Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 939: Space Bridge Launched

After testing and various precise calculations, all the data of the space bridge are running well. After all, it was built by four Transformers. It would be embarrassing if there were continuous failures. Teleportation can be carried out at any time. On this day, many people gathered in the snowy mountains, except for death. In addition to the five Scorpions, there is also the Proud Emperor and a group of officials responsible for industry and innovation. They have long known that there is a magical bridge in the snowy mountains behind the palace that can connect to distant places. They provided a lot of materials during the construction of the bridge. Death Scorpions also I am happy to let them see how powerful the technology of the Mechanical Empire is.

It is said that it is a small space bridge, but it is not small at all. A large space bridge can pass a space battleship, and a small space bridge can pass several Transformers or transport planes at once without any problems.

So when Emperor Aoguo and others came to the space bridge area, they did not see the bridge. They only saw a huge circular mechanical device emitting blue fluorescence. It was complex and science fiction. The science and technology officials thought that they at least understood a lot of science, but here they What I feel is only confusion and excitement. What is the behemoth in front of me? There are endless descendants, and the descendants will continue to move forward on their shoulders. Sooner or later, one day they will surpass the cultivation civilization! Build a world that belongs to ordinary people!

"Mr. Emperor, our alliance is still valid. In order to protect the space bridge, our mechanical empire must station troops here to ensure the safety of the bridge. I hope you don't mind." Death Scorpion said to the emperor.

"I don't mind, I don't mind. If you really took a peek at my throne, you would have obtained it a long time ago. I am very confident in your mechanical civilization."

The emperor said nonchalantly, what he said was true. The four tyrannical fighting powers of the Death Scorpions were not to mention that even those sects in a country dared to attack and beat them up. The several immortal cultivating sects that had targeted Ao Guo before were now completely in decline. The reason for being annexed by other sects is that their masters were beaten to pieces by four tyrannical beings in one day. Others don't know who did it, but the emperor knows it clearly. The violence of these four guys is violence, but they also pay attention to credibility. , what has been said is an agreement.

"Okay then, I'll let the army over there pass through the space bridge."

Death Scorpion sent a message, which was received by satellite and sent to the Yao Kingdom military base. Soon, twenty high-end mechanical soldiers in the base entered the space bridge first, followed by a brigade of various robots, including mechanical soldiers, engineering robots, and rescue robots. There are hundreds of armed helicopters...

The Aoguo Emperor and other officials stared closely at the huge mechanical ring. The scene flickered, and what they saw as strange men wearing heavy and huge armor flew out one after another, twenty in total.

Twenty mechanical soldiers nodded to the four Death Scorpions and flew to various defense points around the snow-capped mountain space bridge to take up positions. Their identical appearance and identical movements confused the group of people. Even Wang Er couldn't tell who was who... …

What follows is even more shocking. Aoguo has always been known for its strict military discipline. The queue movements are the most orderly in the northern part of the Shenwu Continent. Now several senior military officials are speechless. The mechanical soldiers who came out of the huge mechanical ring device moved in uniform order. Holding some kind of advanced firearms, teams came out one after another and lined up in the open space. There were some other weirdos behind them, all wearing armor and gray-black appearance, and their movements were as neat as one person moving!

Everyone jumped at the sudden roar. Armed helicopters flew out one after another. The roar of huge propellers made the emperor and others nervous. The guards drew their swords and stood in front of the emperor. In their opinion, these strange iron birds It must be some kind of monster!

"Don't worry, this is the helicopter I told you. There will be real fighter jets in the future."

The emperor's eyes lit up. He had heard about the reputation of helicopters and fighter jets for a long time. This was the first time he saw them today! A mechanical regiment was stationed in the snow-capped mountains. Although Emperor Aoguo was keen on the high-tech firearms and armed helicopters held by the mechanical soldiers, he also knew that if the other party was willing to support them, they would say so, so he could only wait patiently.

After the mechanical team was stationed, the four Death Scorpions planned to visit the Yao Kingdom.

"We should go there as we are. It feels wonderful to find the organization." Dart said evilly, and the other three Transformers nodded in agreement.



Everyone except Wang Er was stunned. It could even be said that they watched with horror as the four people quickly turned into giant steel monsters and stood in front of them! And my height is not as high as the instep of others, and my huge figure standing in the snowy mountains is full of domineering power! Those who participated in the reverse research of the malfunctioning Rubik's Cube were instantly reminded of the huge steel giant in the ice cave! No wonder the four of them are looking for the steel giant, it turns out they are the same kind!

Death Scorpion raised his mechanical hand and looked at it. He was very satisfied with the current situation. He stretched out his mechanical hand to grab Wang Er and walked towards the space bridge.

"Ah... no... I don't want to become a woman...!!"

The four Death Scorpions were stunned for a moment, unable to understand what Wang Er was struggling and crying about. He was just traveling through space and not undergoing surgery. The four guys had been used to Wang Er's existence after living together for so long. This guy was quite interesting. Yes, he is also very courageous, and he can be regarded as a mountain hero who knows the current affairs.

The huge machine body shook the ground, and one by one they walked into the space bridge and disappeared, as if they suddenly disappeared into a piece of paper. Only a large number of mechanical units and the people of the Aoguo country who still could not recover from the shock were left in the snowy mountains. Vaguely, the elder remembered the mighty appearance of the Rubik's Cube back then...

Opposite the space bridge.

As the Queen of the Mechanical Empire, Wang Ziyan has the obligation to welcome the lost Transformers home on behalf of the Rubik's Cube. Mo Yan'er is jumping behind her, and Fang Die is invited by Wang Ziyan to come along to watch the fun. The five latest Transformers created by the Rubik's Cube It's all here, and the base is filled with neat mechanical armies.

Fang Die has a deep understanding of the power of the mechanical army. During this period, he saw the method of the mechanical army killing zombies. It can be said that it is very smart and many times better than humans. After all, humans only know how to use swords to cut zombies face to face. The mechanical army can regain the land faster than Fang Die. Die expected, and at the same time he was full of confidence in the future of Shenwu Continent.

Ziyi impressed Fang Die deeply in space. He never expected to see three beautiful Transformers and a stronger Transformer again after coming to the base. The combat power of the five Transformers was enough to deal with Fang Die. Fang Die was promoted to the realm of King of Martial Arts. For the first time in a long time, I felt threatened.

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