Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 972: The Chaotic Continent (4)

Contrary to everyone's expectations, the mechanical army did not return after massacring all the Night Wolf invaders. Instead, they went straight to the Gusu grassland to continue the massacre. Anyway, after killing so many people, don't expect the Night Wolf tribe to reflect on themselves and think what they did before. Unless they change their minds and change their past, it is inevitable according to human habits to hate and hate the mechanical army. Since they hate and hate each other, both sides have the conditions to become enemies. When dealing with enemies, nothing makes robots more at ease than physical destruction.

Fighters are responsible for the grassland extermination operation. Whenever they encounter a tribe, they will throw down the light and flexible mechanical mantis. The killer mechanical mantis will clean up and continue to the next tribe.

Operation Extinction shows the cold side of mechanical life.

The mechanical soldiers were so red-eyed that they simply killed a few more troops from a certain country that were causing harm to the people. The title of Iron Demon spread like wildfire. Everyone except those who were persecuted were afraid. Inexplicably, the Rubik's Cube discovered that since the mechanical soldiers spontaneously Since the massacre and genocide, the emperors and kings of various countries have cooperated incomparably. Sometimes all they need is a look and they will do everything they need to do.

The back is stable, all the troops are concentrated on the zombie battlefield, the zombies are almost unable to withstand it...

In a cave somewhere in the southern part of the continent.

A human covered in black energy sat on a chair made of bones and looked at the zombies and a few humans below.

"Tell me, do you want to use the powerful zombie army? Think about how beautiful it would be to see those beautiful girls rushing in front of humans." The man surrounded by black energy said intoxicatedly.


There is a zombie below who hesitates to speak.

"If you have anything to say, say it quickly. Don't hesitate and imitate human behavior. You are not human now."

"Back to your majesty, although we have been searching for girls to refine zombies, which can be used to deal with humans, the quantity is simply not enough to deal with those steel monsters. They are growing too fast. If they are not seen for a few days, there will be several times more. If you can't get away in a short time, more steel monsters will be around you soon. If you want to win, it will be difficult..." The zombie said it nicely. In fact, it thought it was more appropriate to say that it is impossible to win. Who Let the zombie army meet its nemesis.

"Are you saying that we are bound to lose?" The high-ranking person looked unhappy.

"No, we need allies, strong allies."

The zombie quickly explained that a zombie had been turned into a corpse because he said something wrong, and it was still hanging on the wall.

"tell me the story."

"The allies we can win over are the monks, those human monks."

"Human? Keep talking."

"The Mechanical Empire implements legal control in the controlled areas. Monks cannot ask for anything like ordinary people, nor can they do whatever they want like before. The status of monks in the Mechanical Empire controlled areas is no different from that of ordinary people. I think several human brothers can prove that, although Many monks are our enemies, but more monks are dissatisfied with the Mechanical Empire. If the Mechanical Empire exists, the interests of the monks will be stripped away, which will reduce the speed of monks' cultivation. For those monks, the Mechanical Empire is actually better than us zombies. Even more hateful.”

The few humans standing nearby nodded and admitted that many monks were indeed dissatisfied with the Machinery Empire recently.

The zombie covered in black energy laughed loudly. I don’t know whether it was laughing at the wonderful idea or the monk’s stupidity. Soon, several humans in the hall quickly left and flew to the north...

The Rubik's Cube has indeed ignored those monks who were once aloof. Those monks who did not participate in intercepting zombies have always been out of sight of the mechanical army. They stayed far away, never approached or expressed any opinions, as if they were in the air. Since those monks are like this The Rubik's Cube Master will not take the initiative to stir up trouble. It is important to eliminate the zombies now. When the zombies are eliminated, it depends entirely on the meaning of the mechanical army. Unexpectedly, those monks somehow got wind and formed a Shenwu Continent. Alliance, anyone with a discerning eye can tell at a glance that it plans to deal with the Machine Empire.

Zombies kill people, the mechanical empire kills zombies, and humans want to drive away the mechanical empire. The relationship is so complicated...

Fang Die doesn't want to stand out in this matter. What if he helps that alliance and Rubik's Cube gives up his choice and doesn't fight zombies? It's not good to help Rubik's Cube. After all, Fang Die is a native of the Shenwu Continent. It's always not good for humans to break away from large organizations. Fang Die simply can't get out of seclusion after all the trouble.

The Monk Alliance found the high-end mechanical soldiers of the Mechanical Empire and asked them to kill zombies. Rubik's Cube saw that it was a good thing! It turns out that your consciousness is not low! Very neatly, he arranged for a certain battlefield to be handed over to the monk alliance, which made Rubik's Cube think that his previous thoughts were too dirty and almost misunderstood their good intentions. He happily watched the alliance monks go to fight zombies, while the mechanical soldiers continued fighting elsewhere. .

The good times didn't last long. That night, Rubik's Cube received news that a large number of zombies were pouring into the safe area after the area was lost. It hurriedly sent a large number of mechanical mantis and mechanical dogs to track down the fish that slipped through the net. At the same time, the mechanical soldiers also began to investigate the cause of the loss.

Fortunately, they were very angry if they didn't check. After arriving at the front line, those alliance monks found a place to meditate and practice. They watched a large number of zombies enter the safe zone through the gap. At this time, something happened. There was a group of high-end people in the area next to the alliance. Mechanical soldiers, according to the laws of the Mechanical Empire, passive inaction and deliberate destruction are serious crimes and must be killed, so the high-end mechanical soldiers were very quick to kill the monks who were not very high in cultivation!

Soon afterwards, the Mechanical Empire received a large number of messengers from various major sects asking for explanations, because most of the young disciples who were killed were descendants of big figures from various sects. Rubik's Cube discovered that something was very strange. As soon as the alliance was formed, a group of rookies were sent to defend the zombies. , and as a result, doing nothing caused problems in the defense line, and then those rookies were all the children of big shots from various sects. There is no such thing as a coincidence, right?

Regarding the protest against the Rubik's Cube and other Transformers choosing to ignore the deletion, it is like an ant running up to an elephant and asking the elephant to explain the ants who died illegally, and then getting together to discuss how the ants can feed the elephant if the elephant surrenders. .

Behind them, the monk alliance was pressing forward step by step, and in front of them were a large number of zombies. The mechanical army had to suspend its attack.

Just when the relationship between the three parties was complicated and unclear, many high-level monks appeared in the Shenwu Continent. They could be seen everywhere above the Wuhun stage, and the King Wu and Emperor Wu could also see them. The Rubik's Cube knew that those large-scale sects who had mastered the teleportation array had left the Shenwu Continent. Men came back with his backer. In order to prevent being plotted, the mechanical army began to gather together, but there were still incidents of mechanical soldiers being attacked and missing...

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