Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 691: Going to sea

After flying for nearly half a month, Wang Ziyan sat in the cockpit of the fighter jet and saw a large mountain range towering into the clouds in front of her. The radar detection equipment showed that the side of the mountain facing humans was a large gentle slope and covered with various plants, while the side facing zombies It is a steep cliff with jagged rocks. This was once a battleground for the military strategists of a great country and now it has become the protector of mankind. The steep cliff and the cloud-piercing height not only blocked the footsteps of zombies, but also blocked the infected flexible animals, and even Even the death aura on the other side was blocked.

The fighter jets conducted simple data collection on the mountains. Originally, many gaps in the mountains were filled with large amounts of earth and stone moved by powerful magicians. In some places, tall super walls were built.

Some monks' fluctuations were faintly discovered on the mountain range. Obviously there must be knowledgeable people in the world of immortality, and they are guarding this last barrier for mankind.

The intelligent program found a place where there was no fluctuation of the monks and flew high above the clouds and got into the clouds. Wang Ziyan, who was sitting in the cockpit, saw a cloud in front of her and could not see anything. After a few seconds, a bright light appeared above the clouds, which surprised Wang Ziyan. What's surprising is that there is a mountain range above the clouds that stretches endlessly into the distance. That is the mountain range that protects humans. It is so high...

The fighter jet accelerated over the mountains.

After flying over the mountain, the fighter jet flew to a safe height of 10,000 meters. Various detection equipment under the belly of the aircraft were fully activated to detect the ground. The monitor screen flashed into a ground image, and the cross center of the image continued to zoom in. The result was the enlarged picture Wang Ziyan I saw densely packed "people" under the mountain cliffs. Those people were squeezing in and out. In an instant, the computer marked everyone as a red attackable target, and the dialog box showed that all these humans were zombies...

Looking down through the cockpit glass, the difference between the ground and the human area is that the human side is green or the air is clear, while the zombie side is gray.

In the high-definition picture, those towns are as dilapidated as the underworld, the rivers are turbid and filled with the air of death, and bones can be seen everywhere. Zombies stay motionless in their respective positions. If there is any disturbance, the zombies will rush forward like wild beasts and tear everything to pieces. , although advanced individuals have not yet been found, the threat of zombies is still great. A single flexible individual is easy to eliminate, but what about tens of millions or billions? Not afraid of death, he pounces on him and can drown the master even if he is buried alive.

Wang Ziyan simply stopped watching those scary things. The smart program cleverly played some TV programs on earth and marine animals on the monitor.

Weapons testing must be done. The intelligent program dropped rockets, white phosphorus bombs and incendiary bombs, and then the detection equipment began to conduct detailed reconnaissance and scanning of those bombing targets...

The first thing to explode was a rocket. The results showed that the zombies at close range were blown into pieces, while the zombies at a distance were only hit by shock waves and shrapnel. The bones of the zombies were broken and their mobility was disturbed but they did not die. The zombies were also hit by shrapnel. Not dead, only dead with broken spines or brains penetrated by shrapnel. Their survival characteristics are similar to those of zombies on Earth.

The white phosphorus bomb still exerted extraordinary combat effectiveness against this monster transformed by humans. The white phosphorus that burned the tarsal bones and did not burn out caused huge damage to the zombies. The white phosphorus bomb was once again regarded as a good thing by the intelligent program.

The third incendiary bomb hit the ground and exploded a forty-meter-long flame zone. Everything contaminated was burning. Since the burning only occurred on the surface instead of going deep into the body like the white phosphorus bomb, the effect was slightly less effective. It turned into a second incendiary bomb. kinds of available ammunition, and continued to complete various basic experiments. After that, the fighter jet changed direction and flew westward from the zombie side close to the mountains, because not far to the west is the sea...

One thing that the fighter jet discovered during the flight was that the spiritual energy on the zombie side was very thin, while it was much better on the other side of the mountain. It can be said that it would be very disadvantageous for the monks to fight here, especially the low-level monks.

Just think about it, if the entire land is filled with zombies and the mountains and plains are full of zombies, where is the spiritual energy coming from? If the mainland is completely occupied, the monks can pack their backpacks and wander to islands or other worlds. As for ordinary people, they can all wait to die slowly.


Today's smart programs are very tired, and the reason is very simple. There is no satellite map, and there are no nautical charts or anything like that. It's like playing a game. The undeveloped map is completely dark. Only the devil knows where there are islands and where there are storm restricted areas. , the intelligent program that has not yet entered the sea now really wants the main body to come out quickly so that it can return to the chip and go to sleep.

After flying for several days, the fighter jet's intelligent program discovered that the number of zombies on the ground had significantly decreased and were still retreating inland, while the aura content in the air increased rapidly and the dead air gradually disappeared. What caused this situation? Is it salt?

After analysis, the intelligent program found that it was indeed the salt that prevented the zombie virus from approaching. The salt content in the air at the seaside gradually increased, and there was even a salty smell in the air. There were also some differences between the different natural environments of Shenwu Continent and the earth. After flying a certain distance, the detection The equipment found living normal humans on the ground, and there were a lot of them. In the distance, the fighter jets had seen the sea level of the high land.

In a small city by the sea, ordinary people come in and out selling various fish they catch at sea. This is the only staple food for humans hiding on the coast.

Suddenly, a strange thing swooped down from the clouds in the sky, whizzing and flying less than a hundred meters above the city. The violent air flow startled a blacksmith who was forging iron, and the hammer tilted and hit his finger...

The intelligent program-controlled fighter jet flew over the city at an ultra-low altitude. Even Wang Ziyan could clearly see the two ladies at the table next to the bed in the restaurant eating a plate of big fish. They didn't even notice if they dropped their chopsticks.

Skimming the city fighter flies over the coastline and into the sea…

There are many wooden fishing boats in the shallow sea. The intelligent program collects the general condition of the wooden boats and what kind of fish the fishermen catch and then quickly disappears into the distance of the sea. The intelligent program believes that Wang Ziyan is very prone to accidents if she does not have enough protection when living in a human area. In order to ensure Wang Ziyan's safety and intelligence The program must find a safe place, otherwise once the subject breaks the seal and comes out and sees Wang Ziyan injured, the first thing he will do is format himself.

In order to ensure safety, the fighter jets flew nearly 200 kilometers far into the sea before starting to search for the islands.

The island is too small, no, the island is very big, but there are no trees or clean fresh water, no, the intelligent program completes the accurate chart while flying, just like playing a game and opening a map, gradually turning the black area into transparent.

Searching for a suitable island is a tiring job. During the break, the intelligent program chooses to land on an island without large threatening creatures. The mechanical mantis can go up the mountain to hunt or go into the water to fish. It gave Wang Ziyan, who has never eaten seafood, a seafood feast. Braised lobster, delicious teppanyaki fish, beach, sunshine, waves, and slightly salty sea breeze, all these made Wang Ziyan, who had never seen the sea, excited, and the irritability of the past few days was swept away.

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