Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 901: Deep sea monster

At this time, the old mermaid discovered that one of his subordinates had been killed, and the energy field fluctuations emitted by the Rubik's Cube were to cover up the fluctuations caused by the death of that subordinate. Today, the old mermaid cooperated with the attacks. The Rubik's Cube secretly sighed that the old mermaid was really lucky, and his heart was hit. Even if one punch is fine, is it possible that the heart of a mermaid is the same as that of a fish? Find time to ask Hai Ling another day.

The old mermaid touched her chest, her face turned red and white for a while and then returned to normal, staring at the Rubik's Cube with her eyes full of hatred.

"I know you are a powerful monster. If it weren't for the deep sea, I might have been defeated by you, but this is the deep sea! This is my world! Do you know what is the most terrifying thing in the endless sea?"

Rubik's Cube thought about it seriously.

"The sea is not endless. It mainly depends on the area of ​​the planet minus the land part, which is the area of ​​the sea. Although the spherical calculation method is a bit more troublesome, it can still be calculated."

"What? Don't talk nonsense there! I can tell you that the most terrifying thing in the sea is the giant beast! Yes, the giant beast is bigger than you! Hahaha~"

The old mermaid laughed loudly after saying this, and Rubik's Cube looked at the old seafood seriously.

"It's hopeless, this seafood is crazy."

Suddenly, the Rubik's Cube keenly detected drastic changes in the flow of sea water. It was impossible for such a deep seabed to exist due to violent ocean currents, but now the sea water began to flow at an increasingly faster speed. Other high-end mechanical soldiers also discovered this, not only Here in the Rubik's Cube, the sea water in a large area nearby is changing!

The computer quickly compared and calculated the water flow data obtained by the surrounding mechanical creatures, and quickly calculated the results. If there really is a giant beast, it may be equivalent to a building, and a creature several times larger than a Rubik's Cube is moving...

"All troops evacuate! Take to the sky! Quick!"

After the Rubik's Cube gave the order, he threw a missile at the old mermaid and then started the propeller to rise to the sea surface at the fastest speed. The two hundred high-end mechanical soldiers on the battlefield also dropped their opponents and began to float up, passing through each and every piece of equipment. The floating corpses of the sea clan were directly smashed into pieces if they were too much in the way. Huge waves of water continued to rise on the sea surface, and one after another high-end mechanical soldiers rose up into the lightning and thundering sky in the water.

The mechanical octopuses are retreating, and armed helicopters are flying in groups towards the coast. Not only are the mechanical armies escaping, but even the uninjured sea tribe murlocs are also desperately escaping, as if some terrifying existence is about to appear!

Rubik's Cube, who was floating up, saw the old mermaid running in another direction instead of chasing after being blasted by a missile. After sifting through the information collected by the Yao people, Rubik's Cube discovered one thing. Legend has it that the mermaid in the sea has something. A special talent is to control the giant beasts under the sea. Rubik's Cube believes that this legend is not groundless but has some truth. The problem is that the control does not seem to be complete control but interfering control. In other words, they cannot command the giant beasts. What they can do Only by attracting the giant beast.

"Damn old seafood!"

Peng! With a splash of several meters high, the Rubik's Cube jumped out of the sea and flew straight into the sky.

"Warning! There is an abnormal flow of sea water!" The computer issued a warning, and Rubik's Cube looked at the screen. At this time, the sea water in the sea below was rotating and sinking. Is it possible to drink water like this? How big is the mouth of the giant beast?

Countless corpses of the Sea Tribe and those incapacitated Sea Tribe soldiers in the sea are sinking downwards with the sea currents. The living Sea Tribes are so frightened that they desperately want to leave the sea current. There are also many helpless mechanical octopuses in the water. There are tens of thousands of mechanical octopuses that are freed from the control of sea water and slowly sinking, unable to escape the suction...

The Rubik's Cube, which was hovering high in the sky, was speechless for a while as he looked at the sea level that was gradually rising. He wondered what on earth this guy had eaten to grow so big. He sighed again. Although he couldn't stop this thing if he left, Rubik's Cube wanted to see if he could beat it. After a meal, once this thing is full and full, what about going to Wanghai City?

"Military base, prepare hydrogen bombs for me immediately. The transport vehicles will be modified with long-range anti-aircraft missiles. The anti-aircraft warheads will be removed and modified into hydrogen bombs. The coordinates will be set at my place. No launch is allowed without my order!" Rubik's Cube issued the final conservative order, and then quickly changed For Transformers form.


Many engineering robots in a base got busy and began to modify missiles. The missiles were all ready-made. All they had to do was remove the warhead and replace it with a hydrogen bomb warhead. According to the characteristics of the ocean monster, the engineering robots decided to install a large-yield hydrogen bomb...

Just as the war at sea was in full swing, the high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft and radar systems defending inland suddenly discovered more than 500 UFOs approaching the main base!

"Attention UFOs! This is the Mechanical Empire Air Defense Guard. You have entered the airspace of the Mechanical Empire and its allies. Please report your identity for verification!" A high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft issued a warning to more than 500 UFOs flying in the clouds. , but unfortunately did not receive any response.

"There is a suspected threat. The opponent's appearance and specific data cannot be seen due to energy coverage. The mechanical bird is approaching for investigation."

"Robot Bird received it."

The nearest mechanical bird flapped its wings and changed its flight direction to approach the more than two hundred UFOs. This was the border of the Mechanical Empire's sphere of influence. According to aviation practice, flying objects that had just entered the airspace could not be attacked without a definite threat. To launch an attack, all the mechanical bird has to do is to see the specific situation and evaluate whether there is a threat, and then shoot down the air combat depending on the situation.

The mechanical bird approached the group of light spots on the radar at an extremely fast speed. Its red mechanical eyes kept looking around in the clouds. In the eyes of the mechanical bird, it was probably not a good bird to be able to hide in the clouds and fly.

Flying around in the clouds, after passing through a certain rain cloud, a large number of... wooden boats suddenly appeared in front of me? Flying canoe?

The computer quickly enlarged the picture just seen and displayed high-definition details. If you didn't know it, you were shocked when you saw that a large number of bronze robots were slowly boarding the flying boat! That's not a machine man serving tea and water, but a machine man covered in weapons. This is war! In an instant, the flying boat seen by all mechanical beings turned red and could be attacked!

"Alert! High-threat target found! Organize defense immediately! Damn it, they let go of the sword...!"

A flash of sword light flashed, and a hole was pierced through the chest of the mechanical bird. The electric spark flashing in the hole was broken, the circuit was damaged, and the energy system was damaged. After the red light of the mechanical eye flashed twice, it fell into darkness and fell straight to the ground.

At the moment the mechanical bird was hit, the air defense system in the nearby area was activated! The anti-aircraft missile launcher was slowly erected, and the vertical launch system fire control radar had locked onto more than 500 flying boats and was waiting to launch the missiles after preparations were completed. All military bases were connected to the Internet to draw the routes of those flying boats and quickly calculate and analyze the most likely attacks. Target, the computer screen panned over several bases and finally settled on the main base. It was called the main base because Wang Ziyan, Mo Yaner, and Princess Junru were all there...

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