Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 940: Return to the team

The circular machine of the huge space bridge flashed, and the Death Scorpion was the first to come out. The huge figure attracted the attention of all creatures as soon as it appeared. He threw Wang Er aside casually, the Death Scorpion stood still, and three huge figures walked out one after another.

Death Scorpion, Iron Armor, Dart, Silencer, four giant Transformers stood in front of Wang Ziyan, knelt down on one knee and bowed their heads to show the highest respect.

"Death Scorpion!"




"Now officially back to the team! Meet the queen! Meet the little princess!"

The four Transformers greeted together, and a huge mechanical sound echoed over the base. The base was silent, and all the mechanical beings were excitedly watching the four returning Transformers.

"Welcome back, everyone, get up."

Wang Ziyan said softly, if it hadn't been for the fact that she had been exposed to various major events recently, Wang Ziyan would have blushed and been speechless before.


The four Transformers stood up, nodded to the engineering vehicle and the four sisters, and smiled and sent a kind message to the curious Mo Yan'er who was standing next to Wang Ziyan. Mo Yan'er was very happy because the shapes of these four guys were so awesome. Evil is so cool, it will definitely be interesting in the future! The big eyes sparkled with evil light...

The four Death Scorpions became human-sized, and it was a bit difficult for the Transformers themselves to say hello to Wang Ziyan and Mo Yaner.

"Mechanical! Mechanical! Mechanical..."

The mechanical soldiers cheered loudly in the base, and the sound was loud. All the robots were roaring, and the majestic sound echoed! The mechanical soldiers are happy to have four more powerful Transformers again. From now on, the mechanical army will be more powerful. What happened last time when enemies attacked the base will never happen again. Many robots in the base were breached last time and felt very frustrated. Now All problems are solved.

"It's so comfortable to stay among the machines... Decades of interstellar wandering are finally over..." Fei Dart said with emotion as he looked at the mechanical life forms around him.

Death Scorpion, Iron Armor and Silencer nodded. It’s really hard to live without machines. Every day is either a deserted planet or a mess of cellular organisms. It’s just terrible. Look around, there are all mechanical life and various high-tech products. People who have not broken away from advanced civilization don't know that the feeling of going from a big city to a war-torn area is almost equivalent to the collapse of the world.

Wang Ziyan briefly received the four returning Transformers. Afterwards, the four guys chatted with the five Transformers in the base. Mo Yan'er also played together. Wang Ziyan took Fang Die and continued to play in Wanghai City.

The mechanical lifeforms were very happy, and the way the mechanical army was happy was always very simple, that is, to vent its excitement by massacring zombies with artillery fire and white phosphorus bombs. As a result, the zombies were inexplicably unlucky, and a large number of bombers and heavy artillery troops continued to mass The bombardment was accompanied by bombs. The zombies were wandering around but were attracted by the sound. Then they were covered by a burst of artillery fire. The mechanical soldiers responsible for the attack were happy. The mechanical soldiers responsible for cleaning up the corpses expressed their dissatisfaction. Massive corpses were lying on the ground waiting to be collected. Burning, the mountains of corpses piled up one after another, but they couldn't be burned out.

The zombies were being slaughtered like crazy here, and the disguised robot responsible for searching for the girl's refining site also followed suit. They unplugged several refining sites one after another and killed a large number of powerful zombies, which stunned the remaining human living areas in the southern part of the mountain to calm down. At least the girl won't be lost for no reason.

A large number of missing girls caused great panic. The common people discovered that the missing girls were all unmarried or had not experienced sexual intercourse. They simply gritted their teeth and married their daughters early in their teens to avoid being harmed by zombies, which caused many tragedies.

For the first time, Transformers became rich and could defend and attack. On that day, four Death Scorpions led a group of high-end mechanical soldiers into the depths of the zombie area. Satellites detected that there were a large number of advanced zombies there, lest the world The four war-loving guys had a good vent and wiped away decades of depression. According to the memoirs of a high-end mechanical soldier afterwards, it was the first time in his life that he had seen such violent mechanical life. After sweeping away, the zombies were the most broken. The block does not exceed ten centimeters...

The mechanical army also thought about contacting those Transformers who were still lost in the universe, and wanted to bring them back to the team while they were still wandering. A large number of mechanical objects equipped with special information were sent into the universe to fly into the endless starry sky. The mechanical objects were very simple. An equilateral triangle can automatically absorb energy and emit secret signals. It is engraved with lines of different lengths. After scanning with the mechanical eye, it can obtain the map of the star field and continent information near the Shenwu planet. If someone picks it up, only dense lines can be seen. , nothing can be seen without a dedicated decoder.

Inside Wanghai City.

Fang Die, Wang Ziyan and four beautiful Transformers visited the school together. The new school has been in normal operation for a long time. There are both boys and girls. The curriculum is diversified and no longer just studies the Book of Songs.

Wang Ziyan remembers that when the school’s teaching contents were made public, many pedantic scholars protested, shouting all day long to demonize the school. Their reason was simple, teaching was okay, but not just anyone could come in. Only a scholarly family could receive text learning, and girls Not allowed to enter school. The descendants of rural people and hawkers and merchants are not allowed to enter school. After entering school, they are not allowed to study mathematics, art and music, and must only teach the Book of Songs and literature.

For this matter, the mechanical soldiers also arrested a large number of well-educated scholars and threw them into prisons, which caused a great shock in the Yao Kingdom. However, after all the children went to school and learned a lot of practical knowledge, they gradually forgot that there were still several great scholars imprisoned in the prison... …

The school building is still mainly classical architecture, using stronger materials as the main structure. The large glass windows make the classroom very bright. There are also several pots of flowers placed on the windowsill. The children are studying with books. One student is accepting the latest culture. The trained female teacher used chalk to write mathematical formulas one after another on the blackboard, very similar to the Earth School.

"I feel the breath of the morning sun here, full of vitality, unlike the lifeless academies in other countries. Moreover, the things learned here are very useful and very helpful in daily life. Are these all the ideas of the Rubik's Cube?"

Fang Die said with a smile, it is hard to imagine that a monk in the Wuwang period would talk and laugh among a group of ordinary people.

"Well, the content of the study now is very simple, and the knowledge will gradually be deepened in the future. Now the teacher will take a helicopter to the base every evening after school to receive engineering robot lessons. In the future, it will not only be primary school, but also junior high school, high school, and even with It’s the same university as the Aerospace Academy,” Wang Ziyan explained seriously.

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