Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 971: The Chaotic Continent (3)

Gusu grassland.

Aoguo in the western part of the grassland has become a well-deserved powerful empire in the surrounding areas. It relies on advanced industry to arm its army and improve the living environment of the people across the country. It can be said that it is the only paradise on earth except the Yao Kingdom in the southwest of the mainland. The large number of refugees influx makes Aoguo anxious and stressed every day. It's very big. Fortunately, there is a mechanical empire space bridge behind it. No matter what can't be settled, those mechanical soldiers will immediately take action to solve it.

While the countries in the northern part of the continent were busy managing the refugees and trying to find ways to feed the large population, the Night Wolf tribe on the Gusu grassland found that all the surrounding countries except Ao Guo were weak. Driven by instinct, they launched a large-scale war. The Night Wolf tribe soldiers Riding war horses and holding bows, arrows and sabers, they swept all the way. In just two months, they destroyed two big countries and caused greater chaos. The sturdy cavalry attacked continuously and captured several small countries in the two empires. The Night Wolf tribe who originally lived on the grassland Starting to enter the occupied area, the all-out war in the distance distracted the mechanical army's attention. Nearby, Aoguo was trying its best to settle more refugees, giving the Night Wolves a good opportunity to recuperate.

The tough Night Wolf clan members knew nothing after entering the city. They were masters on the grassland. Although they came to the city with good living conditions, they could not do anything. So we simply set up a system. The Night Wolf clan members were high-level people, and the rest were Inferior people, inferior people must serve superior people...

The high-altitude reconnaissance planes discovered more than just that. After occupying the city, the Nightwolves carried out a massacre in order to facilitate the management of the people. The massacre lasted for three days. All the men who could lift the sword were beheaded, and the women were left and distributed to the soldiers. They made playthings, and the sounds of female screams and beheadings were heard everywhere in the city...

The city is a large city with a population of about 200,000. However, within three days, less than 70,000 people were killed. All the survivors were young and beautiful women...

Other cities have followed suit.

In order to completely occupy the new territory, the leader of the Yelang tribe issued a new order. Girls outside the Yelang tribe must first be sent to the local Yelang tribe to spend one night before getting married. The news shocked the mainland.

After the mechanical army spread the news, all countries were shocked. Fang Die was so angry that he wanted to take action personally. In the end, Rubik's Cube decided to come forward and gain notoriety. Many people understood what would happen if the mechanical army dealt with the matter.

A certain plain.

The Night Wolf Clan army gathered on the plain on war horses, with about 100,000 cavalry. In the main tent, a fat man wearing wolf skin was eating meat and watching the dancer dance. After entering a certain palace and seeing the dancer dancing, the man immediately decided From now on, I watch dancing every day, look at that figure, that thin waist, and the camp bed behind me after dancing. The days are wonderful.

A few days ago, Aoguo issued a letter of war to the Yelang Clan. They are still very afraid of the Aoguo Yelang Clan. Their cavalry could not display any combat effectiveness against the Aoguo army, but the leader of the Yelang Clan was frantically occupying the land. Dazzled by the successive victories, he chopped off the envoy's head without saying a word and decided to fight.

Today is the day when the Yelang Clan army is preparing to fight against the Aoguo Army, but after waiting for a long time, the scouts did not reply to where the Aoguo army is.

The Aoguo army did not take action, but the mechanical army did...

While waiting boredly, black spots suddenly fell from the clouds in the sky. The Night Wolf Cavalry watched blankly as the black spots got bigger and bigger. When they were less than 200 meters away from the ground, the black spots suddenly exploded, and white objects appeared all over the sky. Sprinkling long white smoke trails towards the Night Wolf Clan army...

A heavy white rain fell from the sky, covering all the Night Wolf Clan troops in a huge area.

The fat general standing at the door of the main tent stared blankly at the white sky. The first thing he thought of was poisoning. In fact, it was fighter jets that dropped a large area of ​​white phosphorus...

When a white dot fell on the fat general's hand, he realized what it was. It hurt! Bone-piercing pain! You can't catch it with your hands! I can only watch helplessly as white poisonous gas comes out from my palms...

The Night Wolf cavalry were howling miserably, the war horses were neighing, white phosphorus was like maggots on the tarsal bones, burrowing into the flesh, and a hundred thousand troops were surrounded by white!

Even the Night Wolf soldiers hiding in the debris could not escape death. The poisonous gas formed after the burning of white phosphorus continued to kill. The army of 100,000 became a purgatory. The wounds all over their bodies shone with white light and smoked. If you cut off the wound with a knife, you will have to endure terrible pain. Even after death, the white phosphorus in the corpse will continue to flicker and burn with white light. A layer of skin will be burned off the body. The face will be so burned that you can see the jawbone and white teeth. The abdomen will be burned. The war horses also failed to escape death. In the chaos, the mad war horses trampled and kicked countless Night Wolf soldiers to death. The obese general had already been burned into a pile, and white smoke was emitting from his empty eyes.

The massacre did not stop. Large transport planes landed outside the city. Mechanical soldiers holding guns, as well as mechanical dogs and mechanical mantises rushed towards the city wall. The arrows posed no threat to the mechanical soldiers and mechanical dogs, and were even less likely to hit them from the front. Go for just the lines of the mechanical mantis.

Helicopters hovered in the sky, and machine gun bullets and rockets continued to fall. Many oppressed people in the city cheered, took up crude weapons and rushed to the streets to besiege the lone Night Wolf soldiers, and even wanted to drink their blood and eat their flesh...

Bows and arrows, once the invincible weapons of the Night Wolves, have now become synonymous with backwardness. Firearms are fired at long range, and bayonets penetrate the chests of those Night Wolves soldiers who are still fighting or surrendering. The order given to the mechanical army is not to leave any behind. Live and implement the species extinction plan!

Robots are not humans and will not care about human beings. In the eyes of robots, creatures that do not abide by program regulations are world viruses that need to be cleaned up. If the Night Wolves choose to be barbaric and cruel, then be prepared to be treated barbarically and cruelly. Back then, they They massacred the city unreasonably and committed all sorts of bestial acts. It was fair to treat the Night Wolves like this. This was an accurate conclusion drawn by the computer.

In just two days, the country originally occupied by the Night Wolves was cleared by the mechanical army. What they had to do every day was to pin down a large number of Night Wolves, men, women, old and young, next to the pit and shoot them.

No one among the locals thought there was something wrong with the weird-looking mechanical army. Next to the mass grave where the Night Wolves were shot dead was the mass grave where the Night Wolves massacred the men in the city. Not far away, there were also mass graves of women who had been humiliated to death. There were hundreds of them. The consequences of a strong man insulting a young girl can be imagined, and it is impossible for him to survive.

The mechanical soldiers grabbed the prisoners by their hair and dragged them one by one to the pit, kicked them on the knees to make them kneel down, and shot their skulls with a pistol, regardless of the prisoners' cries and moans for mercy, and then threw them into the pit...

When the pit is full, bury it and continue digging in another place. The ruthlessness of mechanical life is fully exerted.

The Night Wolves slaughtered the city for three days after the invasion, and the mechanical army also massacred for three days. Since then, the Night Wolves who entered the territory of other countries with the invading army were basically wiped out, and the strong smell of blood spread for several kilometers.

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