Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 927: Three-way fight

The Mechanical Empire's reaction was beyond Shenji Pavilion's expectations. Originally, based on their analysis of human characteristics, the Mechanical Empire was frantically attacking zombies at this time. The most taboo thing was to fight on two fronts at the same time to increase the difficulty. They never expected that the Mechanical Empire would Not only did they fight the zombies fiercely, but they even joined the Shenji Pavilion and took the initiative to launch retaliatory actions. They didn't care about the two- and three-front battles. The slap in the face in public made the senior management of the Shenji Pavilion extremely angry. It was usually the Shenji Pavilion who bullied others. Is it someone else’s turn to bully Shenji Pavilion? Many monks are watching the joke now. If you don't do something, don't think about it anymore. Take revenge!

The Transformers engineering vehicle really didn't pay attention to the Shenji Pavilion. Not to mention the two-line battle, the Mechanical Empire could also afford the ten-line battle.

When the armies of several small countries with low combat effectiveness threaten the big countries all day long, they like to use the slogan of starting war on multiple fronts at the same time. It sounds scary, but in fact it is nonsense. If a big country randomly sends a small army, it will be several times the combat power of your small country. What's the point of fighting on several lines? significance? Don't be intimidated by slogans. If you dare to shout and fight, then be prepared to bear the consequences of the fight. You can't eat or talk nonsense. Just talking and not doing anything is pure idiot. It's better to keep a low profile and say nothing. Pack.

Originally, the engineering vehicle was still waiting for Shenji Pavilion to send the flying boat troops again, but after waiting for several days, the result was dumbfounding.

Shenji Pavilion did not use its sect masters. They had plenty of money. It would be great to hire killers to organize and assassinate the mechanical empire. The mechanical soldiers who knew the news felt very interesting. The northern part of the mountain range did not know the situation in the southern part. The killer seemed to be very hidden, but in fact They are under surveillance every day. The skills used to deal with humans in the past cannot be used to deal with robots. After all, different life forms have different abilities. For example, to assassinate humans, you can poison, use poisonous smoke, or make sudden attacks. Robots don't care about these. , when someone is attacked, a large number of robots will immediately swarm over regardless of success or failure. Even if a large number of robots are killed by superior abilities, thousands of robot armies may appear next. In that case, the assassination will become meaningless. .

Countless patrol drones and mechanical insects began the search. Within a few days, many killers were found among the caravan travelers, some disguised as pregnant women, some as pot-bellied businessmen, and some as martial arts knights carrying spears and swords. Yes, even pretending to be a scholar, he couldn't pass the test. He was arrested and sent to prison. He found an opportunity to destroy his Dantian and became an ordinary person and then sent to do coolies. The killer organization's masters were greatly damaged...

On the surface, Yao Kingdom and other areas occupied by mechanical armies are still prosperous, and people live and work happily. Secretly, the three major forces are fighting secretly. For example, one day suddenly a mechanical soldier kicked open the door of a certain house and threw it away. After a few grenades were put in, people nearby found out that the house was inhabited by zombies. The evidence was very strong. They usually ran around at night when they didn't go out. They pulled them out into the sun and were burned to ashes by the sun in full view of the public. There were spheres everywhere. Patrol robots bring a great sense of security to civilians, and mechanical soldiers are a symbol of public security.

All peaceful people in the areas controlled by the mechanical army can have enough food and shelter, but not the unoccupied warlord areas.

Those warlords fight every day, and what they fight is not an army battle but a propaganda battle. For example, they propagate that the mechanical army can eat people and children, they promote that the mechanical army insults women, and they also say that the mechanical army sends people to the mines to be slaves, etc...

The common people who have been accustomed to living under the hands of the powerful for a long time will definitely believe that except for a few smart people, they regard the mechanical army as jackals, tigers and leopards, and voluntarily join the army and spend money to build city walls and dig trenches at the junction with the mechanical army. In this regard, The mechanical army sneers and eats meat? What a backward means of obtaining energy and insulting women? Please, can you be more unreliable? As for sending humans to be slaves in the mines, it is even more impossible. Unless the robot computer goes crazy at the speed of human mining, why bother using humans to mine if the mining machinery is so fast? The speed must not kill the robot.

The area occupied by the warlords was still full of hunger and chaos. Some civilians who couldn't stand the hunger thought of working as coolies in the mines of the mechanical army. At least they would have food to eat, so they dragged their families and smuggled across the border into the territory of the mechanical army. Soon, they were caught Living.

Surprisingly, instead of sending them to prison, the mechanical soldiers provided them with food, hot water for bathing and finally clothes.

The refugees are put on trains and transported to grain reclamation areas, and given land. As long as you are willing to farm, you will not starve to death. If you don't like working and just want to get benefits, sorry, just continue begging.

However, the mechanical army still underestimated the trust that ordinary people in the Shenwu Continent have in the powerful and those who are cultivating immortals. Especially when cultivators appear, they will immediately kneel down and worship. No matter what the monks say, the common people will believe it. Shenji Pavilion seizes this point and builds a military base in the north of the mountain range. Several countries close to the mountain range launched propaganda, including warlord areas. As long as they sent handsome or beautiful female monks to stand on high places and say a few words loudly, the surrounding people would kneel and worship the mountains. In the eyes of ordinary and simple people, the gods are gods. , whatever you say is what it says, Shenji Pavilion shamefully took advantage of the simplicity of the people.

The secret battles continue every day, and the people in the warlord area in the southern part of the mountain range are unlucky...

The Mechanical Empire controlled area is heavily guarded and monitored everywhere, but in the warlord area, the wine-meat-smelling roads of the rich families are frozen to death. It is easy for zombies to snatch girls suitable for refining zombies there. You don't even have to be sneaky at all. Just go and steal them openly. The officers and soldiers don't dare to If you go and take care of it, you will be in a deserted place.

After the factory produced another 100,000 mixed troops, the engineering vehicles ordered to start attacking the remaining warlords!

The huge transport planes in the sky continuously sent mechanical soldiers to the front line, and the trains on the roads and railways on the ground went to the border of the warlords. Warships were used to transport mechanical soldiers to the coastal areas occupied by the warlords. As expected, the mechanical army was frantically resisted by those ordinary soldiers, and even they were unwilling to let the mechanical soldiers take a step forward even if they died...

A certain city.

Ten tanks were lined up in front of the city wall, and the tank guns roared and shook. Ten high-explosive bombs hit the city wall and the heavy city gate. The city wall collapsed in the area hit, and the city gate exploded into fragments all over the sky. The soldiers behind the gate flew out together.

The tank engine was powered up, and the tracks creaked towards the city gate. Behind each tank was a team of mechanical soldiers.

Ding Ding Dang Dang!

Arrows kept hitting the tank armor, but they bounced off without leaving any marks. The sky was filled with arrows, which seemed to block out the sunlight and become dark. When they fell to the ground, only the arrow feathers remained, as if a small forest had grown everywhere...

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