Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 900: Fierce battle under the sea

sea ​​surface.

I don’t know when a huge cloud came from the sky and pressed down on the battlefield. The fierce sea wind blew the waves into waves, and the extremely low black cloud began to sprinkle heavy raindrops. The strong wind, huge waves, and heavy rain were all covered with the blood of various sea tribe soldiers. The sea water rose and fell when it was dyed red. The densely packed armed helicopters kept firing missiles and cannons into the sea. The sound of explosions was endless. The dark world was full of death and ferocity...

The rolling black water on the sea surface in the distance is getting closer and closer. It is the mechanical octopus that has begun to attack. Its evil-shaped sharp tentacles rush towards the soldiers of the Sea Army. The sea water turns red wherever it passes!

Under the sea, a large number of Sea Tribe soldiers are still grabbing fish gills and scratching their skins. The high-end mechanical soldiers shuttled one after another will not attack the low-level soldiers. Their eyes are glowing red, looking for the high-level Sea Tribe monks to chase and kill. , the dim ocean under the dim sky seemed to foretell the future of the Sea Clan soldiers. Simple sharp metal debris destroyed an entire huge army, and the effect seriously exceeded the Rubik's Cube's expectations.

The mechanical octopus pounced on the Sea Tribe soldiers who were still able to continue fighting. It hugged tightly with its tentacles and pierced with its tentacles. The surging mechanical octopus frightened those Sea Tribe soldiers who could still move. The Sea Tribe has always had a psychological shadow on octopuses. He is a devil. Now that there are so many devils rushing towards him, who still has the courage to step forward and risk his life? The sea soldiers who can move their bodies began to flee. The three million army collapsed and fled. Even the one million cheap mechanical octopuses had some too busy……

Occasionally, a sea monk with a high level of cultivation would fly into the sky, only to be killed by a few missiles. The armed helicopter hovering in the storm did not return to the land to land to avoid the wind and rain, but just fought through the storm!

Bright lights kept flashing in the sea water, which were various tracking torpedoes, missiles or artillery shells that were launched into the sea and exploded on the seabed.

There was also light flickering at the deepest seabed. It was the Rubik's Cube and ten high-end mechanical soldiers fighting with the high-end monks of the sea tribe. The churning mud muddied the seawater, making the already dim seabed even worse to see...


The mechanical fist of the Rubik's Cube hit a barrier formed by water waves, making a loud dull sound. The huge water pressure did not slow down the movements of the Rubik's Cube, but restricted the movements of the sea people. In the deep sea, the sound transmission was all changed, and the Rubik's Cube's voice became deeper. The depth here is nearly four thousand meters. It doesn't seem like a big value, but this is the bottom of the sea, and the huge seawater pressure is quite terrifying.

The sound of "dong dong" was heard continuously, and ripples continued to spread on the barrier where the Rubik's Cube's mechanical fist hit. The surrounding sea masters and high-end mechanical soldiers were fighting, and the Rubik's Cube and the old mermaid were in a stalemate.

The old guy got a turtle shell somewhere to create a colorful barrier. It looks a bit like a turtle on the outside. He can't be hit by the Rubik's Cube while hiding inside. At the same time, he can't attack the Rubik's Cube. Whenever the Rubik's Cube wants to give up the old turtle shell to deal with another When there were several sea tribesmen, this guy would always attack from behind. The angry Rubik's Cube simply punched the turtle shell one after another.

"Hahaha~ Give up! You can't break my defense shield!" the old mermaid laughed inside the colorful turtle shell barrier.

"How will you know if you don't try."

The red mechanical eye of the Rubik's Cube smiled at the old mermaid.


The old mermaid looked at the Rubik's Cube in disbelief. She saw that the whole body of the Rubik's Cube was rapidly extended and assembled, turning into a huge Transformer in less than two seconds. The huge mechanical feet were raised high, and the energy layer cleared the blockage of sea water at an extremely fast speed. Step towards the colorful barrier in the shape of a turtle shell...

The old mermaid stared at the dark shadow above her head getting bigger and bigger.

boom! !

The seawater around the huge mechanical foot retreated instantly due to the impact of the powerful shock wave, forming a circular space without water. The old mermaid stared blankly at the defense cover with countless cracks above her head and the seabed without seawater around her. The little turtle in her hand Hairline cracks appeared in the shell, and the magic weapon was destroyed, destroyed by violence.

When the mechanical foot was raised, the old mermaid quickly threw away the broken magic weapon and flew out in the air without sea water. Just as she left, a huge mechanical fist hit the turtle shell defense cover left in place. The small turtle shell was completely shattered and lifted up again. The shock wave pushed out the water that was about to return again, and the old mermaid who had just ran out planned to take advantage of the Rubik's Cube's huge size and lack of quick response to rush forward and attack. As a result, the Rubik's Cube quickly changed back to human size and pounced on it. The two sides struggled in At the same time, it was difficult to take advantage of spells in close combat, which made the old mermaid feel frustrated.

The water that was knocked away twice finally swept back and filled the seabed again. Without the magic weapon for defense, the old mermaid had to fight in close combat with the Rubik's Cube.

Not only the Rubik's Cube, but other high-end mechanical soldiers are also fighting and attacking. Some high-end mechanical soldiers are damaged and their combat effectiveness is affected, and some beat their opponents until they are unable to fight back. Whenever a high-end mechanical soldier is damaged, the soldiers will remain intact. Bring your opponent closer, and then switch opponents between each other under the precise calculation of the computer. The damaged high-end mechanical soldiers will deal with the injured Sea Clan, and the intact ones will deal with those powerful masters. The perfect cooperation is exemplary, and the Sea Clan masters will not be able to do it at all. Understand why these monsters all look the same...

During the fight, corpses and damaged mechanical octopuses sank one after another in the sea above the head. Occasionally, an armed helicopter sank. The corpse of the dead sea clan fishman maintained the fear of dying, and opened its arms as if to No matter what you hold on to, you still can't escape death in the end. Except for those killed by the mechanical octopus, most of the fishman soldiers are covered in blood and their gills are everted. They can't stand the lack of oxygen and discomfort. They tear open the gills and scratch the fish skin, constantly The sinking corpse made the sea masters fighting on the seabed feel an inexplicable fear.

The frightened eyes of the same kind and the posture before death made the Sea Clan master finally remember that they were all young people of their own clan...

Buzz~! Suddenly, an energy field spread out with the Rubik's Cube as the center. The sinking corpse was stunned, and the old mermaid also slowed down for a moment.

The mechanical fist created a vacuum in the sea water and hit the old mermaid's heart at a very fast speed. Feeling the threat, the old mermaid quickly raised her hands to stop the Rubik's Cube's mechanical fist. At this time, the mechanical fist was only a slap away from the heart, and the old mermaid suddenly I saw a scary smile on the face of the Rubik's Cube machine in front of me...

The old mermaid felt nervous and quickly waved her palm back!

when! There was a dull metal collision sound on the bottom of the sea. The old mermaid's palm hit the tip of a high-end mechanical soldier Tang Dao. The powerful energy and high cultivation level withstood the sharp Tang Dao. At the same time, the Rubik's Cube mechanical fist in front fiercely The ground force hit the old mermaid's heart. At that moment, the old mermaid felt that her whole body was shaken!

The injured old mermaid quickly threw out a handful of weird fish scales and quickly retreated. The Rubik's Cube was blocked by those weird fish scales and was unable to attack again immediately.

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