Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 899: The power of special bombs

Rubik's Cube watched the overwhelming bombs roaring and falling, and the whole sky was screaming. After the bombers dropped the bombs, they climbed up and turned their noses to fly inland. Countless bombers could not finish dropping the bombs at once. After dropping the bombs, those behind just entered the bombing area, like an assembly line operation taking turns to drop bombs...

On the sea surface, countless Sea Clan soldiers stared blankly at the screaming sky.

The densely packed bombs continued to drop in height, and suddenly opened in an umbrella shape less than a hundred meters away from the sea. Dust-like metal debris exploded and scattered to the sea. The Hai Clan soldiers entered the water to avoid the dust. Some Hai Clan soldiers who had not entered the water suddenly I found that the skin exposed to the sea was itchy and my eyes hurt. The more I touched it, the more severe the pain became.

Under the magnifying glass, the sky-wide debris began to sink after entering the sea water. One after another, countless debris was sucked into the gills of the sea soldiers and adsorbed in the fish gills, or adsorbed on the skin, sharp metal The debris began to scratch the internal organs of the fish's gills, eyes, and skin. The densely packed sharp debris was driving the Sea Tribe soldiers crazy...

There was nowhere to escape. There were too many bombers and the area of ​​iron bombs dropped was so large that there was no place to hide in a short period of time.

Many Sea Tribe soldiers discovered that nothing happened in the depths and swam desperately to the bottom of the sea. What they didn't know was that the sinking sharp metal debris was quickly covering the bottom of the sea. They could not hide for a while by diving into the deep sea. The clan army was in chaos. No matter how angry the senior sea clan monks were, it was of no avail. They had the cultivation to protect them and were not afraid of iron filings. However, most ordinary sea clan soldiers did not have that ability. They felt pain and itching all over their bodies, and their gills were bleeding, causing lack of oxygen all over their bodies. They may continue to obey orders, and even many fishmen soldiers who can't stand it directly stab themselves to death with fish bones as weapons.

High in the sky, the Rubik's Cube detected various mental fluctuations in the sea below which were very confusing.

"It seems to have a good effect. Cruel is a bit cruel. Who gave you a good emperor? When you go to hell, remember to recruit the emperor to apologize to you. After death, everyone will have the same status." Rubik's Cube muttered, and then locked his eyes on Hide. Among the senior sea tribesmen in the middle of the sea tribe army, the old mermaid who had been hiding for so many days finally came out, allowing the mechanical bird and the high-altitude reconnaissance plane to find it.

"High-end mechanical soldiers freely hunt high-level sea monks! Ten of them will come with me to deal with that old seafood!"

After Rubik's Cube finished speaking, he swooped towards the position of the old mermaid in the Sea Clan army. Except for the ten high-end mechanical soldiers who followed the Rubik's Cube, the other high-end mechanical soldiers all locked on their respective targets and rushed down. With the cooperation of the networked computers, there was no repeated locking phenomenon. Pretty perfect.

A fighter jet and ten high-end mechanical soldiers swooping down at high speed naturally attracted the attention of the old mermaid in the sea.

The old mermaid emperor had cultivated in the late body stage, otherwise he would not have occupied a huge ocean empire. Perhaps for the convenience of rule and other reasons, he did not have the sea tribe who had cultivated in the body stage. The top one was a group of sea tribes who had cultivated in the martial soul stage. Monk, if there are people from the Sea Clan who have cultivated in the Harmony Stage, what else can the old emperor do to rule the empire? What will happen if the other party rebels? If we don't fight, our rights will be affected, and if we fight, it will be easy for both parties to lose.

"Your Majesty! The whole army is in chaos! What they threw down is iron powder!" A shrimp man expert said anxiously to the old mermaid.

The old mermaid didn't care about the army. All his attention was focused on the eleven strange things approaching quickly. When he launched the war, he considered the tragedy or danger of the war, but he did not expect that the other party would use such a hateful method. The army It doesn't matter whether there is a loss or not. There are so many marine creatures and they can recover in just a few years. The key is that the opponent's master appears!

"Enter the deep sea. The deep sea is our territory. Those monsters will not let us leave without a fight."

After saying this, the old mermaid took ten of her men and dived into the deep sea. The deep sea is the world of the Sea Clan. Home battles are very beneficial to the Sea Clan and can increase their combat effectiveness. If the opponent is not good at deep sea combat, their strength will be greatly weakened.

The diving Rubik's Cube saw the old mermaid's intention, but didn't care. The bottom of the sea is indeed difficult for land creatures to adapt to, but mechanical creatures don't care. Not to mention the deep sea, even lava dares to drill into it, let alone sea water. The sea area here is not enough. Deep, if given the chance, Rubik's Cube would be very willing to compete with those fishmen to see who can dive the deepest.


The Rubik's Cube transformed into a human-sized mechanical form and plunged into the sea with a pop. There were ten continuous sounds of water entering behind it. Ten high-end mechanical soldiers followed the Rubik's Cube and headed straight to the deep sea with traces of bubbles. Eleven steel monsters did not even look at the people struggling around them. From below, the Sea Clan soldiers saw only eleven grey-black ferocious robots with glowing red eyes, expressionlessly sinking, and their speed was no slower or even faster than that of marine creatures!

"Decepticon! Enjoy the beauty of war!" The Rubik's Cube screamed, and the sound of metal friction spread across the sea floor...

The Rubik's Cube launched missiles modified into torpedoes, followed by high-end mechanical soldiers. Eleven small torpedoes dragged bubble trails at incredible speeds towards the old mermaid group, automatically locking on and flexibly pursuing them. The old mermaid group discovered after turning. Not only did they not pull away, but they even got closer!

"Stop those weird things!" the old mermaid yelled and cast a magic water arrow to shoot the torpedo, and a magic performance suddenly started on the seabed.

Under all-out interception, five torpedoes were intercepted and exploded. The torpedo explosions containing electromagnetic pulses and energy bombs made a group of sea clan masters stunned for a moment. In just a short moment, the remaining few torpedoes landed in front of the sea clan masters... …

The explosion at the bottom of the sea was a little low, and several sea masters were injured to varying degrees on the spot. The old mermaid gritted her teeth and continued to dive into the deep sea, so she took eleven robots along the way to the seabed.

"After getting close, keep the sonic weapon and high-voltage electricity released, turn on the interference energy field, and try to attack as close as possible!"

Rubik's Cube formulates a combat plan based on the characteristics of the deep sea. The sea water restricts the use of laser weapons and various machine guns. Only close combat can be done without delay. Fortunately, according to local conditions, it can use sonar-like sonic weapons to attack the opponent in all directions without blind spots, as well as use high-voltage electricity. And even if the high-explosive bomb fails to hit the opponent, the propagation characteristics of underwater sound will still make it unbearable for the sea tribe.


Ten high-end mechanical soldiers quickly adjusted their weapon systems. The energy layer was opened on the surface of the machine body to eliminate the blocking restrictions of sea water, maintaining flexibility similar to that in the air.

"Fighting under the sea is really a rare thing. If I have the chance, I really want to send this old seafood to outer space to fight, so that he can feel the charm of vacuum." Rubik's Cube complained, expressionlessly rushing towards the sea that had dived to the bottom of the sea. A group of sea masters...

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