Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 608: The final encirclement


Rubik's Cube walked through the villa area. This villa area was surrounded by a city wall built by many survivors using simple military quick-build defense facilities. The city wall was five meters high, with gates left. The survivors of the Eagle Empire, who had a large number of firearms and ammunition, After living here, crops were planted on the lawn in the villa area and fish were raised in the swimming pool. In short, life was enjoyable.

In the past few days, these survivors have become accustomed to the mechanical soldiers and mechanical birds coming and going. Even when they see the Transformers, they will not scream and run away, but will watch carefully.

Rubik's Cube raised his mechanical leg and crossed the city wall to enter the villa area. In Rubik's opinion, there was no need to take a long way around and it was most convenient. This was also the usual practice of many Transformers. Although the survivors were not satisfied, they did not express objections. It would be of no use to object. , the other party did not kill people or destroy the city walls and buildings, just leave if you like, just treat it as compacting the streets.

Next to the mechanical foot, several children and big dogs were running around laughing and joking.

As we were walking, a large mutated corgi suddenly walked out of a villa in front of us. This guy barked at the Rubik's Cube when he went out and even his owner couldn't stop him. The Rubik's Cube computer almost analyzed this guy and said it was a walking stick. Ham sausage.

"Oh~ your dog has a lot of personality."

Rubik's Cube joked, and the old woman holding the dog shrugged and smiled. She was very amused by Rubik's Cube's joke. This was the first time the old woman talked to Transformers.

Passing by the community, Rubik's Cube walked to the front line of the battlefield. In front of it was the last base city of the octopus creature that had lost its air superiority. It was a city shrouded in black smoke and flames of war. The air force fighter jets once again dropped a large number of white phosphorus bombs and incendiary bombs here. In addition to burning and poisonous Nothing else can be found outside the smoke.

A super-heavy tank fiercely crushed the ruins of broken cars on the street and drove to the Rubik's Cube. After transforming, it stood up furiously.

"Creator, we found a large amount of energy gathering in the city. We suspect that the opponent is making bombs or some high-energy weapons. There are too many constructs there and the defenses are too tight to attack. It is estimated that they will succeed soon."

Judging from the level of biological technology found in the octopuses, it is speculated that the Rubik's Cube is most likely making weapons that are more powerful than the constructed dinosaurs, and it must be related to biology. Their mechanical technology is lagging behind enough to make them commit suicide in shame, so... they What kind of monster will be created? Dinosaurs are already very powerful in combat. Is it possible to create monsters even bigger than dinosaurs?

"All Transformers gather together, let's go and see what those dirty creatures are doing. We should let those idiots know what it means to be powerful!"

After receiving the order, the Transformers who followed the mechanical army to the Eagle Empire quickly came to the location of the Rubik's Cube and stood behind the Rubik's Cube. The Rubik's Cube was not only a leader but also a brave Transformer charging at the forefront. This is Honor is also the responsibility of being a leader!

Taking out his shield and machine cannon, Rubik's Cube took the lead and walked towards the building where the energy gathered. The mechanical soldiers on the position gave way and looked at the Transformers with envy.

Fury and Death Scorpion walked behind Rubik's Cube. The two generals have always been the top commanders under Rubik's Cube. Fury was especially entrusted with important tasks by Rubik's Cube. Furious's real character and strong combat power are the advantages of Fury. In comparison, he is easily irritable. A few shortcomings can be considered a good thing.

The Rubik's Cube cannon fired continuously, and the energy shock wave swept away the hiding places of constructed creatures one after another. When encountering defensive buildings such as bunkers, they would directly step on them.

Walking along the street full of broken cars and garbage, we walked to the Rubik's Cube three intersections away from the building and stopped. The cannon was raised and pointed at the building to start charging...


The light flashed and the energy bomb disappeared through the building. The Rubik's Cube was knocking on the door.

"Gah! Ah!" A cry came from inside the building.

"The sound is really unpleasant."

The machine gun fired two high-explosive rounds at the hole made by the energy bomb. The violent explosion shook and shook down a large amount of broken glass and cement slag.

"Ark, blast this damn building with your ion cannons, blast that coward out of there, and show these poor octopus creatures what a cannon is."

"Roger, prepare to bomb the target building."

The huge Ark rose from a distance, and the huge ion cannon slowly adjusted and aimed at the bottom floor of the building in front of the Rubik's Cube. The ion cannon that can penetrate the aircraft carrier with one shot hit a building. The consequences can be imagined. As the Earth's Mechanical Empire currently The most powerful weapon, the Ark's ion cannon, is the same as demolishing buildings. It can't even be seen from near the building from a distance. For the Ark, there is not much difference between being far away and very close.

In the blink of an eye, an attack penetrated the bottom of the building, and only a circular hole could be seen piercing the building.


Suddenly, a spherical energy shock wave erupted from inside the building. Fighters, civet helicopters, and mechanical birds in the sky were knocked backwards or even fell down. All the constructs and mechanical soldiers on the ground were knocked down and rolled by the shock wave. The Rubik's Cube When the Transformers don't react much to the shock wave, use brute force to resist it!

The flying units that were knocked away resumed their flying posture, and the mechanical soldiers all stood up. They were not seriously injured, but were suddenly pushed...

The underground of the building shook, and then a giant strange creature crawled out with an injection tube inserted all over its body. The Rubik's Cube searched through the information on the earth's currently known living or prehistoric extinct animals several times and could not find similar creatures. It was said that it looked like a cockroach, but except for the The flat carapace on the back and the outer abdomen are more like an octopus. It is said to be an octopus, but the eight thin legs are more like fly legs and are extremely long. The mouthparts covered with spikes are round, a bit like a pencil sharpener for pencil sharpening.

After getting out, the monster shook hard to get rid of the tubes and cables.

"Don't tell me that these idiots wasted a lot of water to come up with such a thing." Death Scorpion said disdainfully.

"And the shock wave just now, it looks very spectacular, um, yes, it means very spectacular." Fury found the exact evaluation of the shock wave just now.

The Rubik's Cube Machine's mouth twitched. What was originally a good fight turned into fighting monsters. Why does it look like a cartoon...

"Machine creatures! Why are you always at odds with us! We have never fought with machine creatures in tens of thousands of years, but you attack when we meet! Why!" The giant monster roared out a harsh and unpleasant earth language, and the Rubik's Cube felt very painful. Two Alien creatures have to use Earth's language to communicate with each other, and Earth humans are finally of some use.

"Then the people on earth attacked you? Since you can attack people on earth, why can't we beat you? I always thought that only some people on earth liked the domineering thinking of the boss, the earth, the second, and the third, but now I realize that you are still there."

Rubik's Cube, holding a shield, taunted.

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