Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 914: Thermal expansion and contraction

One after another, transport helicopters flew over the hard shell on the back of the trifoliate beetle. Two mechanical soldiers put away their weapons and descended to the back of the beetle along the rope. They used some kind of reflective paint to draw a circle on the carapace. The diligent robots Soldiers also drew tick marks inside the carapace circle to help helicopters in the sky pour liquid nitrogen.

After finishing these tasks, the two mechanical soldiers grabbed the rope and climbed onto the helicopter and flew off the back of the trifoliate beetle.

"First team in action."

The first transport helicopter received the signal, and the two pilot robots flew the transport helicopter above the circle. The mechanical soldiers in the cabin opened the door and pushed out the shelf used to fix the container. They aimed the opening downwards, moved the switch, and the cabin The huge container filled with liquid nitrogen began to pour liquid nitrogen out...

Suddenly, a white waterfall formed from the mouth of the container to the hard carapace below. The temperature of the carapace dropped rapidly and sharply. The liquid nitrogen quickly cooled the hard carapace to minus 195 degrees Celsius. In a short time, a layer of cold white frost appeared on the carapace!

In order to aim at the constantly moving trilobite beetle, the transport helicopter had to carefully adjust the hovering position of the helicopter. Fortunately, the huge circle drawn by the two mechanical soldiers before and the surrounding scale lines helped facilitate the robot's alignment. The work was very delicate and demanding. It is so high that only a robot can control the helicopter to this level.

A transport helicopter dumped all the liquid nitrogen, put away the container, and the helicopter quickly flew away from the carapace.

"Fire laser!"

Immediately, many surrounding flying units fired laser beams at the location of the liquid nitrogen. Mechanical birds, armed helicopters, etc. were all using lasers. The high-temperature lasers shone on the frozen carapace and immediately caused the originally cold carapace to quickly heat up in the shortest time. , through scanning, it can be clearly seen that the color of the carapace has changed and the internal structure is imbalanced.

When the temperature rises high enough and the carapace heats up and turns red, the laser stops, and another transport helicopter flies above to start pouring liquid nitrogen...

Low-temperature liquid nitrogen was poured onto the laser-heated bridge to instantly cool down. This time, you could even hear the clicking sound caused by thermal expansion and contraction. In the distance, a transport helicopter was parked on the top of the mountain, and the Rubik's Cube was sitting on the hatch looking at it. There is a huge trilobite beetle at the foot of the mountain. It is not an ordinary insect to watch in the middle of the night.

As a result, transport helicopters and various laser-emitting units took turns to appear. You poured a large amount of liquid nitrogen, and I stepped forward to use the laser to burn it. In a short period of time, a large hole was opened in the carapace on the back. After the liquid nitrogen cooling was completed, An armed helicopter fired a missile into the large pit, and a violent explosion blew away the large piles of debris that collapsed in the pit. The explosion produced high temperatures that replaced the laser, and then a large barrel of liquid nitrogen was poured in...

Gradually, the trilobite beetle that originally lived on the seabed also discovered that something was wrong with its back. However, this large monster insect has both advantages and disadvantages. The advantage is that the carapace on the back and abdomen is very hard and can be said to be indestructible. So the problem Here it comes. The huge carapace makes it impossible to reach the top. There are many limbs and legs, but none of them can reach the wound on the back. They cannot turn over or move quickly back to the sea. In this mountainous area, the three Leaf beetles are trapped.

"Keep digging, there's still a long way to go." Rubik's Cube muttered, sitting at the door of the helicopter cabin and taking a nap.

An interesting phenomenon occurred at the scene. Many robots stood around pointing at the large beetles as if chatting. The only busy ones were transport helicopters and flying units carrying laser weapons. Occasionally, missiles exploded to clean up the broken debris. , it was a boring night.

Time passes slowly in the night...

In the early morning, the sky is white.

Unknowingly, from early morning to early morning, the trifoliate beetle was still spinning angrily in circles in the mountains, screaming strangely. The large pit on the carapace on its back, which had been caused by thermal expansion and contraction, was getting deeper and deeper. According to detection, it was estimated that it was very close to its internal organs. .

Rubik's Cube stood up and looked at the increasingly brighter sky in the distance.

"Pause for a moment and dig to see if you can dig a well. Be careful not to kill the monster that was tricked ashore by that damn old seafood. Remember to collect DNA samples and take them back to refrigerate. I don't want this to be the last one." Rubik's Cube has the habit of collecting DNA genes from various rare species. Recently, he has been discussing with Hai Ling whether he can provide some mermaid genes. Rubik's Cube is still very interested in mermaids. He always wonders if he can find opportunities to breed them in large numbers to make the mermaid population prosperous. They had been collected over there a long time ago, and those beautiful women were very enthusiastic and gave a large amount of blood to the Rubik's Cube.

The two high-end mechanical soldiers received the order and flew to the carapace. They waved to stop thermal expansion and contraction. They looked at the large pit filled with frost and cold air, and slid directly along the edge of the pit.

The reason why it is a deep pit is because the carapace is too thick. Rubik's Cube estimates that most of the insect's body is made of hard shell and only a small part is made of flesh and blood.

The two high-end mechanical soldiers who entered the bottom of the pit began the live broadcast excavation process. First, they used a sector-shaped scanning beam to detect the thickness of the pit bottom, and then used an energy knife to dig downward little by little. The liquid nitrogen remaining in the pit made the two high-end mechanical soldiers The frost all over his body turned white. Fortunately, the high-end mechanical soldiers were designed to be stronger and didn't care about the temperature at all.

"Report, the carapace on the back of the beetle has been dug through, and the flesh and blood can definitely be touched."

One of the mechanical soldiers broke open a piece of hard cuticle and saw the tender pink flesh underneath. He immediately told the Rubik's Cube the news. Then, the small mechanism on the mechanical forearm opened and a silver liquid flowed out...

The silver liquid is not a liquid, it is a tiny nano-robot. The high-end mechanical soldiers are releasing the nano-robots into the beetle's internal organs. Not only did they not want to put it in from the butt, but they also don't know what substance was put into the butt. The nano-robots have been corroded. , according to analysis, it is likely to be some kind of secretion, and many mechanical soldiers were very speechless.

Despite the fact that there was less than a cup of silver liquid, the number of nanorobots was unimaginable. The dense nanorobots were poured on the meat and then disappeared into the pink flesh at a very fast speed, quickly searching for the location of the beetle's key organs along the capillaries!

Not long after, the heart was found. A large number of nanorobots were entrenched in the heart and could decide the beetle's life or death at any time. Some other nanorobots were quickly following the blood vessels to find the location of its brain. What the nanorobots had to do was control its brain...

Moving along the blood vessels, the internal organs containing spiritual power were discovered. The strange thing is that the brain of this thing is not in the head-like head but inside the body. Thinking about the Rubik's Cube, you will be relieved. The ancient biological body structure that first appeared Unlike most animals today, it is normal for the organs to be in different positions. It would be really damned if it was exactly the same as now.

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