Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 913: Watching the big bug

Before the main force arrived, the destroyer on the sea fired four missiles again. This time, due to the frenzy of the trifoliate beetle, only two hit the flowers and caused damage, and the remaining two hit the hard shell and were wasted.

The trifoliate beetle can be regarded as the ancestor of living things. The meaning of the Rubik's Cube is that if you can catch it alive, don't kill it. If you preserve it, you can build a paleontology museum. It must have lived for who knows how many years. It is very useful for studying biological evolution. The value is that we don’t know whether the monster can adapt to land and shallow sea environments.

"How's the data collection going? Don't tell me you didn't find the Beetle's weakness." Rubik's Cube contacted the high-end mechanical soldiers on the beach.

"Report, data collection is complete. It is very big, does not move fast, and has a very hard shell. The missile cannot break through its defense from the front, and it has a hole in the back butt. Unfortunately, it does not cause much harm to the huge creature." The high-end person in charge of the command The mechanical soldier said some useless nonsense. How can one find a weakness in something so huge and fast as a small spaceship?

"Sometimes its strengths are its weaknesses. This is the case with many things. The more incomplete a certain point is, the more it will show how powerful it is. Often there is a weakness under the strongest surface. The Beetle is similar. , do you understand?"

The high-end mechanical soldier thought for a while, and suddenly his mechanical eyes lit up.

"The Creator is talking about its hard shell?"

"That's right, things that are too hard tend to be less strong. Collect liquid nitrogen immediately. The more the better." Rubik's Cube issued the order. After receiving the order, the engineering robots in each base factory immediately began to produce liquid nitrogen...

The solution to the Rubik's Cube is very simple, it expands with heat and contracts with cold.

The transport helicopter flew to the factory, and the engineering robot synthesized this simple liquid nitrogen extremely easily. In a short time, a large number of containers were prepared and filled to the brim. The mechanical soldiers loaded the containers one by one onto the transport helicopter and flew away together after filling them up. Mass transportation The helicopters are busy loading, and more liquid nitrogen is being generated in the factory. They are very interested in the mechanical life of chemical weapons. For example, the ammunition warehouse not far away is filled with a large number of white phosphorus bombs. Even if there are enough, they are still being manufactured and accumulated. As for the environment destroy? Engineering robots don't care about this. There is nothing unsuitable for vacuum and air-filled environments.

Near the coast, Rubik's Cube let the transport plane land in the distance, and he personally led a large number of high-end mechanical soldiers to the giant beetle.

"What did it eat to grow so big?"

Rubik's Cube couldn't understand the hugeness of the beetle. It was really weird for a living thing to grow to this size. If that were the case, wouldn't it eventually grow to be as big as the planet? Rubik's Cube estimates that the lifespan of this thing is many years longer than those of the gods in the sky, not to mention the Shenwu Continent. This person is definitely the predecessor of most of the creatures in the Shenwu Continent.

"Hey, little princess, come and see your senior." Rubik's Cube teased Princess Junru in the distance.

Princess Junru rolled her eyes and closed the Rubik's Cube video communication with a swipe of her finger. In the transport plane, Wang Ziyan was sitting on a chair holding the sleeping Mo Yan'er. After a fight in the evening, the little witch was a little tired and sleepy. She was catching up on her sleep at this time. If not Worried that the Rubik's Cube King Zi Yan had already fallen asleep, she was holding Mo Yan'er while looking at the computer monitor in the cockpit.

Rubik's Cube is waiting for the transport helicopter to transport all the chemicals. Instead of wasting a lot of artillery fire and bombing desperately, it is better to sit aside and watch a few mechanical soldiers kill this trilobite beetle.

After being bored, the Rubik's Cube connected to the four Death Scorpions of Ao Country through wireless message transmission, and immediately saw all the changes in Ao Country. This country with very average conditions in the northern part of Shenwu Continent has actually developed to such an extent. Yao Country It is true that it is more developed than Aoguo, but it was achieved with the strong suppression and full support of the mechanical army. Look at Aoguo again. It has nothing but is being bullied by monks. It has just entered the industrial age from the feudal era. The civilization process has been stagnant for tens of thousands of years. At first, they only discovered some basic culture through reverse reasoning in themselves.

The brave and enlightened emperor is worthy of being the first person in the Shenwu Continent. Various advanced proposals have appeared in the Shenwu Continent. He is independently weakening the imperial power and giving way to advanced civilization. Now the Rubik's Cube has to admire this native of the Shenwu Continent who was born and raised in the feudal civilization. If the emperor of the country can become an immortal through meritorious service, then the magic cube will definitely recommend the proud emperor to serve in the heaven.

After much deliberation, Rubik's Cube believes that Aoguo can be turned into another birthplace of advanced civilization. There is Aoguo in the north and Yaoguo in the south. Both sides will start the process of civilization and spread advanced culture from both ends of the continent. Ordinary people in Shenwu Continent will usher in a new era. era!

"I hope the old emperor's son can continue to advance the process of civilization instead of stupidly increasing imperial power." Rubik's Cube muttered while standing on the top of the mountain.

Rubik's Cube's worries are not unreasonable. The old emperor had a clear head and knew that promoting industry to speed up the process of civilization would be more beneficial to the royal family and ordinary people, but this was not necessarily the case for his children. When industrialization had just begun, the imperial power would be very fragile and difficult to maintain. In the past, those children who lived a luxurious life and worked hard were not their favorite style. Once the children of the old emperor set off a trend of restoration and destroyed industrialization, the proud country would be ruined. It might be destroyed in the flames of war, or it might regress and become a backward country.

Now that changes have begun, the Mechanical Empire has the obligation to protect the newly born and still young Aoguo on one side until the Aoguo can survive the wind and rain without falling. If we return to the dark feudal era, then the vast majority of the Shenwu Continent will Ordinary people will continue to become slaves of the powerful and monks, using their blood and sweat to support those vampires.

"I've been raising them like those bastards, but they're still against me, bah."

The cube spat, feeling very unhappy. Sometimes he really wanted to just walk away and let these people do whatever they want. But after thinking about it, he couldn't really do it. After all, the sword sellers were those high-level exploiters, not the general public. If he didn't care about them, he really didn't know how many generations would be exploited for many years.

Time passed slowly, and the flares in the sky burned out one by one. Now it was almost midnight. Wang Ziyan and Princess Junru in the transport plane couldn't stand it anymore and fell asleep in the chairs...

"Report, enough liquid nitrogen has been transported, and we can proceed to the next step."

The mechanical soldier in charge of transportation sent a message to the cube. The cube looked at the giant three-leaf beetle and quickly sent his plan to share.

In fact, the plan is very simple. Use ice-cold liquid nitrogen and laser to alternate between hot and cold to cause thermal expansion and contraction to destroy the hard shell. The Shell Data Cube has analyzed that this method is completely feasible. Otherwise, a tough attack would waste a lot of ammunition and would not bring any benefits. Sometimes war is not only about firepower but also about wisdom.

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