Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 970: The Chaotic Continent (2)

The zombie attack started in the rainy season, and dense zombies appeared outside the wall...

A special heavy machine gun was placed on the top of the wall. The mechanical soldiers operated the heavy machine gun and sprayed bullets outside the wall as if they were free. Zombies in rags were smashed where the gun was aimed. In addition to the top of the wall, there were more mechanical soldiers holding shields. The knife kills zombies, the mechanical mantis quickly shuttles and cuts, and the unique gunfire of the heavy machine gun breaks the tranquility on the rainy day.

"A large number of zombies were found in area 55733, requesting support." The high-end mechanical soldier responsible for guarding the wall contacted the command center.

"Received, fire coverage will be implemented in five minutes."

A large number of armed helicopters carrying ammunition took off from the airport. Incendiary white phosphorus bombs are still the favorite of mechanical soldiers. The Rubik's Cube in front of the large glass of the airport control center quietly looked at the rain. This was already the 200th time a large-scale attack had occurred at a location. The zombies finally Can't resist the taste of meat and want to cross the wall to try it?

In the pouring rain, armed helicopters stirred up water vapor and took off continuously. There were bombers hanging bombs in the distance, and there were a large number of heavy artillery and rocket launchers outside the airport.

"Kill...the mechanical life doesn't care anyway..."

Rubik's Cube muttered something silently, and ordered all the troops to attack through the Internet to attack the zombies...

In the wasteland outside the wall that was under attack, armed helicopters fired incendiary bombs and white phosphorus bombs, turning a large area into a sea of ​​​​fire. Rain could not stop the burning of the incendiary bombs. After stopping the zombie attack, the gate of the wall opened, and thousands of mechanical soldiers held firearms. Attack the chaotic group of zombies in the distance. If you are far away, use your gun. If you are close, you will bounce the shield and slash with a Tang knife. The mechanical soldiers covered in black blood will push back the indestructible zombie army alive!

In the end, the zombies were finally defeated after tanks and armored vehicles rushed out of the wall and crashed into the zombie group.

The overwhelming mechanical army on the ground chased the zombies, and densely packed bombers flew toward the zombie gathering area amidst the roar of engines in the sky.

Just when the zombies were retreating, Shenji Pavilion and those alien humans began to meet...

"Can you make fine parts? How should we trust you?" A certain alien human said to the monk wearing the robe of Shenji Pavilion. It can be said that the alien human has been in trouble since falling on the Shenwu Planet, no matter how rigorous the plan is. It will always be disrupted. Half a year ago, in order to avoid being caught, I carefully hid in the market and tried every means to make parts to repair the spacecraft. Unexpectedly, one day, Shenji Pavilion came to the door and said that it could help repair it.

"Yes, I know what you mean by sending troops to the north several times. To tell you the truth, the mechanical army has already established a branch in Aoguo. Even if you send all the armies in the mainland, it will not help. Only our Shenji Pavilion can help you build it. Agency, of course, our work is not in vain, our Shenji Pavilion helped you repair that big ship, you have to give us the technology," an old man with a triangle beard said with a smile.

Several alien humans looked at each other and nodded. It's just technology. Take it as you like. Anyway, as long as you repair the spaceship and leave this damn world, you can do whatever you want.

"Then do you want to show us your ability to make parts before? For example, this thing."

What appeared in front of the old man with the triangular beard was a piece of paper with a fixed bolt drawn on it. After looking at it carefully, the old man reached out and took out a small piece of metal from his Xumi bag. Flames came out of his palm to melt the metal, and then slowly He used his mental power to shape the metal mass, and in just a few seconds, the bolt appeared in front of all alien humans.

"Okay! Deal!"

The two hands were clasped together, and they were smiling and chatting with each other happily...

Underground near the damaged spacecraft, several tunnels were dug under the spacecraft. Parts were sent from the tunnels into the damaged spacecraft one by one. While making parts, the monks of Shenji Pavilion were exposed to a lot of unknown knowledge, and new discoveries were made every day. Continuously, it is worth spending time to build parts for those outsiders. In the future... maybe that big ship will be your own?

The dilapidated spaceship was once inspected by the mechanical army. After an inspection, they lost interest. The low level of technology was meaningless. Originally, the engineering robots planned to pull the spaceship back and throw it into the recycling furnace for refining. However, it was interrupted by a zombie war. Otherwise, those outsiders would The aliens don't have to work hard to repair it.

What a few alien humans mean is that the main equipment can be repaired and it can fly. The spacecraft retains the original world coordinates and can go back by activating the well-preserved space equipment. Therefore, all unused equipment such as living quarters and rest cabins in the spacecraft are not needed. , and tried their best to repair the operating equipment and power equipment. If it were not for the lack of air in space, several people would have planned to not even use the cockpit glass. They carefully repaired the spacecraft quickly while the mechanical army fought with the zombies.

The aliens and humans knew exactly what Shenji Pavilion had planned. Once the spacecraft was repaired, they might no longer be theirs. For this reason, the aliens and humans left many means on the spaceship to prevent it from being taken away...

The alien humans and Shenji Pavilion are busy repairing spaceships, and the mechanical army is busy fighting zombies. Everyone is very busy.

One day, when Rubik's Cube was preparing to ambush a Wuwang-level zombie, he was ambushed by others...

To be honest, Rubik's Cube didn't understand what the other party was talking about. One moment he said that taking away luck would lead to the dominance of the Shenwu Continent, and the other moment he said that only luck could achieve the road to heaven. Rubik's Cube really wanted to ask those people what luck was. Son, why would you become a hegemon if you get that thing? Is it possible that the overwhelming mechanical fleet is not enough to become a hegemon? To sum up the confusion, Rubik's Cube was still very rude and arrested a group of monks, broke their legs and destroyed their Dantian and sent them back to the scientific research center. Yes, Rubik's Cube was somewhat confused by what they said and planned to study what luck was.

In the end, a group of engineering robots were also confused and had no choice but to describe the word "luck" as wishful thinking of these monks. The senior monks who had their dantian devastated and turned pale were sent to a psychiatric research center.

One day, when Rubik's Cube led the mechanical army to wipe out the zombies on a large scale and retake the ruins of the mountains, a tattered spaceship with air leaks flew into the universe and then disappeared using a special space device. At the same time, engineering robots also sent a series of The data was sent to the Rubik's Cube. When the spacecraft left, the engineering robot obtained various data of the spacecraft, especially the spatial coordinates.

What made the mechanical army happy was that when the spaceship left, there were some Shenji Pavilion monks desperately chasing after it. While chasing, they yelled shamelessly. How could they miss such a good opportunity? Several Transformers and high-end mechanical soldiers surrounded it and started fighting. Several bodies came down...

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