Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 611: Volcanic Eruption

"Creator... you'd better leave quickly, Yellowstone Volcano is about to erupt..." Magnet said anxiously.

"Oh~ What a sad news."

The Rubik's Cube really wanted to curse. It fell to the ground and the flight system was damaged. It was impossible to fly away. All the spray paint on his body was burned away by the lava. Now the body is still scalding hot. Every step he takes on the lawn is a ring of fire. The two fighter jets are deformed. King Kong is still some distance away from here, as long as they arrive before the volcano erupts.

He moved his mechanical legs and kept running. As he ran, the Rubik's Cube looked back at the area behind him that was marked red by the computer.

"I don't like the way planets erupt out of nowhere. The earth's volcanic eruptions are already very gentle in the universe..." Behind, a huge bulge gradually rose up from the originally sunken swamp. The bulge was so big that it could be called a large In the hills, the magnetic field changes monitored by the detection equipment are disordered, and the burned Rubik's Cube is running desperately. This is not the time for waves. Once it is pressed down by a mountain of lava, life or death is really a matter of life!

After knocking down a big tree and emerging from the jungle, I saw a dirt road. Maybe it was dug by the Eagle Empire citizens who often came here for camping and vacation before the end of the world. Now it has become a Rubik's Cube life-saving dirt road. I bent down and quickly transformed!


A battered tractor-trailer truck with burn marks on its head was driving crazily on the dirt road. It had no headlights or reflectors and was very dark. Fortunately, the engine was powerful and the speed was not slower than that of an off-road vehicle. Behind it, the huge swamp bulge had turned into a huge mountain. The cracks on the top of the mountain are red, which is the lava that is about to erupt...

The engine roars and the Rubik's Cube runs wildly!

The bulge suddenly collapsed, and a big mountain turned into flat ground in an instant, and it was quiet for less than two seconds...

"What a fool!" Rubik's Cube yelled angrily.

In an instant, the bulge that had collapsed suddenly turned into a big mountain in the blink of an eye and erupted. The entire turf and soil of the swamp on the top of the mountain was blown away, and the red lava mixed with soil and rocks and the grassy ground collapsed! There is a red pillar of fire between heaven and earth! Black smoke billowed in the sky above the pillar of fire, and countless rocks, soil, or fireballs dragging black smoke fell in all directions.

Lines of black smoke are falling around the Rubik's Cube, and red lava will cause fire if it falls in the woods. The Rubik's Cube must be careful not to be hit by these things!

Longshan Camp.

Zhang Xiaowen suddenly thought about the Rubik's Cube. It was a bit strange that she didn't have a video call or anything for so long. After thinking for a while, she smiled and answered the Rubik's Cube video call.

I was dumbfounded for a moment...

"Rubik's Cube! What are you doing again! What's going on with this volcanic eruption and your whole body being burned black! Can't you live in peace for a few days! Get away...!" Zhang Xiaowen shouted into the microphone.

The steering wheel turned sharply and the truck turned in a dusty drift. As soon as it left the dirt road, the dirt road was hit by a huge piece of land with a few small trees growing on it. The dirt was flying and smoke was billowing. The gravel hit the truck and made a clanking sound. Now The Rubik's Cube driving into the wasteland doesn't care whether it's a road or not, as long as it's almost runnable.

"This is not what I want to do! I have no conscience! I would rather go to the sea and play with the storm than play with the volcano!"

"Stop talking nonsense and run away! I've never seen you so crazy! Don't you know you won't die if you don't seek death?"

Rubik's Cube simply chose to shut up. It was a waste of energy and computer space to argue at this time. It was more important to escape. By the way... why is this volcano so big! Can't you live a little more peacefully? The area of ​​this explosion can be called a plain. Is it possible that he intends to shatter the entire Eagle Empire?

Bang! A rock dragging black smoke hit the roof of the car, causing sparks to fly and the rocks shattered. The truck continued to run wildly. In the distance, Rubik's Cube saw two fighter Transformers approaching quickly.

"You two, stay back! It's dangerous here! If you get hit, you won't be able to fly!"

"The safety of the creator is the most important, and the instructions are not executed." The two fighter jets resisted Rubik's Cube's order, which surprised Rubik's Cube. In less than five seconds, the two fighter jets flew to the top of Rubik's Cube and quickly transformed and ran on both sides of the truck. A set of feasibility plans was quickly shared, and then manipulators stretched out from both sides of the truck, and Fighter Transformers grabbed the manipulators and transformed...


The two fighter Transformers quickly transformed into fighter forms. The difference was that after the transformation, each of them turned into a wing and was fixedly connected to the Rubik's Cube. Then, the engines of the two fighter jets started spitting out huge blue flames and took the truck faster and faster. Slowly lift off!

Hot rocks and lava dragging black smoke continued to fall. In the smoke column, a truck with wings quickly rose into the air. The engine roared wildly and used maximum thrust. After increasing its speed, it gradually flew out of the volcanic eruption range. Zhang Xiaowen breathed a sigh of relief at Longshan Camp. Rubik's Cube and the two fighter Transformers secretly sighed that they finally made it out alive. Unexpectedly, a new way of using machinery was integrated in an emergency. Rubik's Cube felt that it was necessary to further research in the future.

Behind, huge black volcanic ash gradually enveloped the earth, and the thick volcanic ash rose even higher than the clouds...

Not-so-good news comes from magnets in low-Earth orbit in space.

"Creator, volcanoes are moving all over the earth. Based on the magnetic field chaos, it is very likely that they will erupt one after another in the next period of time, causing tsunamis and strong earthquakes."

"Send me the budget chart."

The magnet demonstrates all the calculations through the simulated image of the earth and then sends it to the Rubik's Cube. After receiving the simulated image, the Rubik's Cube quiets down. The spherical simulated earth is full of small red dots that are spreading everywhere. The blue irregular lines are tsunamis. Many islands will It will be swept away, and coastal areas on land will be hit even more. It is predicted that the earthquake in many areas is likely to reach magnitude eight or above, and the Marukuni Islands will move and slide into a huge trench and sink forever.

"Ruik's Cube, what are you thinking about?" Zhang Xiaowen asked suddenly with something in mind.

"Thinking about earthquakes and tsunamis."


"That's right. Normally, it's humans who come to see the sea, but with tsunamis, it's the sea that comes to see humans. It's just more intense."

"What happened to the earth..." Zhang Xiaowen fell into silence, sitting motionless on the office chair and looking at Longshan outside the window in a daze. The doomsday virus, the alien crisis, and now even the earth are about to erupt. Is it really because the people on earth are causing too much harm to the earth? Is Mother Earth angry? How can humans continue to reproduce when there are not many humans in the first place?

Rubik's Cube doesn't know what to say. Is the doomsday in the movie really coming? Earthquakes are not terrible, but tsunamis are dangerous. The most dangerous thing is not tsunamis and earthquakes but the large amounts of volcanic ash ejected by volcanic eruptions. After calculation and simulation, most of the earth will be shrouded in volcanic ash. It will take several years for the volcanic ash to dissipate completely. If If a large amount of volcanic ash blocks the sun, the earth will enter an ice age. Plants will die in large numbers and oxygen will be thin. The danger is far greater than earthquakes and tsunamis! Things like this happened to Earth a long time ago, such as prehistoric extinctions.

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