Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 902: Air defense interception

The mechanical bird wreckage fell for a while and was suddenly caught by a hand. Then the owner of the hand flew back to the flying boat with the mechanical bird wreckage, and threw the wreckage on the deck of the ship. A group of monks in weird costumes gathered around to confront him. Studying the mechanical bird with a wingspan of two meters, the monks admired the complex circuits, various whimsical mechanical designs, and advanced technology at the remains of the mechanical bird, especially the two ducted fans at the base of the wings. The engine was even more wonderful. The monks stepped forward and took apart the mechanical bird at will. The confusion was not solved, but they became even more confused...

What is the use of countless thin colored threads? Why are there so many things in there? How on earth are so many parts installed inside the metal case? The monks were stumped.

If any monks who travel all year round or often go to large cities see the marks on the flying boats, they will definitely know the identities of these people. Shenji Pavilion, a sect that specializes in manufacturing and selling various bronze mechanism figures on flying boats and installing mechanism techniques, has only Only the Shenji Pavilion has the financial resources to dispatch five hundred flying boats at once, equipped with a large number of bronze machinemen, to attack others in a mighty manner.

The flying boat uses the spiritual power of monks or is driven by spiritual stones, while the bronze machine man is completely driven by spiritual stones. The entire bronze machine man is filled with a large number of magic circles. The high-level combat power is said to be equivalent to that of a monk in the martial arts stage, while the low-level ones are equivalent to In the body refining stage, of course, if Shenji Pavilion goes out to find trouble in person, of course the minimum is a bronze mechanism man in the Qi Condensation stage.

At an altitude of more than 10,000 meters, the reconnaissance aircraft's detection equipment watched helplessly as the remains of the mechanical bird in the flying boat above the clouds were dismantled...

"The opponent kills the mechanical bird! After coordination, everyone can attack at will! I will take action first!"

After sending the signal, the wings of the high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft trembled and released the hook to drop twelve missiles. The twelve missiles flew randomly toward the flying boat team in an irregular flight path. The reconnaissance aircraft took advantage of the weight reduction to raise its nose. Flying straight to an altitude of 20,000 meters, it could not guarantee that the monks would not come up. It still needed to keep surveillance. Only by flying to an altitude of 20,000 meters could the monks not find it or be too lazy to fly up.

Twelve missiles were thrust by gravity from high altitude and headed straight towards the flying boat at extremely fast speeds!

"According to the energy density of the outer defense cover of the flying boat, every three missiles form a formation!" The reconnaissance aircraft still climbing high remotely controls the missile arrangement...

The defensive cover definitely requires missiles. According to calculations, at most two missiles need to explode at one point to blow up the defensive cover on the flying boat. Three missiles line up in a straight line and rush to a point. After the first one explodes, the second one Immediately after the impact and explosion, a gap was opened. Finally, the third missile followed the gap, penetrated the defense cover, hit the flying boat and exploded. As long as it hit the flying boat, the reconnaissance aircraft was confident that it would destroy the formation and shoot down the flying boat!

A total of twelve missiles were divided into four groups of three and flew towards four different flying boats respectively. When the missiles flew to a certain distance, the Shenji Pavilion thugs had already discovered these high-tech weapons trailing white smoke marks. Out of curiosity, they organized a defense. They mainly defended the large flying boat that was studying the remains of the mechanical bird.

Whoosh whoosh! Three missiles passed by the tightly guarded flying boat and went straight to the flying boat behind it that was full of bronze machine men!

The screen switched to the missile line of sight, and I saw countless various analyzes and markings on the missile screen. All flying boats were marked. After selecting one, I locked on a certain energy weak point and rushed over. I saw that the flying boats were getting more and more... Big, big enough to be able to clearly see the ugly faces of the bronze machine men on the deck...

Whoosh! boom……! !

The first missile hit the defense cover and exploded. The violent explosion caused ripples in the defense cover and could shatter at any time. At this moment, the second missile hit the point where it had just attacked and exploded, immediately blowing out the defense cover. A big hole, and at the same time, the mind stone in the formation of the flying wooden boat was rapidly consumed.

There were only two low-level monks in charge of driving the flying boat carrying the bronze machine man. The shock wave of the explosion of the second missile that had just blown a hole in the defensive shield made the two of them disgraced. When they saw that the defensive shield was about to be automatically repaired and sealed, suddenly a A cylinder nearly two meters long dragged in the tail flame...

The missile warhead hit the middle of the hull of the flying boat, and the warhead was detonated. The explosion instantly tore open a large hole in the hull like tearing pieces of paper. Flying wood slag scattered into the sky, and thick smoke drifted backwards, blocking the flight of several ships behind. In the sight of the boat, the explosion array on the hull was severely damaged. What is important is that most of the surrounding and underneath the hull are special suspension arrays that support the flying boat in the air. The burning flying boat lost control and began to tilt its bow downward and sideways. Go, the unactivated bronze mechanism men on the ship fell and rolled one after another, rolled over the side of the ship, fell into the clouds and disappeared. The most serious thing was that the bow of the ship tilted to one side and crashed directly into the hull of another intact flying boat!

"Ah...! Get away!!" Two low-level Shenji Pavilion monks on the other ship screamed. At this time, it was too late to maneuver the flying boat to avoid...

Crunch~! The crooked bow of the ship hit the hull of another ship hard. The sound of violent friction was followed by the frightening crackling sound of wood breaking. After destroying the other flying boat, the burning flying boat began to fall downwards and soon disappeared into the clouds. At the same time, there were three other flying boats around that exploded, caught fire and fell. Unfortunately, only the first one was destroyed along with it. The other three just fell down on their own. The low-level monks struggled and screamed as the bronze machine man fell, and the sky was filled with thick sawdust. Smoke billows.

The sudden attack left the senior monks a little confused. They could only watch the five flying boats falling in thick smoke. The bronze mechanism men on board were also scrapped together. They were not distressed anymore. When will the Shenji Pavilion be released? Short of money?

"Where did those weird things come from?"

"It seems to be from above. I remember coming down from above, but why can't I see it?"

The senior monks on the large flying boat looked to the sky above their heads, but did not see the high-altitude drone. The height of the clouds was too low, and the sky was empty at 20,000 meters. It was cold and cold. Looking down, the distance between the clouds and the ground was not very big. , just when several senior monks were about to use their spiritual consciousness to search, suddenly twelve missiles flew from the distance again. The missiles launched by a nearby reconnaissance aircraft had just arrived!

"Quick! Stop those damn things!"

Several flying swords and a bunch of weird magic weapons suddenly appeared in the sky. Eight of the twelve missiles were intercepted. In the violent explosion, the magic weapons that neutralized the missiles were also hit by the explosion and flew back dimly one by one. The monks still Before he could feel sorry for the huge loss of magic weapon, the remaining four missiles hit a flying boat again and shot it down.

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