Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 973: All forces

The main military base of Yao Kingdom.

The Rubik's Cube took the escalator deep underground, and after passing through several doors, came to a hall. Lying in the middle was an old scalper. Don't get me wrong, the Rubik's Cube did not imprison the old scalper, but the old scalper stayed voluntarily and let the Rubik's Cube help cover its existence. A seriously injured divine beast is like a delicious cake to those high-end monks, and only the Rubik's Cube has the technology to completely block all the fluctuations of the old scalper.

Various energy devices around the hall are working all the time, and there is no fluctuation that can pass through the shield and then through the hundreds of meters of soil to reach the outside world.

Walking to the side of the old cow, a chair rose from the ground, and Rubik's Cube sat on it tiredly.

"Old Niu, do you think these humans are crazy? The mechanical army has driven the zombies back to the deep south of the original mountain range and is still planting plants to restore the forest. Now, the first thing a group of masters do when they come back is to attack our mechanical army. , I had no choice but to withdraw all my troops, and the zombies have returned to the north of the mountain ruins. Sometimes I really want to penetrate the core of the planet and plant hundreds of nuclear bombs to cause a mass extinction of species in the Shenwu Continent and return to the Ice Age. "


The old scalper remained silent, and all recent developments could be clearly seen underground through the monitor.

"More than thirty mechanical soldiers were killed, and their bodies were decomposed into metal. In their eyes, mechanical life is the same channel for obtaining material resources as the monsters. It is not wood or ordinary metal. They have memories, feelings, and beliefs. Those are more than thirty intelligent beings with souls. They once fought in the zombie swarm for the survival of their kind, and saved those humans who were about to die countless times. If they died in the battle, I would be proud of them, because they died in the battle. It’s an honor, but it’s so frustrating.”

The Rubik's Cube was sitting on a chair, with his arms on his knees and his head looking down at the ground.

The old scalper still didn't know what to say.

"With the character of the mechanical soldiers, how could those monks escape from the three hydrogen bombs? What's funny is that they thought they were magic weapons with little spiritual power. Haha, now they and my soldiers have turned into flying dust and returned. Dust returns to dust." Rubik's Cube recalled the scene of three hydrogen bombs exploding at the same place. If the three hydrogen bombs had not exploded, the monks would not have stopped their actions. The hydrogen bomb explosion was beyond their imagination.

"Cultivation...what exactly is cultivation..." the old scalper muttered silently.

When the Rubik's Cube raised his head, his eyes turned completely red. At the same time, Mo Yan'er, who was learning how to make desserts with Wang Ziyan in the courtyard, turned to look at the place where the Rubik's Cube was...

"Since they like to fight and plunder, well, I will let the flames of war burn the entire universe! Let them see what real interstellar war is! From now on, all monks who violate the laws of the Mechanical Empire will be killed. The universe has been dirty for too long and needs to be purified. , as the most orderly mechanical life, it is the duty to eradicate erroneous virus programs in the universe!”


The old scalper lying on the ground sighed, his huge bull eyes staring at the top of his head as if he wanted to see through the hundreds of meters of soil and see the sunlight in the sky.

The red-eyed Rubik's Cube's head twisted and returned to normal, and he ordered all Transformers, except for necessary combat preparations, to gather in the weak space area outside Twilight City, link all the Fire computers, and then try their best to decipher the space data! All the mechanical armies in the entire Shenwu Continent have been assembled, most of them are in the Yao Kingdom, and the other is the Ao Kingdom Base. The Rubik's Cube will not let these two areas that have just begun to civilize return to the old feudal era. Moreover, the latter two have tasted the convenience brought by advanced civilization. Human beings in this country are extremely afraid of returning to the era of feudal aristocracy.

The old scalper remembered something.

"The other... time and space you mentioned really exists? Is there really a huge steel fleet in the universe? Can it still destroy the world?"

"That's right, what I have to do is to open up the world channel and let the boundless mechanical fleet enter this damn cultivation universe. Anyway, this universe has no order and no laws, right? In this case, we are not breaking the law at all and we will not violate any morals. , this universe needs to be broken and rebuilt.”

“Break and then build again, it sounds reasonable.”

"Mechanical life will destroy the virus program and then re-establish order. The universe or planet is not unique to one person, but is the universe and planet of all life, including humans, wild animals, all plants, and all insects or bacteria. It doesn’t need to be occupied by a dirty creature who only wants to take without giving anything in return.”

The old scalper suddenly paused, as if he felt something from Rubik's Cube's words that had troubled him for many years. Rubik's Cube saw the old scalper lost in thought and left silently...


The Shenwu Continent, which had just restored order and was about to see light, returned to chaos again. The Machinery Empire and the senior monks who came to the Shenwu Planet were the two giants eyeing each other. The zombies took the opportunity to plunder a large amount of northern land again and paused in front of the high wall. Fang Die Under pressure, he had to lead his sect members to leave the mainland and go to the island to avoid the chaotic situation.

The countries that had been suppressed by the Machine Empire once again began to conquer and plunder each other. As long as the monks received offerings from ordinary people's countries, they basically would not care what those emperors did, and chaos began again.

The high reinforced concrete wall is still there, but all the weapons have been removed and only one wall is left. Human soldiers have no choice but to climb the high wall and use swords, spears, bows and arrows to guard against zombies. The refugee area where order was restored before has long been turned into ruins, and a large number of refugees are scattered. Fleeing to avoid the war and banditry, only a few humans were willing to leave with the mechanical army, including the girl whose father was shot and killed by the mechanical soldiers. The girl did not resent the mechanical soldiers. She knew that if she did not do that, her father would kill her just like her brother killed her mother. to kill other people.

The land that had been snatched back from the hands of the death energy by the mechanical army was once again covered by the death energy. The flowers, plants and trees that had been planted with great effort withered and rotted. Everything returned to zero as if it had been formatted. The mechanical lifeforms were very angry.

Melees broke out from time to time in the border area between the two sides. High-end mechanical soldiers acted as the main force and engaged in small-scale melees with senior monks. Both sides suffered casualties, and the monks suffered more casualties. After all, if the high-end mechanical soldiers were injured, they could replace parts and continue to fight, while if the monks were injured, they would face Unable to resist, he was killed by the other side. The two sides became increasingly angry, almost reaching the point of irreconcilability.

Those monks who were willing to accept the order were very embarrassed. Some of them lived in Yao Kingdom and some lived in other places. In the end, they simply imitated Fang Die and hid from the world.

When the three parties on the Shenwu Planet are at odds with each other, a new force once again appears...

The space warning device discovered that dozens of low-level spacecraft appeared in the place where the alien human spacecraft disappeared. The design is simple and small, disc-shaped. The only thing worthy of praise is those energy weapons. The Rubik's Cube feels that the Shenwu Continent is really lively, and the three parties Not to mention the chaos, now adding an alien is enough to make a pot of hodgepodge.

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