Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 624: Evacuate the Earth

The hover car stopped at the entrance of a botanical garden. Rubik's Cube looked at the densely packed dragon star plants in the garden. Unexpectedly, when he traveled through the strange space and came to the Milky Way, these plants were all intact and no one was eating them. The space became larger and caused the dragon star plants in the botanical garden. There were more and more plants that could no longer be put down. There was a girl bending down to water the plants in front of a plant that looked like a butterfly.

The botanical garden is very tall and large. The roof has automatic precipitation and temperature control and lighting facilities. In order to meet the needs of plant growth, there are even many small bugs similar to bees flying around in the garden.

Next to the butterfly plant, Zhang Xiaowen was carefully pulling out weeds. Suddenly, a pair of hands stretched out from the side and pulled out a few weeds. Zhang Xiaowen was stunned, and joy filled her heart instantly...

"rubik's cube!"

The Rubik's Cube, which was bending down to pull out weeds, was hugged so tightly by Zhang Xiaowen that he almost fell down.

There was laughter and laughter in the botanical garden...


The news of the Rubik's Cube's awakening spread quickly throughout the mechanical empire, and the mechanical beings breathed a sigh of relief. The happiest among them were the animals of the Guardians of the Galaxy. Due to their outstanding military achievements in the past and their bravery, tenacity and courage to fight, the Rubik's Cube starship The military exploits of four big cats Feng Xiaoer and eight small raccoons were specially used to exchange them for a frigate with basic intelligent programs, and the frigate was named Galaxy.

The dream of a crooked spaceship that was once drawn on the wall with claws finally came true. The members of the Guardians of the Galaxy walked into the battleship cockpit with their heads raised and show off as everyone cheered and admired.

The Galaxy frigate is fully equipped with medical cabins, repair cabins and other facilities. It can be called a small factory and weapons platform. The members of the escort team who are members of the Mechanical Empire have the right to recruit their own soldiers. One frigate is enough for the escort team to recruit one With a small army, Feng Xiaoer always thought that he had reached the peak of his life...

Not long after, the mechanical armies scattered around the world began to make big moves. Fighters flew into the cabins of various warships one after another and were fixed. Mechanical soldiers boarded the spacecraft one after another. Warships full of fighter jets and mechanical soldiers pierced the sky and entered space one after another. .


In just a few days, a large spaceport and military base were established on the lunar surface.

The Guardians of the Galaxy are stationed at the lunar spaceport, and the Mechanical Empire generously handed over the safety of the galaxy to these little animals. In order to allow these guys to play a greater role, the Rubik's Cube squeezed the animals' abilities to the maximum, using all mechanical energy. Since then, four super cats, a super Erha, and a group of chirping super raccoons have appeared in the galaxy.

The Mechanical Empire is preparing to leave the earth. With the exception of the Rubik's Cube starship, all other mechanical armies have evacuated, including the armies previously manufactured by the Earth's Rubik's Cube. Now they have joined the fleet after strengthening. This is an honor for all robots.

The Longshan camp was very busy. The human citizens of the Mechanical Empire chose to leave the earth with the mechanical fleet. Anyway, if they wanted to go back to the earth and take the spaceship, they would come back. It would be great to go out and change their lives. Tingting chose to stay on the Ark to serve and was eliminated from the zombie virus. The... new humans also chose to follow and leave. There is no way. I have eaten many survivors and now it is difficult to adapt to living together. If I say who is happiest to leave, I am afraid it is Ruoyan, a girl whose brain has been exposed to nuclear radiation. , although it failed to activate the machine under the pyramid to destroy the sun, it is still a good idea to see other planets without suns.

Transport ships continue to transport batches of Mechanical Empire citizens and sundries into the Rubik's Cube starship. These people can build houses, schools and even farm in the inner living area of ​​the starship.

Longshan Camp was set up as the Earth's space port and the foothold of the Mechanical Empire on Earth. The buildings remained unchanged.

In the villa, Rubik's Cube was having dinner with a large family. Zhang Xiaowen's family of three, two wild girls, and a table full of ordinary home-cooked food were eating with gusto. The two old people would not leave. They are old and reluctant to leave their comfortable home, not to mention the experience. After the apocalypse, the earth's ecological environment has recovered rapidly. It's incredible. There is no pollution, the air is fresh, the earth has returned to calm after several months of earthquakes, and life is peaceful. Moreover, if you really want to see your child, you can just make a phone call. You can get home in ten minutes.

After dinner, Rubik's Cube and Zhang Xiaowen watched the stars on the balcony. The two children on the big bed in the room were already asleep.

"By the way, what do you mean when you say that you are not you but you are yours from Starship?" Zhang Xiaowen asked the question that she had been holding back in her heart but could not figure out.

"How to put it... let's put it this way, I was originally one, but one day I separated a part of myself, and this part developed a unique self-consciousness due to being separated for too long. The souls can no longer be merged, but they are still the same. This part That’s the reason. It’s more complicated and even supercomputers can’t calculate it clearly. It’s just like the gorgeous starry sky above our heads, which is beautiful and mysterious.”

"Will we live in space from now on?"

"Not necessarily. You can go wherever you want. The light speed navigation technology has been cracked. You can go wherever you like. The most important thing is to improve your technology."

"Do you still want to improve? Your current technology is already several light years ahead of humans, right?"

"Technology has no limits. If you want to be safe, you must seize the time to improve technology. The universe is very dangerous. Besides... if a lot of robots don't do scientific research, how can they go to drink tea and sing? If they have nothing to do, these guys will go crazy, especially It’s a lot of Transformers. If they don’t do anything, they will find reasons to start a war. If they start a war, I’m afraid the earth will be the first to suffer.”

"Okay, anyway, I don't know how to play with technology. I agreed to go to Namex and don't cheat!" Zhang Xiaowen pointed at the Rubik's Cube in front of her head and said loudly.

Downstairs, Zhang Xiaowen's mother was woken up.

“What time is it and I’m still not sleeping~ Even if you’re young, you can’t not sleep~”

"Okay, Mom, go to sleep quickly~"

Zhang Xiaowen rolled her eyes, glared at Rubik's Cube, turned around and walked into the room, flexibly squeezed in between the two children and fell asleep. Rubik's Cube smiled and sat on the balcony chair and continued to stare at the stars in a daze...

Early the next morning.

A spaceship flew to the starship with Rubik's Cube, Zhang Xiaowen and two children. Many people in Longshan Camp were seeing them off. As for the Guardians of the Galaxy, they didn't know whether they would go to Mars or Jupiter. In the crowd, there was an ordinary-looking Erha next to the old couple, but the red light flashing from his eyes from time to time showed that it was actually a mechanical dog. As the parents of the Queen of the Mechanical Empire, no one could guarantee that there would be no Erha. Human nerves hit the wrong chord and set their sights on two old people. It would be safer to have a mechanical dog.

The huge engine of the Rubik's Cube starship started, and the starship hovering motionless on the coast of Dragon Kingdom flew into space...

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