Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 583: Xijun is dispatched

Behind the cockpit seat, Tingting was secretly looking at the Rubik's Cube.

"Girl, what are you looking at?"

"Ah~ I was scared to death. Sister Wenzi, you make a little noise when you walk. Phew, it scared me so much that my heart stopped." Tingting patted her chest.


Zhang Xiaowen was speechless, your heart was not beating at all...

"I'm watching Big Brother Rubik's Cube. Didn't you find that it's different from before? It's like... it's like there's something extra..." Tingting thought for a long time but couldn't think of any good words to describe her feelings. In short, If you don’t know the truth clearly, you may have learned too little.

"Let me see."

After staring for a long time, Zhang Xiaowen couldn't see anything. Anyway, it was exactly the same as before. What did Tingting see?

"Really, I really see that Brother Rubik's Cube is different from before. In the past, he looked like... a robot with a soul. Now he looks like... a... a..."

"Oops~ What is it? What do you mean?"

"Like a living creature with a soul..."

Zhang Xiaowen was stunned for a moment, and then looked at Tingting. She was a zombie, and she was most sensitive to life and more intuitive than humans. Since she said that the Rubik's Cube became a life, then...did the Rubik's Cube change? If it becomes life, will it be possible to truly fall in love...

Uh-huh! His face instantly turned red.

"Sister Wenzi, what's wrong with you?"

"Ah? It's okay. I'm going to see what happened to the Rubik's Cube."

Zhang Xiaowen walked through the cabin and found a position next to the Rubik's Cube. She followed the Rubik's Cube and looked at the hands. She was curious about why the Rubik's Cube kept staring at her hands. It wasn't gold or diamonds and there was nothing to see. She simply turned red out of boredom. He leaned his face against the Rubik's Cube and put his chin on his shoulder. He blushed and looked at the Rubik's Cube's hands together.

"What's wrong? What are you looking at?"

"I... feel like I have some characteristics of cellular life. Well, how should I put it, that is to say, I now have the characteristics of mechanical life and cellular life, and the Fire Computer is taking the best program gene combinations. In other words I can be regarded as a new life form.”

"so complicated."

"Fortunately, it is expected that it will take a lot of time to transform them all into new lives. In fact, the difference between the transformation and the present is not too big. It's just that the Transformers are stronger in robot form and more like humans in human form. The specific situation will have to wait for a while. Only then can we know how it is.”

"Put it simply."

"That is to say, with the help of the fire computer, I can have human characteristics in the future, allowing me to give birth to future generations in a human way."

"I hate it..."

The sound of fighting came from the cockpit of the Ark, and Zhang Xiaowen smiled happily, as if she had put down a huge burden with great ease, and a kind of happiness spread in this science fiction spaceship...



Dense fighter jets were arranged in a battle formation. The largest frigate in the middle, the West County frigate, slowly sailed out of the space port and headed straight for the Mars area. Not long ago, a reconnaissance plane detected a giant spacecraft on Mars and confirmed it to be a combat spacecraft. When the spacecraft is large, At a certain level, it would be difficult for ordinary small fighter jets to cause fatal damage to it. After calculation by an intelligent program, the West County decided to destroy the large spacecraft in person.

Although the Nishigun, the most powerful in the Jupiter branch of the solar system, is only a frigate, it is still equipped with a large number of super weapons, which will not destroy the planet. It is enough to destroy those spaceships. Except for the necessary units left behind, the Nishigun brings all the fighters and spaceships to approach covertly. Mars……

Compared with the fleet of octopus creatures near Mars, the combat force led by the West County is at a numerical disadvantage. However, all octopus creatures know that the victory or defeat of both sides cannot be measured by quantity. Those robots, not to mention their high technology, do not care about death or being shot. , every battle is life-defying. The powerful overload ability allows the fighter to make many actions that the octopus combat spacecraft cannot. If it were not for the numerical advantage, I am afraid that most octopus creatures would choose to escape instead of staying and waiting to die.

In the dark universe, the Nishigun turned off all light sources and led the fighter jets to sneak through various covers like ghosts.

After bypassing a chaotic area of ​​meteorites, the base camp of the Octopus Biological Fleet appeared in front of the Xijun. A spaceship slightly smaller than the Xijun hovered near Mars, and countless combat spacecraft flew around densely.

"The plan is implemented and the battle begins!"

Immediately, a group of more than a hundred fighter jets turned in another direction at high speed. After flying in the other direction, more than a hundred fighter jets fired all their missiles at the densely packed enemy forces! Countless missiles were flying around with no pattern at all, and their trajectories were chaotic, but they were all locked onto the big ship.

By the time the missiles approached, the octopus creatures were already visible to the naked eye. If the octopus creatures were to fear the mechanical fleet the most, missiles would definitely be the first choice, especially when the missiles opened up like umbrellas and released a large number of small missiles.

It would be okay if these missiles were flying in a straight line, but if they were flying all over the sky, how would they intercept them...

The originally dark universe became noisy, and various interception weapons were fired at the missiles. While the octopus creatures were busy with the missiles, the West Country slowly revealed the two largest large energy cannons on the body and began to charge energy!

More than a hundred fighter jets over there were already engaged in a melee with the octopus combat spacecraft. Just when the octopus creatures were all concentrated on the one hundred fighter jets, they finally discovered the Xijun due to energy chaos. In a panic, they hurriedly gathered the one hundred fighter jets. The combat spaceships around the fighter jets recalled and prepared to attack the Xijun. The Xijun simply fired while charging up energy. When the huge Xijun frigate opened fire, the octopus creature finally knew what a space battleship was!

With countless ion cannons, countless missiles, and dense laser weapons, the Nishigun single-handedly defeated the entire Octopus Fleet.

The main function of the huge spaceship used by the octopus creature is equivalent to the living area and command ship. The weapon power is not heavy enough. Because it has never encountered a planet with a higher combat power than its own, it has no other equipment except simple defense. It was born out of Dragon Star Technology. The West Country is different. When this model was originally developed, it was mainly designed to fight against the Zerg. Almost all of them are the strongest and most powerful designs. A model that can fight against the Zerg for such a long time has naturally experienced the test of war, and it immediately defeated the Octopus Fleet. confusion.

The combat spacecraft kept trying to get close to the Xijun and attack. The huge fighter team led by the Xijun was naturally not a vegetarian. The two sides were closely entangled in a fight. Countless debris and debris were scattered around. Explosions, lasers, and the brutality of the battle exceeded both sides' expectations...

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