Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 612: The tired Xijun

The two fighter Transformers took the Rubik's Cube back to the huge cabin of the Ark. The truck-shaped Rubik's Cube remained motionless and began to repair the body. It was soaked and bathed in high-temperature lava. I'm afraid it will take a lot of energy and time to complete the repairs. The good news is that since it has inexplicably acquired cellular life After the feature is added, the repair speed of the Rubik's Cube is increased by about 2%. Don't underestimate 2%. It can shorten a lot of time, save a lot of energy and deform metal.

Not long after the Rubik's Cube and cockroach monsters flew away, the mechanical army captured the last base of the octopus creatures and found a large number of damaged low-level computers and octopus creatures inside. After an investigation, they got unexpected news.

The giant cockroach monster was transformed from the octopus creature, which is the tallest and tallest among them. It did use cockroach genes and other insect animal genes. In terms of biotechnology, the three mechanical empires can't compare to the octopus creature. Rubik's Cube got this news. I'm surprised, those octopuses are quite powerful in combat. At least they can arm themselves with a bunch of garbage.

The blitzkrieg that lasted for several days and nights ended. The mechanical insects and mechanical birds distributed in the Eagle Empire began to gather in the direction of the mechanical army, and the Rubik's Cube prepared to return to Jiangcheng.

The volcanic ash in the direction of Yellowstone Park still covers the sky. From a distance, it looks like a big mushroom is growing there. It won't cause the earth to collapse like in the movie, but now there are frequent earthquakes, large and small, which makes the animals of the Guardians of the Galaxy very worried. Not used to it, animals are very sensitive to changes in the earth, so the members of the escort team simply hid in the Ark spacecraft and refused to come down.

The Rubik's Cube remained motionless, the damaged areas on the truck continued to flash with light blue energy fluctuations, and several engineering robots were installing wheels on the Rubik's Cube.

"Creator, we found a large number of transport planes and passenger planes at the Eagle Empire military base. The technology is a bit low but still usable. We might as well use the transport planes to withdraw the troops. When the time comes, we can just throw them to the Dragon Kingdom army if they are no longer needed. This is our trophy." Furious. Standing next to the Rubik's Cube, I made a very good suggestion. Anyway, it would be a waste to use the aircraft when the fuel is tight, and it is better to use it as a mechanical army.

"Okay, just leave a few for them in the end. Half of the first batch of Transformers will go back, and the remaining half will retreat at the end. You are responsible for the arrangements."


Furious left, the Rubik's Cube continued to repair the damage without moving.

The Civet Cat helicopter and the mechanical bird continued to return by boat. Large ships filled with the Civet Cat helicopter and the mechanical bird blew their whistles and left the port. Combat robots, mechanical dog spider robots, etc. lined up to board the large transport aircraft, and there were also passengers on the civil airliner. The military airport is full of combat robots, and transport aircraft and civilian airliners are taking off one after another.


outer space.

At the Jupiter Spaceport of the Mechanical Fleet, the frigate West County slowly docked at the dock. Densely packed maintenance robots began to repair the damage to various parts of the warship West County. The small repair shop was even more crowded with injured fighter jets. It was unknown who those octopus creatures were. No matter how crazy you are, you try your best to sail fleets of all sizes to the solar system. With its powerful combat capabilities, the Xijun continues to kill eight large spaceships, and countless small spaceships. As a result, the Xijun was damaged by many suicide attacks. many.

The bad news is that the octopus army has discovered the Jupiter spaceport and space bridge passage, and may launch a large-scale attack on Jupiter in the near future.

"Xijun, how is the progress of the space bridge construction?" the Rubik's Cube starship asked.

"The report states that the space bridge is currently more than 90% complete and can theoretically pass frigates. However, for safety reasons, the reliability of the space bridge is being tested. Because there are many damaged fighter jets and the ship is seriously damaged, it is difficult for the repair robot to function. Work at maximum efficiency, evil octopus creatures are about to attack the spaceport."

"Accelerate the construction and strive to have the frigate pass through the space bridge on a large scale as soon as possible!"


In the huge complex sci-fi machinery, robots are constantly climbing up and down, flying around to work, and there are flashes of energy from time to time. In the middle of the huge ring-like space bridge is fantasy energy like a whirlpool, and there are constantly flying sci-fi fighter jets in formation inside. Come out, this side is the Jupiter spaceport, and the other side is the star field where the distant mechanical fleet is located.

Just as the Xijun was being repaired, a reconnaissance plane suddenly issued a warning...

"Alert! A large number of octopus biological spaceships are flying to the base! Four large spaceships! Highest alert!" Fighter communication signals echoed around Jupiter. Suddenly, groups of fighter jets lined up quickly, and the Xijun also stopped repairs and slowly moved to the center of the formation. Position, today I have to participate in the battle even if I am injured, the war is inevitable!

On the other side of the space bridge, the huge Rubik's Cube starship issued an order.

"Cangshan frigate! Nanhu frigate! Cross the space bridge immediately to reinforce the Xijun frigate! Protect the space bridge at all costs! All non-our combat units will be destroyed! Action!"

"Cangshan received it!"

"Nanhu received it!"

The Cangshan frigate immediately turned around and headed towards the center of the vortex of the space bridge. The huge sci-fi mechanical circular space bridge was like a black hole. After the Cangshan bow entered, no shadow could be seen from the other side. It was like magic! Slowly, all the Cangshan frigates sailed into the whirlpool...

Jupiter spaceport.

Energy bombs were scattered in chaos, fighter jets continued to destroy combat spaceships one after another, and various defensive weapons and cannons arranged at the spaceport port also continued to fire. One of the parallel double-barreled energy cannons kept swinging left and right and destroyed one combat spaceship after another. , and finally aimed the artillery fire at the large spacecraft that was surrounding the Xijun. The continuous bombardment actually punched several large holes in a large spacecraft. The good times did not last long. The fixed defensive energy cannon was hit by the combat spacecraft cannon and was scrapped by a flash arc. .

The Xijun itself was damaged all over the body. About 30% of the weapons had not been repaired and could not be used. The surface of the huge spacecraft was continuously hit by artillery fire, erupting dense metal fragments. The Xijun was fighting hard...

Finally, the main gun was fully charged, and it aimed at a large spaceship despite the gunfire!

The light flashed, and one of the four large spaceships exploded with a strong light that filled the sky. The debris scattered in all directions. The Xijun still smashed an opponent's spacecraft of the same level even though it was injured! Its powerful combat effectiveness is evident.


The main gun of the Xijun was partially bombarded and was severely damaged and could not continue to fire. Although the fighter jets continued to destroy the combat spacecraft and had the upper hand, if the Xijun was destroyed, it would still fail. Only large spaceships can defeat large spaceships unless they carry the ultimate Science fiction weapons can otherwise only watch failure.

The Xijun, which suffered heavy damage, had more than half of its propellers damaged, and escape was no longer possible. Now, the only option is to fight until the last moment...

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