Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 605: Robot’s Thinking

Two large cities were covered in flames of war. The slave survivors who had escaped from the factory were running desperately among the rubble and concrete ruins. Many survivors picked up the guns dropped after the death of the constructed humans but did not know whether to fire on the robots. , occasionally a survivor shoots the robot inadvertently, and what follows is the result of being shot.

Some survivors escaped from the devil's cave-like city, and some survivors stayed here...

At an intersection where bullets were flying, a woman lay in a pool of blood next to a collapsed building. The bright red blood stained the cement concrete. The breeze blew by, and the woman's hair was still swaying in the wind.


Next to the dead woman, there was a little boy over two years old sitting on the ground crying. His dirty hands kept pushing the woman, but the woman remained motionless. There were cement slags flying around the little boy. They were stray bullets. The dust stirred up by the impact on the concrete, the little boy is now in the middle zone between the construct soldiers and the mechanical soldiers, with streams of light constantly flying above his head! The sound of bullets cutting through the airflow is endless!

Among them, one of the combat robots stared at the little boy for a long time, and even calling continuously could not get the boy to come over. So, the combat robot made its own decision...

"cover me!"

After saying that, the combat robot emerged from the ruins of the building, bent down, and rushed towards the little boy in a hail of bullets. It was continuously shot while running. Fortunately, the bullets were bounced off the bevel of the armor and no one was injured.

Drilling through the concrete wall and climbing over the broken car, the combat robot quickly and nimbly came to the intersection with a machine gun in hand, and suddenly jumped into the bomb crater where the little boy was. After getting into the bomb crater, it quickly raised its gun and opened fire, killing several surrounding structures. The shooting skills of combat robots and soldiers are much better than those of modified humans.

"Young humans! Get ready to leave here now! It's dangerous here!"


The child was still crying there and kept wiping his tears with his hands, making his face dirty and covered with dust.

Chuchuchu! Three bursts of bullets killed a charging construct soldier. After analysis, the combat robot concluded that the young human's IQ was not perfect and therefore could not distinguish the situation, so it simply decided to take the little boy away. Continuous shooting made the construct soldiers in the opposite building unable to lift their heads, and then immediately turned around to catch the little boy.


The combat robot used force, but the little boy still grabbed the dead woman's sleeve and refused to let go. This pull actually lifted the dead woman up. You can imagine how much strength a two-year-old child must use to do this.

"Young human! Let go!"

The combat robot shouted and fired continuously, and its mechanical soldier comrades behind it also fired fiercely to cover and even called for air support. The combat robot had no choice but to use the bayonet to cut off the woman's clothes, and quickly carried the little boy to its own side. He ran towards the position, and as he ran, the surrounding rocks were constantly being hit by bullets. Even the armor on his back made a clanging noise and was hit by three bullets.


boom! Smoke and dust rose from the bomb crater where the woman's body lay, and a shell exploded and shattered everything...

Using the cover of smoke and dust, the combat robot quickly ran into the bunker. He was secretly glad that he had finally saved the life of a weak young boy. He opened his arms in joy. The scene in front of him made the combat robot's mechanical eyes freeze. The little boy was no longer breathing, and the back of his head was hit by a cannonball. The shrapnel hit his brain and caused him death. Even nano-robots could not save him. His eyes were still stained with tears, and his little hands were tightly holding a piece of torn sleeve.


The fire computer of the combat robot holding the little boy's body was in chaos. The scene of the little boy crying and pulling on the woman's sleeve was replayed continuously. It was clear that he had rescued him, but why was he still dead?

There was a huge explosion and the sound of a building collapsing outside. A fighter robot dropped a high-explosive bomb on the building. The entire building buried all the constructed soldiers inside. The combat robot was still sitting in the corner, staring blankly at the arms gradually The cold and stiff body of the little boy, the roar of fighter planes and explosions could not move the combat robot that was in a strange state.

The cold mechanical hand slowly raised, and the dark gray mechanical fingers slowly touched the little boy's tear-stained and dirty face, gently wiped away the dust, and finally slowly brushed the eyes to let the little boy close his eyes...

"What's wrong with you?" asked the combat robot comrade next to him.

The combat robot holding the little boy's body said nothing. After the outside calmed down, it carried the body and walked out back to the bomb pit where the little boy was found. The robot dug the soil, placed the little boy in the pit, and then buried it. The combat robot felt that the woman was the mother of the little boy, and the child should be with the mother.

After standing quietly in the bomb crater for a while, the combat robot followed the team with a machine gun and continued to attack. However, if someone observes carefully, they will find that this combat robot has some more human-like actions, such as being careful not to step on those on the ground. Survivor bodies...

The fighting continues.

At a military airport outside the city, the Guardians of the Galaxy landed with the mechanical soldiers and quickly occupied the airport. They were agile and quick in movement and strong in perception. The members of the Guardians earned enough points during the attack. As people who rarely travel abroad, The animals took the opportunity to take photos here.

While playing, the little raccoons saw a famous Type 52 bomber of the Eagle Empire. This big thing, known as the Stratofortress, has eight jet engines and a bomb load of about 30 tons. It is an absolute weapon for large-scale bombing.

"Squeak~" One of the little raccoons, whose fur had not yet fully grown, pointed at the Type 52 bomber, his eyes eager to try.

The other seven little raccoons nodded fiercely.

The four big cats wanted to take the opportunity to take a nap. Feng Xiaoer lay on the ground and stuck out his tongue, gasping for breath. Only the eight little raccoons wanted to play with the new big toys. Fortunately, after checking, they found that the magazine was already full. Conventional aerial bombs may have been intended to bomb the mechanical army, but they were captured before even taking off. The excited little raccoons went to get a refueling truck and happily refueled the bombers. It was foreseeable that another attempt to commit suicide was about to begin.

The little raccoons didn't care as to whether the bomber had undergone maintenance inspection or was suitable for flying. It was not bad to play with a bomber for the time being because of the space battleship. The little raccoons put on headphones and goggles and climbed into the bomber after refueling. , what’s outrageous is that I was reading the downloaded Type 52 bomber operating manual while climbing...

The cockpit was very large, and a group of little raccoons sat in their respective seats, each performing their duties. The mechanical soldiers kindly helped the eight little raccoons clear the runway and turn on the runway lights.

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