the blazing flames of several tanks, the vampire soldiers could barely see a figure approaching.

"Main entrance! Shoot at will!"

Vampire officers wearing camouflage combat uniforms gave orders. Vampire soldiers hiding deep in the building raised their guns and fired randomly at the door. Bullets were flying everywhere. The white sculpture of the fountain pool outside was broken into pieces by bullets, and the road became a mess. The Rubik's Cube, in the form of a human-sized robot, occasionally emitted sparks, but still walked towards the door with an expressionless face while holding on to the bullet.

"Why! Why can't we kill him! Did we encounter some monster!"

"There are so many monsters! You must have drunk too little blood and are dizzy from hunger!"

Flames were burning at the gate of the collapsed building. Suddenly, a figure slowly walked through the fire and entered the building gate. Those red eyes were particularly scary. Although vampires also have red eyes, they are red but they do not emit light. The figure was red. The eyes were so bright that they could be seen from a long distance away. Just when the vampire soldiers were trying to open their eyes to see clearly what it was, a light suddenly lit up in the dark building...

I saw that the vampire soldiers who were exposed to the light began to burn one after another, and the screams often stopped abruptly after just two screams. Rubik's Cube felt that the easiest battle in the world was now. As long as it emitted light similar to the sun, it could cover a large area. Killing the exposed enemies is so easy that you can't even fight with a lantern. The headlight is so useful!

Follow the downloaded Rubik's Cube of architectural drawings and walk to the underground entrance. Along the way, many unburned charcoal fires on the ground are sparking. Scattered guns and metal equipment are placed next to the charcoal fires. The rank marks left by the vampire soldiers after they were burned are clearly visible.

"There are more than two hundred vampire soldiers inside. Haha, light is better than bullets."

Shaking his head, the Rubik's Cube walked into the underground passage that slanted downwards. There was no way, the elevator was blocked by these grandsons and he had to take the stairs.

The light flickered from time to time, and I met many vampire soldiers on the underground floor. I walked on the spacious underground floor with bullets in my hand. Because of the existence of the sun, there are only so many vampires here and it is impossible to get reinforcements. Even if there are planes and tanks, it is impossible to risk them. He came to the rescue at the risk of being burned to ashes, and the vampire kept turning into charcoal while thinking and walking.

As they walked, a row of cell doors appeared in front of them. Each cell held several young human girls under the age of twenty. At this time, the girls all looked at the Rubik's Cube in shock, looking at this vampire who was constantly burning spontaneously. The robot walking in the middle...

Click! The lock on the cell door was broken by the mechanical hand, and the girls shrank back into the corner of the cell in fear.

Rubik's Cube didn't even look at the frightened girls, who smashed the cell doors one by one, and counted more than forty girls who were imprisoned and used as food.

"It's nine o'clock in the morning. You go out and wait for me outside the door. After dealing with these bastards, I will take you away." After Rubik's Cube said, he turned and walked to the second floor. Several big guys were still waiting for him below.

A few minutes later……

Rubik's Cube pushed aside the burning remains of a vampire soldier, opened the gorgeous wooden door and walked into a luxurious living room. Under the cold candlelight, the room looked like a haunted house. Rubik's Cube walked to a sofa and gave it a try as if he were at home. Sitting down, the red mechanical eyes looked playfully at the three fat white people sitting on the sofa opposite. These three people were the country's big bosses before the end of the world. Their faces were pale, their eyes and lips were blood red, and a small section of their fangs was exposed. There are many online pictures. Television often reported that it was easy to confirm the identity. As expected, they were middle-aged and elderly people who chose to become immortal zombies to continue their lives. There were three goblets on the table, and the blood in the cups belonged to a certain girl.

In the quiet room, one could hear the sizzling sound of burning candles. The Rubik's Cube stared at the three obese vampires with its red-rayed mechanical eyes. The computer boringly calculated how much girl's blood the three of them would drink if they were so fat. .

"Are you...an alien robot?"

Finally, the leading fat man couldn't stand the silence and opened his mouth to ask. It looked very plain, but the computer captured its fearful trembling.

"That's right, it was you and those damn octopuses who launched the communicator before, right? You did a great job. From that moment on, you were doomed to be stupid. Today I saw you were even more stupid."

"You, a robot, don't understand how we feel. Death is terrible."

The other fat man replied.

"Yes, you three are not afraid anymore, and you are still safe and enjoying your life now. How does it feel to sell your soul?"

"As long as we can survive, we are willing to do anything. We have a lot of steel and metal, and we have a lot of resources. As long as you..." the fat man did not wait for the leader to finish.

"Impossible, you must die, and all other vampires must die. Maybe you think that by becoming a vampire, you can live forever and maintain your current appearance forever. You are wrong. The virus is only released slowly, no more than seven years at most. You It will turn into a bunch of shriveled monsters with rickety bodies and miserable screams.”

Rubik's Cube paused and continued.

"This is not over yet. Vampires have aroused disgust in all living things. Your current fighting ability is very bad, right? Don't look at how cruel you are to deal with humans. In fact, mutated animals will always remain hostile to you. Wait until you consume all What can we do to face the increasing number of mutated creatures after the human era? We must know that mutated animals and plants are engulfing the land once occupied by humans.”

The three fat vampires obviously couldn't accept everything the Rubik's Cube said. They wanted to find some excuse but found that they really had little or no understanding of viruses, and they had no knowledge of the mutated animals outside.

"No... vampires are immortal!"

"Forget it, I'm too lazy to argue with you, can you tell me what was going through your brain when you decided to become a vampire? Can you really let go of the sun and still have life?"

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