Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 912: Monster Lands

Just when the mechanical army was victorious and about to kill the invaders, a huge roar was heard from the seaside. The giant ocean beast landed. A huge monster similar to a cloverleaf beetle appeared on the screens of high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft and patrol aircraft. It's the size of three football fields. After climbing ashore, he uses his jointed legs to accurately crawl towards the human gathering area! I don't know how it determines the location of food.

The three zombies were overjoyed and cursed secretly. They couldn't do it and watched the ordinary people who obeyed their management being eaten by monsters. It would take some time to kill the zombies. All the high-end mechanical soldiers and most of the combat power were concentrated here at the airport. The troops went to intercept the monster, but now they could only let go of the damn zombies and Shenji Pavilion rushed to rescue people immediately.

The shield knocked away the three zombies. The Rubik's Cube stood motionless in the air and looked at the three zombies with a bad expression.

"Are you going or not?"

The three zombies looked at each other, turned around and said hello and ran away. Originally, the three of them wanted to leave with those high-level zombie subordinates, but what they didn't expect was that the Rubik's Cube turned around and rushed towards those Wuhun stage zombies, killing them one by one. Facing the furious Rubik's Cube, the zombies were eliminated one by one without even a chance to react. The three late-harmony zombies gritted their teeth and turned around to leave.

The zombies ran away, and the senior monks of the Shenji Pavilion naturally ran away quickly. The remaining machinemen and low-level monks were completely overwhelmed by the swarm of mechanical soldiers.

At this point, the war that had been prepared for a long time and consumed a lot of resources against the mechanical army ended in failure. Although it almost succeeded, it was still defeated. Needless to say, the Shenji Pavilion lost almost all its belongings, and there was little chance of recovery. Don't think about success for a hundred years. The zombies left behind more than thirty high-level zombies, and a big bug was chopped into pieces by mechanical soldiers. Two undercover agents and the so-called hundred thousand ghosts given by the God of Death were strangled. Not only that, the mechanical army passed this battle. It may be impossible to succeed next time after mastering a large amount of data.

After the war, gunfire was billowing around the airport and debris was everywhere. A large number of flying boat fragments and machine man fragments were also mixed with the remains of a large number of ordinary mechanical soldiers. The damaged mechanical soldiers were found by rescue robots and sent to the repair shop, and the scrapped ones were dismantled...

The ammunition originally used to deal with the virus zombies was wasted in the hands of the human agents. Anti-aircraft missiles consumed 7788, and ordinary ammunition consumed a large amount of inventory. The airport was covered with flames in the night, and the neat base no longer existed. To recover it would require a lot of mining and time-consuming manufacturing. It would be a lie if the Rubik's Cube is not angry, but fortunately, Wang Ziyan and Mo Yan'er are safe and sound.

A large transport plane landed on the tarmac next to the command center. Fifty high-end mechanical soldiers escorted Wang Ziyan, her daughter and Princess Junru in, took off and followed the Rubik's Cube.

The Rubik's Cube is in front, and most of the high-end mechanical soldiers, armed helicopters, and mechanical birds are behind. Now it's time to deal with the large prehistoric animal. The busy work never stops...

At this time, fighting was fierce near the coastline. The mechanical army stationed here had already exchanged fire with the trifoliate beetle. Fires streaked through the night sky and landed on the back of the trifoliate beetle. The flares in the sky never stopped, and various The helicopter hovered overhead, but the guy's carapace was very hard and the explosion had little effect. It was still crawling towards the human gathering area in an orderly manner. Although there was an urgent notice to those people to leave in a car, the time was too tight and it was impossible to transfer everyone immediately.


Originally, Wang Ziyan's special 52D destroyer was using radar to lock on, and there were only destroyers nearby with strong firepower that could take on the important task.

In the bridge, the robot manipulator quickly connected, and the missile vertical launch systems on the front and rear decks were ready. One vertical launch device was opened one after another, and the cover was opened, revealing the missile warhead inside!

"Target locked, launch!"

The manipulator pressed the red button, and suddenly, flames erupted from the deck in front of the bridge, illuminating the destroyer in the night. A seven-meter-long missile was ejected, and then ignited and emitted a huge flame, took off, turned and flew towards the land near Wanghai City. The missiles behind also rose up and followed closely behind. The cover of the equipment that had just launched the missile was closed, and another cover was opened, and the missiles were ejected again. A total of six missiles were launched in succession. Six flames were clearly visible in a line in the dark night sky. Heading straight for the trifoliate beetle…

A mechanical soldier on an armed off-road vehicle near the clover beetle released his heavy machine gun and used the auxiliary equipment on the firearm attachment to emit a aiming laser to shine on the clover beetle's rear butt to guide the missile attack. As time passed, a distant sea surface appeared. Six spots of light!

Whoosh! The first missile accelerates! Hit exactly where the laser indicates!

Amidst the rumbling explosions, green liquid erupted from the rear buttocks of the trifoliate beetle. The originally slow trifoliate beetle suddenly raised its jointed legs and made a squeaking sound from its mouth. The mechanical soldier was still shining a laser on the person who was attacked by the missile. A location…

The remaining five missiles hit the wound one after another, making the wound bigger and bigger. Unfortunately, this huge monster was too big. The missile attack failed to cause huge damage. The only advantage was that it tore open the hard shell. With a cut, all the mechanical soldiers aimed all kinds of artillery at the butt wound at the same time and fired shells frantically...

During the flight, Rubik's Cube saw the masterpieces of those coastal defense mechanical armies through the wireless connection, and lamented that the firepower of the destroyers was still very fierce, how could they hit the anus? Who taught the mechanical soldiers to do this?

The transport plane was behind them, and they were brought because the Rubik's Cube was worried about Wang Ziyan and Mo Yan'er. Princess Junru was brought because this was her country, and she had the right to know what was going on at the beach. The command center was destroyed and could not monitor other places. Bring her with you.

Near the scene of the incident, one after another mechanical soldier transport vehicles were speeding along the highway to provide support. The railway system transported a large number of tanks and ammunition. The war was comprehensive, and logistics work must be done especially well. The mechanical army near the coast was seriously depleted of ammunition and urgently needed supplies. , Rubik's Cube is fully prepared to settle the score with that monster, and let it know that there is no future in following the old seafood.

Dense navigation lights flashed in the night sky, and the main force of the mechanical army was rushing to the coast!

The Rubik's Cube felt the distress of insufficient high-end combat power. It would be great if the four Death Scorpions were here. With strong combat power, there is no need to run around to put out fires. It seems that it is necessary to create higher combat power, and the production of Transformers is imperative. …

Just like back on Earth, Zhang Xiaowen had Xiao Wan Rubik's Cube by her side, so she could fight everywhere without worrying. Now her highest combat power is only the equivalent of high-end mechanical soldiers in the martial spirit stage. For safety, she has to arrange at least fifty high-end mechanical soldiers. Mechanical soldiers guard their wives and daughters. The high-end combat power is not high, but it also prevents a large number of combat units from exerting their maximum combat effectiveness. It seems that we need to create a full-time guard Transformer again. Well, it also needs to be designed in a feminine style like Xiao Pan. .

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