Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 928: The city is broken

Click! An arrow pierced the shoulder of a mechanical soldier behind the tank. The mechanical soldier reached out and pulled out the arrow and threw it away. He continued to move forward with his gun as if nothing had happened. Five or six armed helicopters flew from the sky behind. The weapon hanging on the rack was not The bombs are some infrasonic weapons, sound weapons specially prepared to prevent killing those bewitched humans.

In an instant, a sharp scream sounded on the battlefield. Human ears could not bear the scream. All ordinary soldiers covered their ears and rolled around on the ground. The rain of arrows stopped.

The tank rumbled into the city gate, crushing the resisting horses and entering the city easily. The remote-controlled machine gun on the top of the tank turret rotated around to search for targets. There are regulations when attacking humans. Cold weapons can be ignored, but those who use cheap and inferior muskets will be punished as long as they do not surrender. It must be executed. No matter how powerful the machete or spear is, it cannot beat the power of the musket. People who have never been shot by a gun do not know how powerful the gun is.

"The city wall defense is disabled and can be attacked."

A mechanical soldier walking behind the tank shouted into the radio that the first ten tanks that entered the city were for testing.

Outside the city, ten square formations stood neatly, each with a thousand mechanical soldiers. There were also hundreds of tanks, armored vehicles, armed off-road vehicles and other vehicles. After receiving the news, the high-end mechanical soldiers waved their hands, and ten The phalanx of mechanical soldiers walked towards the city wall in unison and expressionlessly...

Bang! Bang! Bang...!

The soldiers who were covering their ears in pain on the city wall suddenly felt the city wall beneath them shaking. The long knives and spears placed on the ground shook slightly and jingled. A certain soldier gritted his teeth and stood up hard. When he looked out from the crenellations of the city wall, I was so frightened that I almost forgot about the pain in my ears. The dark gray-black weirdo walked over at the same pace, and the neat steps even caused vibrations!

In his stinging mind, he thought of the ferocity of the legendary mechanical army, of his beloved wife and son, of how his brothers and sisters might be bullied and exploited. The soldier's face turned red and he picked up a gunpowder gun from the ground despite the sharp screams...

Use a little more force...I'll pick it up soon...

Taking a deep breath, the soldier gritted his teeth and grabbed the long musket, lifted it hard and placed it on the crenellations of the city wall.

For a moment, his family rang in his mind, and he stretched out the barrel of the gun more firmly, gritted his teeth and raised his head to aim at the mechanical soldiers outside. For the sake of his family, he would rather die on the city wall.

Wife... son... I will definitely protect you!

Just when the soldiers were about to shoot...

puff! The strong soldier's head suddenly tilted back, and red blood flew out from the back of his neck. The soldier who was lying on the city wall had his eyes wide open and covered his neck in vain with both hands. The blood gurgled out from between his fingers and could not be stopped at all. The soldier who had lost too much blood turned pale and began to convulse. His mouth and nostrils were bleeding, his neck was broken and his trachea was blocked, and he was constantly spitting out blood foam. In a daze, the soldier saw his beloved wife leading the child towards him...

He shouldn't have picked up a musket. Even if he picked up a bow and arrow, he wouldn't have been shot. As soon as he picked up the musket and showed his head, he was targeted by mechanical soldiers and marked as a shootable target. He was brave and strong, but his death was unknown. Bubai thought he was doing the right thing.

There is a lot of helplessness in the world. If you complain, you can only complain about the temptations of those powerful and superior monks. Of course there are good monks, but unfortunately there are very few who can maintain their true nature after being soaked in a big dye vat.

Sporadic gunshots still sounded occasionally, and the mechanical soldiers shot and killed the human soldiers armed with inferior muskets. The black and dense mechanical soldiers climbed up the city wall and handcuffed the human soldiers who fell on the ground. The heavily defended fortifications that had been prepared for several months were useless. All lines were broken within an hour, and the noble general responsible for defending the city was rewarded with a rocket by an armed helicopter while escaping with gold and silver.

But trouble started after occupying the entire city. The civilians attacked the mechanical soldiers like crazy with kitchen knives and bricks. The first ten tanks that entered the city were covered with egg white vegetables and diapers. The civilians angrily attacked with various homemade weapons. The mechanical soldiers were helpless. The first mechanical soldiers to enter the city could only open their shields and form a circle to slowly move outward. Forget about the tanks, there were angry people in front and behind them. They would be crushed to death regardless of whether they moved forward or backward. The angry people He simply doesn't know how to avoid being crushed by a giant beast.

Inside the tank.

The two mechanical soldiers looked confused. There was a circle of monitors around the seats in the operating compartment, which were pictures of the tank in all directions. The tank computer was exhausted. It kept calculating the debris thrown at it and then analyzed and scanned it to confirm that it was not a threat. It was a bad dish. What threat can Ye pose?

"If you don't eat the eggs, they will hit us. Do they think the eggs are anti-tank missiles?"

"Who knows, maybe we want to use eggs to rust the outer armor of the tank. Let's... rest for a while? Attacking and fighting is very tiring."

"Yeah, yeah, rest."

The two mechanical soldiers paused their operations and leaned on their seats wondering what to think. The tank computer was still calculating the flying debris...

Before long, the angry crowd became more and more excited and even started to sprinkle spirits on the front armor of the tank and set it on fire. The thick flames made the tank look like it had just finished a fierce battle. The two mechanical soldiers felt that they could not continue like this. , decisively used a smoking device to emit extremely irritating smoke.

"Cough cough cough...the monster spit out smoke...cough cough..."

The surrounding people were coughing due to the smoke, and fled in panic. The ten tanks that had been trapped for a long time were able to continue to move forward despite the flames.

Buzz buzz——

The armed helicopter flew at low altitude over the smoke-filled city. The mechanical soldiers holding the armed helicopter fixed on the side looked down with guns in hand. This may be a characteristic of the Shenwu Continent or the feudal era. The first thing that happened after the city was broken was riots and smashing. Women were robbed, burned, and insulted indiscriminately. Gangsters and gangsters all appeared. Screams and thick smoke became the characteristics of the city.

"Reports of multiple disturbances occurring in the city."

The high-end mechanical soldiers saw the chaotic scene in the city through the Internet. After thinking about it, they ordered the entire army to enter the city to stop the riot and punish the criminals.

A large number of mechanical soldiers quickly rushed to various areas with serious riots to arrest the rioters. Anyone found violating the law on the spot would be shot. This is the best way to stop riots. There is peace under tyranny. In the past, there was a reason for riots when the city was broken. The new one The occupiers often do not pursue the perpetrators of crimes in order to appease the people. Their gentle approach creates the source of riots. You won't hold me accountable anyway, so why don't I just enjoy and vent? Of course, after the mechanical army conquered the city, the gangsters began to enjoy...

The armed helicopter flew at low altitude, and the loud roar scared the people who hid in their homes and did not dare to go out. Suddenly, the mechanical soldier saw four gangsters in a luxurious courtyard surrounding a young rich lady, trying to plot evil.

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