Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 610: Yellowstone Volcano

Sizzle... crackle! Sizzling...

The Rubik's Cube slowly woke up from the darkness. The computer re-operated and restarted sound collection and mechanical eyes and other equipment. The originally dim mechanical eyes lit up with red light again and collected images. As soon as the Rubik's Cube woke up, he heard a continuous arc short circuit on his right shoulder. The sound of ignition came out, and the mechanical head turned to look over its shoulder. There was a thin leg of a cockroach monster stuck in the body next to the door under the exhaust pipe equipment.

The two robot hands grabbed the broken slender leg. The right robot hand was obviously a little slow in use, so it grabbed it tightly and pulled it out with force!


The jointed leg and the wound metal machine made a harsh friction sound and were slowly pulled out. The Rubik's Cube felt that the image in the mechanical eyes kept jumping and shaking. Originally, this thin leg was just stuck in the machine and had no ability to penetrate the armor. Unexpectedly, When he fell at high speed and hit the ground hard, the huge force not only broke the limbs, but also plunged the limbs into the machine. He pulled out the limbs and threw them aside.

"Fu*k!" Rubik's Cube yelled, his shoulder was pierced, various cables in the mechanical damage kept igniting and short-circuiting, and the light blue energy flowed out like water and finally dissipated.

He looked up and saw a flat object lying on the ground in the distance slowly squirming. It was the cockroach monster that was badly thrown down below. Now the monster had three broken legs and dirty water was constantly flowing out from the wound on its back. It was moving towards The Rubik's Cube crawled in the opposite direction. Seeing this, the Rubik's Cube slowly stood up with its mechanical hands on the ground...

The Rubik's Cube that stood up was very miserable. Each mechanical leg originally had two wheels on its thigh. One wheel was missing on the left mechanical leg. The door reversing mirror on the left chest was missing. The windshield was full of spider web cracks. The armor on the outside of the forearm was twisted. , the short wing used to control direction was broken.

Bend down and pick up the cannon that fell to the ground, aim at the cockroach monster and start charging it.

"Quack!" The cockroach monster turned around and yelled angrily.

Whoosh! The energy bomb hit the cockroach monster's head, causing green liquid to splash everywhere. The Rubik's Cube dragging its broken body continued to fire armor-piercing bombs at the cockroach monster!

The constant bombardment shattered the cracks that had originally been caused by the fall. Seeing this, the cockroach monster could only rush towards the Rubik's Cube to fight in close combat. Soon, two behemoths fought in a swamp area of ​​a certain park, and the broken hard shells flew away. , broken mechanical parts, screws, and the Rubik's Cube gradually gained the upper hand with minor injuries.

In low-Earth orbit in space, magnets are monitoring the area where the Rubik's Cube is located, and have just captured a not so good electromagnetic energy fluctuation.

"Creator! The electromagnetic signal in your area is chaotic and getting worse. It is suspected to be caused by the movement of the earth's crust, and the temperature in your area is rising!"

when! Knock away the cockroach monster with one punch.

"Be specific!"

"The current location is the Eagle Empire Yellowstone Volcano Park area! Strong eruptions and earthquakes are very likely to occur!"

The mechanical foot hit the cockroach monster in the face, and Rubik's Cube realized that the surrounding swamps seemed to be bubbling and there was a strong smell of sulfur in the bubbles. Wasn't this volcano always dormant? Are you going to explode when you come? But there is no need to make a fuss about magnets. Is this volcano really going to erupt?

In the distant sky, two fighter Transformers are rushing to the location of the Rubik's Cube in fighter form...

The cockroach monster raised its thin legs and stabbed at the Rubik's Cube. Unexpectedly, it was firmly grasped by the Rubik's Cube's robot hand. It bent down and raised its leg to smash it hard! Click! One of the remaining thin limbs of the cockroach monster was destroyed. The Rubik's Cube grabbed the thin legs and turned them around, thrusting the front end of the sharp limbs into the cockroach's mouthparts! Then he took out his shield and slapped the short leg hard, nailing half of the short leg in!

The struggling cockroach monster's jaw shook violently, and then he saw himself flying up. The Rubik's Cube punched its jaw and knocked it away.

The cockroach monster rolled to the ground and kept shaking its head, trying to shake off the broken leg, but the broken leg was stuck too deep and had no effect except throwing out puddles of dark green liquid. Just when the Rubik's Cube was about to walk in and deal with this guy, he discovered that The cockroach monster is accumulating energy in its mouth. Maybe it wants to rely on energy to break the broken leg...

"This idiot..." Rubik's Cube was speechless. Using this method to remove the broken leg in his mouth would break his own mouth together!

The light flashed, and the mouth of the cockroach monster, which consumed a lot of energy, exploded and its legs flew off, its mouthparts disappeared, a big hole exploded, and various liquids splashed everywhere. What the Rubik's Cube noticed was that a lot of energy shock waves were exerted on the swamp ground, and even more The weird thing is that the swamp water is disappearing quickly and the smell of sulfur is getting stronger!

The cockroach monster also felt a huge threat. It couldn't fly and ran slowly, so it could only stand on the spot to check the situation. Suddenly, the Rubik's Cube felt weak under its feet...

"Oh...the earth has become soft..."

The entire turf where the Rubik's Cube is located bulges and trembles constantly, as if it is a ball of jellybeans under your feet. It is extremely unstable. The Rubik's Cube feels more like kneading dough. The difference is that the temperature is rising!

"Creator! The lava rising where you are is dangerous!" Magnet shouted through the communicator.

"Yes, it is very dangerous. You can see it clearly..." Rubik's Cube said as he looked at the lava pouring out of the ground in front of him. The bulge sank, and the Rubik's Cube was sucked in by the lava...

The Yellowstone volcano did not erupt, but the lava flowing out of certain places was extremely unstable. The cockroach monster stood there dumbly watching the Rubik's Cube sink and disappear. The sudden victory made it feel a little at a loss. The robot went down, what about itself? It seems...the lava fluctuations have stopped, are you safe?

After waiting for more than ten seconds, the lava returned to calm. The cockroach monster knew that it was just the tranquility before the explosion. After observing it, he decided to leave. Fortunately, many turfs were not completely submerged by the lava and he could walk out little by little.

I had just moved my incomplete legs to leave when suddenly one of my legs tightened suddenly, followed by a burning sensation...


The cockroach monster, struggling in pain, turned around, only to be frightened out of his wits. Behind him, a huge red mechanical hand stretched out from the lava, grabbing his leg and pulling it back! Then a red head emerged from the lava, and a pair of glowing red mechanical eyes stared at him! Why didn't that guy get melted and burned to death? How can this be!

It was the Rubik's Cube that emerged from the lava. Although the whole body was severely burned by the lava, the good news was that the temperature in the depths of the lava was not that high. It was barely bearable. The first thing I did when I came out was to drag this damn creature in and feel it. The smell of lava!

Cellular organisms have the weakest resistance to lava. The originally hard and strong long legs melt and burn faster and faster after being pulled into the lava. The red robot hand will be burned black wherever it is grabbed. The Rubik's Cube cruelly kills the cockroach monster. He was pulled into the lava and soaked, and finally stepped on the corpse of the cockroach monster and climbed onto the ground. He walked far away without looking back. Only the slowly sinking insect carapace was left in the lava...

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