Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 625: Space folding test failed

Six months away from the earth, somewhere in space, countless beautiful planets are slowly moving. This is an extremely strange and mysterious star field.

suddenly! A vortex appeared in the void without warning and got bigger and bigger! The vortex seemed to be able to suck the line of sight in. Many small meteorites floating by were unable to withstand the energy fluctuations and were squeezed into powder. The vortex was incredibly large, and the distorted light and lightning inside could even be seen from a distance...

"Report! The shield energy has dropped by 80%! Three engines have failed! The spacecraft is out of control!" In the cockpit, the Death Scorpion sat on the seat and controlled the spacecraft with its manipulator. Outside the glass cockpit in front of him was a twisted space and chaos. lightning.

"Damn! Why do you enter such a weird place when conducting space folding experiments? This is simply a time and space tunnel!"

Rubik's Cube grabbed the roof of the spacecraft with one hand and looked out of the cockpit and cursed. He was originally conducting a space folding test to verify space technology. Unexpectedly, the entire spacecraft entered the damn void with a bunch of Transformers. Except for the Rubik's Cube on board, There are still ten Transformers all for space technology experiments. Now, the experiment is half successful...

"Didi! The hull is seriously damaged!" The spacecraft's intelligent program alarmed, and many parts of the spacecraft appeared dangerously red on the display!

"Scorpion! Get us out of here quickly!"

Boomerang, who was firmly holding himself in the cabin, shouted, "Boomerang feels very bad now. There is violent vibration, electromagnetic disorder, and there is almost a black hole outside the spacecraft."

"I'm doing……"

Rubik's Cube looked at the void outside the cockpit and was extremely nervous. If something happened here, he would not even be able to find himself. The void was turbulent. What else could this place be besides the void turbulence! Sure enough, it is not a good thing that technology develops too fast. Next time, let the intelligent program be the person in charge of the experiment. The spaceship is just an ordinary spaceship. If it cannot withstand the destructive force of the void and disintegrates here, then the mechanical life forms in the cabin will basically be destroyed. It’s useless! Wenzi and Xiaojing are still waiting for him!

A spaceship sailed at high speed in the void of lightning and thunder. Instead of not slowing down, it was completely out of control.

Pieces of metal and parts are constantly falling off the hull of the spaceship that flashes past. Those parts that have broken away from the spacecraft will fly around and turn into nothingness before they fly far...

Suddenly, the Rubik's Cube's mechanical eye locked on an area without lightning in front of it. There were vaguely visible planets and other celestial bodies outside. The Rubik's Cube didn't know where it was safe, but that place must be an exit. It raised its mechanical arm and pointed at that exit. yelled the Death Scorpion.

"There! Try your best to rush over! Even if you can't do it, you have to do it!"

The Death Scorpion ignored the complaints and hurriedly opened the emergency flight system of the spacecraft to maneuver the spacecraft closer to the exit. At this time, the spacecraft had already dropped a large number of parts and was on the verge of collapse at any time!

The emergency engine of the spacecraft started, pushing the spacecraft towards the exit frantically. Just when Rubik's Cube and Death Scorpion thought they could get out at the edge of the exit, suddenly a light flashed in front of their eyes, and Rubik's Cube finally saw the spacecraft shattering into fragments all over the sky, and a group of transformed Wolverines in a panic. It rolled and flew out of a huge vortex, and the vortex disappeared when the screen was about to go black...

After an unknown amount of time, the Rubik's Cube's mechanical eye flickered a few times and then lit up again. As soon as I woke up, I saw the red warning on the screen flashing continuously. It seemed that I was flying at high speed in space. Anyway, at least I didn't crash.

In order to save energy, I had to enter a standby state, so I just kept flying forward aimlessly in space using inertia. When I woke up for the last time, I seemed to see a huge colorful planet many times larger than the earth, some green, some yellow, There is blue, and Rubik's Cube bets that this planet is not marked on either the Dragon Star Chart or the Mechanical Fleet's own star chart.

The screen fell into darkness again, and before the Rubik's Cube went to standby, he secretly sighed that he always ended up falling when he went to the planet...

"Warning! Falling too fast..."

"Start the emergency deceleration device..."

The newly installed simple intelligent program of the Rubik's Cube starts and takes over the control of the body from the standby Rubik's Cube.


Shenwu Continent.

The full moon is in the sky, and on the day of the Moon Appreciation Festival, people from most countries in the mainland are visiting gardens, admiring lanterns, and celebrating the festival. There are three moons in the Shenwu Continent. Every year, the three moons will form an equilateral triangle. This day is the Moon Appreciation Festival.

In a certain city, people were holding lanterns and laughing happily. The stone bridge was decorated with candles and turned into a lantern bridge. Young men and women were admiring the fireworks set off by the city lord's palace on the bridge. Every time the colorful fireworks bloomed, they would cause a scream. The common people recited poems and drank wine while admiring the moon, accompanied by fireworks, and their lives were very comfortable.

"Look! The biggest firework has taken off! It's so beautiful~"

In the city, both the police officers patrolling and the scholars showing off their literary talent all turned their attention to the center of the city, where a huge firework was slowly rising into the sky.

When the fireworks rise high enough, they bloom beautifully, just like fairies dropping beautiful flowers from the sky. The beauty is mesmerizing.

At this moment, everyone's eyes fell on a meteor with a long tail in the sky. The meteor in the night sky with its tail quickly passed through the sky and disappeared at the end of the sky...

Everyone outside the mainland has seen the meteors streaking across the sky. Due to special reasons in the nearby galaxies, meteors rarely appear on the Shenwu Continent. However, national masters from all countries know one thing, that is, something big will happen when a meteor comes to the world. Maybe it is A bad thing, maybe a good thing. Many people were worried for a while, but the meteor only cut across the sky and flew northward, and did not fall in a country with a large population. It didn't take long for many experts to cut through the night sky and fly northward. !

Late at night, in the northern part of Shenwu Continent.

In a room of a large palace, the little boy in the bed was awakened by the flickering light. He opened the quilt made of silk and satin, rubbed his eyes, left the big bed and walked out the door.

The little boy stood in front of the white marble railing and watched in surprise as a fire flashed past his head. The fierce air flow even made the flags in the palace whistle. In the distance, there was a snow-capped mountain covered with snow all year round, and he could only see the huge fireball passing by. The sky gradually dimmed after a flash over the snow-capped mountains.

The palace was in chaos, the palace maids and eunuchs were screaming and running, and the guards found their master to protect them. The little boy was hugged by a stunning beauty with a panicked face and walked into the room. The little boy lying on the beauty's shoulders kept staring at the snow-capped mountains...

The meteor that crossed most of the Shenwu Continent finally disappeared. Countless people from all walks of life used their abilities to run north. According to rumors, several super emperors in the history of the Shenwu Continent used weapons made of meteorite iron to unify the continent. Therefore, the arrival of the meteor is also seen as an opportunity for the rise of a new emperor, and no one is willing to miss this opportunity.

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