Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 584: The Second Spring Festival

Just when a large number of spaceships and fighters were mixed together and exploded continuously, the Xijun suddenly fired two energy bombs to hit the huge spaceship of the octopus creature. The huge spaceship was instantly dismembered into fragments by the energy bombs and spread out! The residual energy of the spaceship exploded, and the violent explosion swept all nearby spaceships. The light emitted by the explosion was very obvious in the universe!


Many institutions and units that have been paying attention to space all day because of the arrival of alien creatures clearly saw the light spots. Some people said that it was the light from the death of a distant star, and some people said that it was some special celestial body. There were many different opinions for a while.

In addition to the mechanical army, only a few institutions detected that it was not a distant star or a special celestial body. It was a big explosion. The energy released by the instantaneous explosion of some high-energy object was captured by many devices after flying a long distance. No one knew what was exploding. Anyway, it was definitely not a natural phenomenon. The threat from space once again cast a shadow on many people's hearts.


After clearing the huge battleship, the octopus creatures' combat spaceships began to flee everywhere, and were smashed by fighter planes in a mess. This was a deadly battle that did not require any messy conventions. There were only two kinds of life and death. Don't think about being captured, because this kind of war does not need any prisoners or humanitarianism at all. Killing is the theme.

After completing the mission, the West County turned around and flew to the Jupiter Spaceport. The remaining minions did not need the West County to clean up at all.

The chaotic and boiling Mars area finally gradually calmed down. The dense wreckage of the spacecraft slowly spread. A huge spaceship and countless combat units just turned into fragments all over the sky, which was very sad.

Today was a victory, but the West County knew that the octopus creatures would definitely have more spaceships rushing here, and there would be endless battles next. Now the important thing is to hurry up to build a space bridge to allow more starships to arrive. Only when the fleet comes can it be possible to completely crush the octopus creature fleet.

Ten days later.

The fleet composed of two giant spaceships came to the vicinity of Mars again. In order to obtain some special resources, they had to detach a small transport ship with a large number of facilities and fly towards the earth under the cover of more than a dozen combat spaceships. These naturally could not escape the detection of reconnaissance aircraft. Soon, another war broke out in the universe, and the small transport ship and more than a dozen combat spaceships quietly escaped the sight of the mechanical fleet reconnaissance aircraft with the help of artillery cover...



The whole Longshan was covered in silver and dreamy. There was a small path on the mountainside that led directly to the Taoist temple halfway up the mountain. Mofang held Xiaojing and Zhang Xiaowen and led Jiajia to the mountain together. It was good to go to the Taoist temple before the New Year and burn incense and feel the nature. What was different from last year was that this time the four evil cats, Feng Xiaoer and the raccoons followed, one by one, wearing tactical vests, which were not filled with ammunition but bags of snacks and dried fruits.

The stone slab mountain road was very steep. Mofang and Zhang Xiaowen were not ordinary people, so they naturally didn't care, but Feng Xiaoer was a little nervous.

We walked past the stream that turned into an ice waterfall and slowly climbed up to the platform in the valley. After climbing for half a day, we finally reached the Taoist temple. In front of the platform, the ancient pine trees were covered with snow like an ink painting, and outside the ancient railings was the cliff and fog.

"Dad~ Look at the little monkey~"

Xiao Jing pulled the magic cube's hair and looked at the entrance of the Taoist temple. Sure enough, a group of mountain elves were rolling up and down in the snow and playing to their heart's content. There was some food on the stone table next to them. They must have been fed by people living in the Taoist temple and those who often went up the mountain. These monkeys originally belonged to the monkey mountain in the park. After the end of the world, they escaped and settled in Longshan. Unexpectedly, they adapted to the climate here and grew in population.

As soon as Mofang put Xiaojing down, the girl ran to a raccoon and grabbed it. She took out a handful of peanuts from her pocket and walked towards the monkey with a smile. The raccoon was speechless... Seeing that the monkeys were relatively docile, Mofang simply let the two children play and walked inside holding hands. For a long time, someone has lived here and taken good care of it. The small courtyard covered with snow is very clean and tidy. Staying here makes you feel a rare tranquility in your heart. There are ancient pines and cypresses with carved beams and painted buildings, and the burning incense rises to the sky and reaches the heavens. After the end of the world, there is no Internet, no TV, and no entertainment programs. The survivors occasionally go up the mountain to feel the tranquility. From time to time, there are pilgrims going up and down the mountain, and they will also give the monkeys some dried fruits to eat. After the food is sufficient at the foot of the mountain, people have learned to calm down and feel the era without Internet and TV. Many of them are very interested in mutant animals and even squat outside for a whole night to figure out the characteristics of some mutant small animals. "Chinese New Year is coming in a few days. I didn't expect to spend it with my family this year. My parents asked me to tell you to go to the New Year's Eve dinner together."

"Uh... do you want to bring some gifts?"

"Whatever, there's nothing special I need anyway. By the way, don't you want to call back the Fury? Province L has been recovered, and it's time to take a few days off during the Chinese New Year."

"Okay, I'll follow your advice and call them back. It's just right to upgrade their equipment during the Chinese New Year. Next year... I don't know what it will be like. No matter what, I will keep this place safe. I must bring some warships when I find a chance. I have the responsibility to protect your safety and to build a safe and happy living environment for Xiao Jing."

"Try your best... Human beings commit suicide and cannot blame others. They throw coordinate satellites into the universe when they have nothing to do. Then they send signals everywhere for the sake of fame. They talk about a lot of nonsense when they go on TV. The other party must be civilized and polite. They don't want to be What can people on earth do when they have the ability to travel to alien planets? The Age of Discovery is the best example.”

"Stop talking about this and take a good look at the scenery. I have been wandering in the universe for so long and I have never seen such beautiful scenery on Earth."

"Really? Then tell me what Long Xing looks like?"

"Dragon Star, theoretically speaking, it is a rich and good place. The water area and the land area account for half each. Most of it is plain arable land. It has no characteristics. If you want to talk about it strangely, it is just those who go there every summer. Flower trees with butterfly-like petals, tall trees that glow at night, etc.”

"What a nice view……"

"It's not beautiful once you get used to it. They don't have time to see the scenery. In addition to technology, they have to go to space every day for duty. Space is very dangerous. They are too busy to appreciate the beauty."

"I didn't expect that because time and space are different, time here is only a few thousand years, but over there they use tens of thousands to calculate. It's so magical..."

"The universe is very big. Let's go and occupy all the galaxies after the earth's affairs are finished. They are all ownerless anyway. Then we will establish the most powerful empire in the universe."

"We agreed to go see Pandora Planet?"


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