Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 693: Easy to deal with

The clam girls looked in the direction of Wang Ziyan's little finger, and one after another weird and ugly heads appeared on the sea surface. The frightened clam girls screamed and ran into the woods together, running slowly and scared. Crying loudly, Wang Ziyan looked at the escaping clam girls and then at the fighter jets.

"Smart program, can you defeat those monsters?"

"According to data analysis, my chance of defeating them is infinitely close to 100%, which means there is no problem at all in killing them." The intelligent program answered truthfully.

"Okay, don't run away, kill them all!" Wang Ziyan rarely had a small temper.

"as you wish."

The belly door of the fuselage opened and stretched out two multi-barreled rotary machine guns and aimed at the coastline. Two rockets popped out from the upper part of the fuselage. There was also a laser weapon also aimed at the monsters that were approaching quickly. Two bracelets on Wang Ziyan's wrists He transformed back into a mechanical mantis and stood motionless in front of Wang Ziyan on guard. The silver light shining in the sun was very powerful.

The escaping clam girls were still asking Wang Ziyan to run with them. Wang Ziyan turned around and smiled and stood there motionless. When the clam girls saw this, they remembered that the human beauty in front of them was super powerful. Out of curiosity, they all hid behind the trees and stared. beach.

Time passed by, and the heads of the monsters in the water walked onto the beach. They had skin like fish creatures, and some had long fins on their faces. Some even had fish gills. Their shapes were even more diverse, including those with human-shaped legs and octopus. , covered with fish scales, the monsters were vomiting blisters while staggering towards the beach, holding various primitive weapons in their claws. The image of them is that of a villain or the kind of villain who loves to eat human flesh. I can't stand the images of these monsters. Wang Ziyan simply took out a pair of women's sunglasses and put them on.

The smart program is still waiting, waiting until all the monsters walk onto the beach and no one can escape before firing.

After landing one after another, they were less than twenty meters away from the fighter jets and the monsters had noticed Wang Ziyan and began to drool and rush forward. The two multi-barreled rotating machine guns on the belly of the aircraft began to make mechanical sounds and rotate faster and faster...

The first bullet was fired, piercing the chest of the fish-headed monster at the front, making a big hole and even taking out the internal organs!

The speed of bullet shooting is getting faster and faster, and finally the sounds are indistinguishable. In the distance, only dense light spots can be seen from the belly of the fighter jet, which are constantly shooting into the group of monsters. The monsters with delicate skin that have lived underwater all year round cannot bear it at all. Metal bullets were fired intensively, and they began to fall down in pieces amidst the continuous sizzling sound in their ears. Two machine guns swept back and forth like brooms. The underwater flexible marine monster was so clumsy on land that the fighter jets didn't even need to take off. As long as you fire on the spot, you can quickly kill the monsters on the beach that have no place to hide.

The two multi-barreled rotary machine guns had fired all the barrels red but were still firing bullets. A pyramid-shaped pile of shell casings was piled on the beach below the belly of the machine.

"Run quickly..."

Poof~! A bullet shot through the throat of the monster who was shouting. The powerful kinetic energy shattered the neck and sent the head flying into the sky.

Now those monsters know how to escape even if they don't have to call. The beach is covered with corpses. Red blood seeps into the golden beach. When the waves come up, they are covered in bloody foam. There are rotten flesh and limbs everywhere. There are less than thirty monsters left running desperately towards the sea. .

The machine gun continued to fire, and the laser weapon began to emit straight beams to eliminate targeted targets. In the end, less than ten monsters escaped into the sea.

The multi-barreled rotary machine gun ceased firing, and the red barrel began to cool after it stopped rotating.

The rocket pylon rotated slightly to adjust its direction. With two soaring sounds, the two rockets took off in an arc and flew towards the sea. The computer in the rocket quickly calibrated the two groups of escaping monsters and plunged into the sea...

Be quiet for two seconds.

Boom boom! ! The huge white water wave not only scared the clam girls, but also Wang Ziyan. Soon, the explosion point was blood red, and even the monsters that were not hit by the explosion floated up with blood vomiting from their mouths, and all their internal organs were shattered.

"Report, all hostile targets have been killed, no one escaped, the command is completed." The intelligent program reported the battle situation to Wang Ziyan.

The clam girls are stupid...

That night, Wang Ziyan was warmly welcomed by the Bengnu clan and held a banquet. From then on, Wang Ziyan could stay on this beautiful island for as long as she wanted. In order to express her welcome, she also helped build a small wooden house. She likes clean things. The clam girls built the wooden house very beautifully. There is a well, grape trellis, wooden fence, and various vines and flowers in the small courtyard outside, making it look like a small garden.

Wang Ziyan moved into the garden, and the intelligent program naturally controlled the fighter jet to follow her. She walked with two mechanical legs like a goose and walked to the small house without moving. The beauty-loving clam girls also painted some auspicious totems on the fighter jet...

From then on, Wang Ziyan finally lived a stable life. After washing and eating every morning, she started to grow vegetables and go shopping. The girls had a small market where they usually communicated with each other about any good things, such as beautiful shells. , beautiful colored stones, pearls that can be used as lighting lamps. Anyway, Wang Ziyan fell in love with it after going there once.

A few days later, under the careful care of the clam girls, the vines in the courtyard began to grow wildly. A high-tech fighter jet was suddenly wrapped in vines and turned into a plant sculpture...

Although her childhood was leisurely, Wang Ziyan missed the Rubik's Cube very much. When she had nothing to do, she liked to sit under the grape trellis and stare at the location of the fire on the fighter jet all afternoon. If the intelligent program hadn't said that the seal was about to be broken, I'm afraid Wang Ziyan would have planned to dismantle the fighter. After finding the Rubik's Cube, it will be very uncomfortable to suddenly become a person after being passionately in love or even entangled, and the lovesickness will be very painful.

Not long after I lived on the island, I encountered another time when the island robbed the Clam Girl as a slave girl. The excited pirates had just got off the boat and pulled up their pants and pounced on the Clam Girl. Suddenly, the pirate ship exploded. In the sky, the fire was filled with the frightened eyes of the pirates. Two machines The mantis cut the hearts of all the pirates. It is said that a very powerful group of pirates were killed on the beach. They never dreamed that poaching the clams would end up like this.

The intelligent program is very indifferent, just a few pirate monsters and fishmen. Once a rocket goes over, the wooden ship turns into a floating fire. It is not easy for high-tech mechanical beings to defeat ancient pirates.

After a month of carefree life, Wang Ziyan suddenly realized that something was wrong. She would sometimes vomit for no reason when eating, was often tired and liked to sleep in a lazy bed, and her lower abdomen began to bulge slightly. She had seen all kinds of signs before. Some of the manifestations written in those medical books are very similar...

The stunned Wang Ziyan seemed to understand something, and in a panic, she ran to the doctor of the clam girl clan to seek medical treatment.

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