Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 692: Clam Girl

During the search for the island, we unexpectedly came across a small island occupied by pirates. The crazy pirates actually fired heavy crossbows at the fighter jets. The intelligent program launched two umbrella missiles on the small island according to the program settings, which exploded in the air. Amidst the fire and screams, the intelligent program left the pirate den with satisfaction.

During the search, we also encountered two or three small inhabited islands. Unfortunately, the living conditions on the islands were so dire that they could almost be described as dying. It was probably because a wooden boat ran aground here in the wind and waves that they had no choice but to live on the islands.

The intelligent program calculates that we are already three hundred kilometers away from the coast. If we go further, we might be able to find another continent...

It didn't take long for the intelligent program to discover a large island with dense vegetation and some unique plant characteristics because it was too far away from the mainland. What's even more wonderful is that there are two rivers and countless mountains on the island, and even There was a lake, and the intelligent program thought it had found a safe spot. It flipped its wings and flew straight to low altitude to scan the island in more detail and draw a map of the island.

"High threat creatures, none."

"Air quality, water and soil quality, excellent."

"There are a lot of edible ingredients."

"Discovered humanoid creatures, demonic attributes, all female, women carrying a... clam shell..." The intelligent program felt that its lower IQ was a little confused as to why those women on the ground were still carrying a white clam shell. ? Not only was the smart program a little confused, but Wang Ziyan was also staring curiously at the high-definition pictures of women in clam shells on the monitor screen with her small mouth open. She really didn't understand the king of the sea, Ziyan.

"The creature is not toxic or threatening. The overall situation is safe and can be landed and resettled."

The fighter jet found a wide beach and slowed down to adjust the engine nozzle to land vertically. The smart program found a lot of women in clamshells on this beach, and maybe they could communicate with each other.

On the cockpit monitor, the women with clam shells on the beach were looking at the sky in horror. Not even two seconds had passed, and suddenly one by one, the women with clam shells closed their shells with a snap and hid inside, unable to come out...


Wang Ziyan was a little speechless and thought it was quite fun. She was just like those little bugs she used to play with secretly when she was a child. She retracted into the shell with a slight touch and could not come out. Only a small opening was exposed in the clam shell, and she quietly observed the vertical movement. The light blue flames of the fighter jet's engine made these women in clam shells feel frightened and intimidated by the landing fighter. In order to prevent misunderstandings caused by flying sand, the intelligent program activated the gravity-free suspension system and landed slowly.

Two mechanical legs stretched out and stepped slowly on the beach. After shaking slightly, the fighter stopped.

The cockpit cover opened, and the gangway stretched out to the beach amidst the sound of machinery. Two mechanical mantises jumped out majestically and looked around. Then, Wang Ziyan, holding up her skirt, carefully walked out of the cockpit.

The clam girls who secretly left a small gap to observe looked at Wang Ziyan blankly, why did a beautiful woman come out of the monster? Humanity? Is that monster her mount? What is this amazing and powerful human woman doing here? In just a short while, these clam girls on the beach thought of countless possibilities.

Wang Ziyan tiptoed over to a beautiful clam shell and tapped it gently.

"Hello, I'm Wang Ziyan, can you come out for a moment?"

After a long time, a small trembling sound came from the clam shell. If Wang Ziyan hadn't listened carefully, she wouldn't have been able to hear the sound clearly among the waves. The language was a bit like a mainland dialect, but fortunately Wang Ziyan could barely understand it.

"Who are you...don't kill us..."

Wang Ziyan looked back at the two mechanical mantises. The mechanical mantises looked at each other and were a little confused. They quickly turned into a bracelet and automatically put it on Wang Ziyansu's hand. It was the responsibility of the two mechanical mantises to protect safety. For programming the machinery The mantis still obeys very seriously.

"I won't hurt you. I just want to stay here for a few days. Can I..." Wang Ziyan said pitifully. In fact, the excitement of flying before quickly turned into exhaustion. Flying for a day is fun, but flying for a few seconds No one can stand the moon.

The clam girls hiding in the clam shell looked at Wang Ziyan. They really didn't look like a vicious person. After Wang Ziyan wasted a lot of saliva, they simply took out a beautiful starry sky lollipop to seduce a little girl in the clam shell. Finally, they couldn't stand it anymore. The little clam shell girl who was tempted by the scent opened the clam shell and took the lollipop. She stretched out her little tongue and took a lick, then happily danced around Wang Ziyan. Seeing that Wang Ziyan was really not bad, the other clam girls opened the clam shells one after another.

In the blink of an eye, a large group of beauties wearing white skirts and carrying white clam shells that resembled butterfly wings appeared on the beach. The clam shells flickered beautifully.

Under the offensive of Wang Ziyan's sweet appearance, these clam girls quickly accepted Wang Ziyan. Finally, a group of children boldly touched the fighter jet. They were too short and could only run around between the two mechanical legs and make crazy noises. Finally, they changed their name to "Monster". Number.

After getting along for a short time, Wang Ziyan learned that there is only one kind of monster called Clam Girl on this large island. The Clam Girl, who cannot practice simple water magic and can only survive on this island, relies on a certain kind of special butterfly on some islands to survive on this island. The beautiful Clam Girl Butterflies hate those creatures that love to destroy the forest. Whenever a destructive creature comes to the island, the butterflies will use the powder on their bodies to confuse their opponents into hallucinating and killing each other until they finally commit suicide. However, the clam girls are very docile and will not go. Destroying the forest, the two sides lived on this island in such a friendly way.

After learning the news, the fighter jets quickly scanned the entire island with detection beams. Sure enough, a large number of colorful butterflies were found in the forest. The amazing thing is that these butterflies have a very good relationship with the clams. This is why these clams with little fighting ability can live here. The reason for the island.

Clam girls like the beach, and this behavior has also caused a large reduction in the number of clam girls. They dare not go to the island, but those aggressive creatures can climb up the beach and kidnap those clam girls on the beach. Some clam girls After being eaten, the white clam shells sank to the bottom of the sea. Some clams were captured by some monsters or pirates, imprisoned, humiliated, and ended up miserable.

Wang Ziyan hated this evil behavior deeply, and the two sides quickly found common ground.

Just when Wang Ziyan and the clam girls were getting to know each other about the continent and the ocean, the radar detection system of the sci-fi fighter parked on the beach discovered that there were a large number of life forms approaching in the sea water. Detailed scanning found that these creatures had fish heads and human bodies or were neither human nor fish. He appeared to be holding a fork and machete made of bones and quickly approached the beach. Immediately, the intelligent program marked it as a threatening red target!

"Alert! A large number of threatening creatures in the sea are approaching!" Wang Ziyan received an alert from the smart program.

"Do the bad guys you are talking about have fish heads or hold forks in their hands? They can also swim, and there are about four hundred of them." Wang Ziyan said to the clam girls.

"Yeah, yeah, it's those bad guys! They come to catch us every time, sometimes dozens and sometimes hundreds. If we hide in the clam shell, they will hit the clam shell with hammers and rocks to knock us out. Open it again." A clam girl said angrily.

"They are coming." Wang Ziyan pointed to the beach.

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