Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 607: Air Crash in the Animal Kingdom

The eight little raccoons in the bomber's cockpit hurriedly controlled the bomber to aim at the factory. There were still more than ten kilometers away and they finally slowly aimed at the target. It would have been better if the bomber was not so unstable. After the alignment was completed, the pilot The cabin was quiet and only the sound of equipment running could be heard. Everyone was staring at the various monitor screens with small glasses...

Five kilometers...

Three kilometers...

one kilometer……

The little raccoon responsible for bombing and delivering bombs has a long mouth and the tip of his nose is almost fixed on the screen, and it's about to be time for his own performance! finally! The bomber's sight equipment screen was pointed at the factory to be bombed, and the furry little paw pressed the bomb release switch...

In the huge bomb bay, the bomb hook bounced open, and the aerial bombs fell downwards in an orderly manner due to inertia. The bombs of about 30 tons were enough to bomb a large area. Fortunately, the factory-grown strip bombers also dropped bombs in the same direction. Viewed from the ground It's like a dotted line appears below the bomber.

After leaving the cabin, the aerial bomb fell while adjusting its posture and turned head down. The front and rear fuzes of the aerial bomb, which are like fans, rotated rapidly due to the air flow. Each aerial bomb made a strange screaming sound and fell to the ground, which was quite the atmosphere of World War II.

After the bombs were dropped in the huge bomb bay of the bomber, a little raccoon controlled the switch to close the bomb bay door, and then stared at the monitor screen to see the bombing effect. The bombs are still falling, and you can see the wonderful explosion scene in a moment. Not long after the little raccoons waited, the ground suddenly flickered as if a pot was boiling. The shock wave circle caused by the explosion was very obvious. The little raccoons were boiling and kept screaming at the monitor screen!

Sometimes extreme happiness can lead to sadness, which also happens to animals. For example, an old-fashioned scrapped missile was rolled out from a factory building and pointed at the sky. It was ignited amidst continuous explosions. After being launched with flames, no more than two seconds passed. Within seconds, the launch location was blown into pieces by a screaming bomb...

Rubik's Cube, who was observing the battle situation in the city, turned to look at the sky above the factory. An old missile dragged black smoke and headed straight for the bomber. It was too late to intercept now...

Bang! The eight little raccoons felt the bomber shake violently.


The alarm bells in the cockpit were flashing red lights, some instruments were still smoking due to short circuits, and the bomber's flight attitude was obviously not right. The little raccoons knew that they had been hit.

Wearing high-tech goggles, he scanned everywhere to find the fault point. Under the cockpit, he found that a short circuit of some equipment was burned. Fortunately, there were also less important equipment cables in the cockpit that could be used interchangeably. One of the little raccoons said nothing. Pull off the cable, open the cover below and get in. The advantage of having a small body is that the only things exposed are the two hind legs, the buttocks and the tail.

The little raccoon got halfway into the middle of the equipment and quickly tore off the short-circuit cable. As a result, he used too much force and tore off several other equipment. The alarm bell in the cockpit became louder...

The other seven little raccoons only saw the little raccoon who was repairing twisting his butt out and carrying a few parts in his hand. He was sitting in the pilot's position and pulling the control stick. The little raccoon, whose fur had not yet grown, looked back and continued to work hard. Controlling the plane, he suddenly turned around with his eyes wide open and his mouth wide open as he stared at the parts in the little raccoon's hand.

On the ground, Rubik's Cube saw all the scenes through the goggles of the little raccoons. When he saw the little raccoon tearing off the parts, he knew that something was serious. He could barely fly at first, but now it was all over.

"Stop struggling, let's skydive." He rubbed the Rubik's Cube on his mechanical head and said speechlessly.

When they heard the word "parachute", the little raccoons' eyes lit up, and they discovered something interesting one after another. They quickly fixed the parachute bag on themselves. It didn't matter if it was too big. At worst, they could just tie themselves to the parachute bag. The bomber had already tilted and started Quickly lowering the altitude and looking for help, they hugged each other and squeezed the little raccoons on several ejector seats and pulled the red tab hard...

First, the top hatch of the cockpit flew off, and the fierce cold wind blew into the cockpit, causing the little raccoon's hair to sway wildly!

Soar... Flames spurted out from under the seat, many plastic devices melted, and the entire seat was ejected out of the cockpit with the help of thrust! The squeaking little raccoons made history again after their first animal bombing. The little raccoons ejected into the sky spread out and opened their parachutes. The huge bomber continued to fly forward at an angle. Directly in front of it was a building. The building was transformed into a base camp by octopus creatures. Many octopus creatures are hiding here. The little raccoons promise that they never knew this in advance.

Beside the windows of the building, several octopus creatures watched in horror as the huge bomber approached. For such a big plane, even though it had no bombs, it still had dozens of tons of aviation fuel!

It was too late to run now, and the octopus creature could only stand in front of the window and watch the huge bomber dragging black smoke get bigger and bigger, until it could see clearly that there was nothing in the empty cockpit...

The Rubik's Cube was speechless. I really don't know whether to call it luck or unlucky. When the mechanical eye screen slowed down, the huge bomber first plunged its nose into the building. At first, it smashed the building and got in. However, as the depth increased, the entire bomber began to show wrinkles. It exploded with dozens of tons of aviation fuel. You can imagine how brutally destructed the building was. This scene would have dominated the world's headlines for a week before the end of the world.

"The tragedy of the earth's air crash can be called a classic. This is the most intense scene." Rubik's Cube commented.

Fires burning dozens of tons of aviation fuel emitted billowing smoke like burning oil fields. After landing, the little raccoons took the Civet Cat helicopter and ran over to watch and stare at the scene of the crash.


A strange scene occurred in the famous Royal Geopark of the Eagle Empire. Countless birds and beasts fled in panic, but no one noticed...

As the position moved forward, ground mechanical soldiers gradually occupied the original octopus biological base and factory. The ferocious water-absorbing equipment was blown up and the factory was razed. However, more and more survivors began to express their dissatisfaction with the robots, especially when those who had been After the videos of brutally killing 'humans' and destroying buildings were spread, the survivors of the Eagle Empire who had moved to other countries began to hold up signs in protest, and various expert elites stood up to speak out in protest.

Rubik's Cube doesn't have the time or patience to deal with those public opinions. Public opinion is more important to people on earth than anything else, but to mechanical life, the facts can never be changed, no matter how good your mouth is.

When spring arrives in the northern hemisphere, the snow melts and the grass sprouts. The mechanical army has surrounded all the octopus creatures and construct creatures in a city. The city burned by the war is no different from the destroyed cities in the Dragon Kingdom. They are the same. It's as lifeless as ruins. This is what it's like in troubled times. Although I feel dissatisfied and angry, it's useless. In troubled times, there are no swimming pools or grasslands to hold parties. Living in troubled times is pretty good.

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