Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 606: Raccoon Bomber Wing

Snapped! Snapped! The little paws move complex switches one by one to activate various equipment of the bomber. This is not memorized from the instructions, but the operating procedures prompted by the computer in the goggles, which is very professional.

Feng Xiaoer was lying on the wing of a fighter jet eating ice cream. While eating, he watched the little raccoons trying to die. Look, look, look, what’s the point of you little raccoon showing his head and waving his paws? Oh, you are a young beast. , I think I was so active and playful when I was young, but unfortunately I have seen through it now.

The two little raccoons acting as pilots started the eight engines and gradually pushed the throttle...

The four evil cats couldn't stand the loud noise of the engine, so they had to get into the civet helicopter. Only Feng Xiaoer was left lying on the wing of an Eagle Imperial Air Force fighter, eating ice cream. He felt so good after licking it with his big tongue, and the strong wind blew his dog hair. It doesn’t matter if it’s flying in the wind.

The thrust of the engine became stronger and stronger, and with a whoosh, the ice cream was blown away by the wind, leaving only the cone in the hand.

"Woof woof~!"

The huge roar drowned out the barking dogs. The engine of the Type 52 bomber was no better than the engine of the Ark. The sound was enough to drive people crazy. Fortunately, at this time, the bomber slowly slid out of the apron and slid towards the end of the runway. Only Feng Xiao was left. Er jumped up and down on the fighter jet to demand justice for his ice cream. The little raccoon on the side thought that Feng Xiaoer was reluctant to go to heaven, and quickly waved his paw to signal.


The little raccoons in the cockpit were so excited that they all felt as if they were driving a legendary space battleship. Listening to the roar of the engine was so sweet, looking at the scenery slowly sliding past the cockpit glass, and feeling the obvious vibrations of the bomber. The little raccoons are so excited that they want to go to the sky to show their abilities.

I don’t know what humans would think if they saw this scene. The bombers designed and manufactured by humans are now being operated by a group of raccoons...

The huge bomber taxied all the way to the end of the runway and then turned and taxied to the runway. After aligning with the runway, the bomber stopped. This was in accordance with national practice to communicate with the tower to prepare for takeoff.

"Squeak, squeak, squeak!"

It means 'Raccoon Bomb Wing ready for takeoff'.

"You can take off."

I don't know which mechanical soldier who was bored shouted something into the communicator. He was quite cooperative and had the temperament of a commander.

"Squeak, squeak!"

The little paw pushed the throttle control device to the maximum, the engine roared and the plane vibrated. The little raccoon, whose fur had not yet grown, released the landing gear brake system. The bomber began to taxi and the speed became faster and faster. The Type 52 bomber is very large and loaded with bombs, so it needs a long take-off distance. It may not be able to fly from an ordinary small airport. Fortunately, the Eagle Empire has more money and built a very wide and long airport where the bomber troops are stationed.


The police sergeant sitting in the cabin of the Tanuki helicopter suddenly felt as if he had missed something exciting...

On the runway, the bomber lowered its flaps and slid faster and faster, and the speedometer gradually approached the value that allowed the joystick to be pulled. The eight little raccoons should be scared because they had never flown an airplane before. In fact, it was just the opposite. The eight little furry faces were excited. No need, I wanted to grab the joystick and pull the plane up. The little raccoon with charred fur sat firmly on the raised seat and stared at the various instruments with a seriousness no less serious than that of a scientist conducting experiments.

The bomber finally reached the speed required for takeoff, and the two little raccoons quickly pulled the joystick according to the procedure!

The huge bomber's nose slowly raised, and it was now less than a kilometer away from the end of the runway!

Pull the lever again.

The bomber's main landing gear, which roared louder than a commercial airliner, slowly lifted up and gradually left the runway. The huge steel monster roared into the sky...

"Zhizhizhi! Zhizhi~!"

This large bomber flew into the sky dragging light black smoke as countless mechanical soldiers watched. The mechanical soldiers all had new impressions of the little raccoon. The excited shouts in the cockpit spread throughout the airport through the communicator. The bombers flew into the sky with great abandon, taking the little raccoons' dreams of space battleships with them. It may be difficult for people on earth to accept this reality.

The bomber took off, the flaps were retracted, and the little raccoons also received bombing mission instructions from the magnet from space. This was a fully loaded aerial bomb of about 30 tons. If you throw it down, it can bomb a large area. Why not use it.

The bombing target was a factory that had been knocked out of anti-aircraft fire by fighter planes. The distance was not too far. In the past, all one had to do was aim at the target and drop all the bombs. All the points were earned.

The huge bomber swerved and turned to follow the planned flight path and rushed to the target area.

The factory that had its anti-aircraft firepower knocked out was located near the city. The mechanical soldiers were busy cleaning up the constructs and alien octopuses in the city, so they had no time to clean up the small factory. Those equipment and constructs couldn't be left on the earth. The raccoons have a place to display their abilities under the magnet arrangement.

Not far from the factory, Rubik's Cube smashed a constructed Tyrannosaurus Rex alive with his shield, and then stood on the Tyrannosaurus Rex corpse and looked at the factory.

The things produced in the factory are similar to energy equipment. They are painstakingly assembled by captured human slaves and then stacked in warehouses. These things are obviously not used on earth. If your guess is correct, they are prepared for the military in space. Water, It's very important. Most of the octopus creatures are pure water after dissection. There are very few planets with abundant and pure water resources like the earth in the universe, which is both a blessing and a curse.

These octopus creatures were sent to the earth to plunder resources crazily. I am afraid that the octopus creatures will continue to send spaceships to collect these goods. I really don’t know when my own starship will be able to mobilize the army...

All the human survivor slaves in the factory have long since escaped, leaving only the modified human soldiers hiding in various places. The strong wind blew, and the yellow sand and white garbage bags flew with the wind. The whole factory looked very quiet. , Rubik's Cube knows that this place will turn into a sea of ​​fire soon, and all the modified human constructs will also die.

Putting away the shield, the Rubik's Cube flew towards other places with constructed dinosaurs.

Ten minutes later.

The roar of engines came from the horizon in the distance, and gradually the sound became louder and louder. The little raccoons drove the Type 52 bomber to the airspace near the bombing target, and controlled the bomber to fly levelly towards the factory.


A little raccoon quickly flipped the switch with its small paw, and from the control panel display, you could see the bomb bay door of the bomber's belly slowly opening...

The little raccoons quickly controlled the bombsight to aim at the factory and fine-tuned the bomber's flight attitude. Now they only needed to wait for the bomber to fly over the factory and drop bombs. After all, they were carrying ordinary aerial bombs that relied on inertia to fall, not those high-tech precision bombs. Guided weapons need to be thrown in the sky at the target. They are very old, but they have the feeling of bombing.

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