Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 976: Meeting

Looking from the sky to the sea, I saw a huge black shadow lying on the sea. The battleship's engine started and slowly rose. A large amount of sea water flowed down from around the battleship like a waterfall. The complex equipment fixed on the huge battleship loosened its mechanical arm and detached itself. , the Transformers inside the battleship immediately sent a greeting signal to the Rubik's Cube. The door of the huge battleship opened, and more than a dozen Transformers in the waterfall flew out of the cabin and half-knelt in front of the Rubik's Cube.

"See the Creator, see Her Highness the Princess."

"Stand up, it feels so beautiful to see the fleet. Continue your mission, and the mechanical glory will spread in this universe."


A dozen Transformers and a large number of robots began to assemble an improved space bridge. This is a truly giant space bridge. It can not only carry out basic long-distance transmission, but also travel across time and space. The transmission device is very large, several kilometers in size. , Transformers and various robots are busy assembling, while battleships are suspended above the sea as a guard.

Mo Yan'er stared at the battleship with her big eyes filled with little stars, wondering what bad thing was happening in her head...

Various complex mechanical devices are slowly docked and assembled, and the lines are opened one by one. They can be easily suspended in the sea and air without power. After the docking and assembly is completed, the space bridge is activated, and the huge ring device that shines with light blue light slowly rises, and the space inside the ring is Chaotic ripples are turbulent because the device is debugging spatial data.

The huge ring device was raised until it was close to the clouds before it stopped and then stood up. After all, the huge battleship drilled straight out. If it were laid flat, it would either go up to the sky or into the sea, so it was better to stand it up.

With everything ready, the starship sent the signal through the device.

Rubik's Cube looked at the excited Mo Yan'er in his arms, and then remembered that Zhang Xiaowen was probably coming with her. He felt guilty and hurriedly ordered a pause. Unfortunately, it was too late. At the moment when the starship sent the signal back, dozens of huge battleships One by one, they entered the void and headed straight for the space bridge here...

Mo Yaner's big eyes stared closely at the beautiful and dreamy huge space bridge. She saw huge warships appearing one after another. The sky was already covered and there were still warships flying out, dozens of them. She was happy with her big eyes. Curved into a crescent moon.

The Galaxy frigate broke away from its bindings and fell to the sea. The hatch opened and Zhang Xiaowen hurriedly flew out.

Sitting in the cabin, Xiao Jing opened her tablet and checked it a few times. She opened her mouth in surprise, and Jiajia next to her also opened her eyes in surprise...

"Oops...I have a bad feeling..."

"Me too……"

Outside, Zhang Xiaowen was flying in the void without using any equipment, relying on her feelings to fly to a certain figure on the sea. She was so nervous and excited that she had no time to check the situation of the Shenwu Continent Mechanical Empire Branch. Now Zhang Xiaowen just wanted to see the Rubik's Cube, and her biggest wish was to see the Rubik's Cube intact. Wu Que stood in front of him.

The densely packed warships in the sky flew into space one after another, and the sunlight gradually emerged.

Death Scorpion and other Transformers not far from the Rubik's Cube looked at each other and disappeared silently. Only the curious Mo Yan'er was still looking at the figure flying down from the sky. After wirelessly connecting to the starship and checking all the data, she opened her big eyes and revealed Surprised expression…

The figure floating on the sea was so familiar. Zhang Xiaowen saw the Rubik's Cube at a glance and flew over without saying anything with red eyes.

After many years of separation, Zhang Xiaowen is still the same Zhang Xiaowen as before. The Rubik's Cube opened its arms, and Zhang Xiaowen ran into the Rubik's Cube's arms and hugged them tightly...

On the sea, two figures hugged each other for a long time. Only the little figure next to them looked left and right, wondering whether they should stay here or find a chance to leave. Biting their little fingers was very confusing.

A few minutes later.

"You bastard!"

Zhang Xiaowen held the Rubik's Cube and cried and cursed, her tears dripping down like broken threads.

"Wenzi, you are still so domineering, but now you are like a fairy."

Hearing the Rubik's Cube teasing Zhang Xiaowen, she twisted happily. Suddenly, she glanced around and saw a little girl next to her looking left and right, trying to leave. The little guy was very cute. The small pocket in front of her belly was full of snacks in her braided floral dress. She was so pink. The beeping look made Zhang Xiaowen want to step forward and take a bite. For some reason, Zhang Xiaowen felt that this little girl had a familiar aura.

"What a cute little girl~"

Zhang Xiaowen was so excited that she didn't notice that the little girl's feet were also suspended in air.

It will come sooner or later. Rubik's Cube gave a wry smile and turned around to pick up Mo Yan'er. Zhang Xiaowen finally realized something was wrong. The little girl's breath was exactly the same as Rubik's Cube and her appearance was also very similar. Especially the little girl's body was filled with the same mechanical energy as Rubik's Cube and another... An unknown life energy.

"This is my daughter, Mo Yan'er, Yan'er, this is your Aunt Wen." If we want to talk about chaos now, the Rubik's Cube Fire is in chaos, and the computer can't find any proper solution at all.

"Hello Aunt Wen~"

Mo Yaner said hello obediently, and kissed Zhang Xiaowen on the cheek in return, but Zhang Xiaowen remained blank without any reaction.

After a long time, he stretched out his hands and touched Mo Yan'er's little head.

"Yan'er is so cute, your mother must be a great beauty."

Mo Yan'er didn't know how to answer, so she looked back at the Rubik's Cube, wondering if she should avoid it.


"It's okay, I'm just here to take a look, don't be nervous." Zhang Xiaowen smiled, greeted Mo Yan'er, then turned around and flew towards the Galaxy spacecraft...

Just when Rubik's Cube didn't know what to do, Mo Yan'er's big eyes blinked in her arms and she turned to look at her father.

"Dad~ I'm going to talk to Aunt Wen. The more you talk, the more confused you are. Although I don't like having multiple mothers at home, I can see that you and Aunt Wen have a deep relationship. I'll go and talk about it." Mo Yan'er said seriously. , Rubik's Cube suddenly felt very sorry for Mo Yan'er and Wang Ziyan, but they couldn't be sorry for Zhang Xiaowen. After all, they had been through wind and rain together on the earth, and it was difficult for both sides to handle.

Rubik's Cube looked at Mo Yan'er, indicating that he didn't believe that the little kid could solve the problem that he couldn't solve.

"Dad, don't underestimate me~ I have the same kind of fire as you. As the saying goes, one is better than the other, but you are lagging behind."

Seeing Zhang Xiaowen on the Galaxy asking the animals to start the spacecraft and return to the Milky Way, Mo Yan'er had no choice but to let Mo Yan'er try the Rubik's Cube. The little Mo Yan'er simply forcibly locked the computer control system of the Galaxy frigate and conjured up small wings. Flying towards the Galaxy, in the distance, a group of Transformers were watching in amazement. From the faces of those machines, it was hard to tell whether they were sympathizing with the creator or snickering...

Mo Yan'er had just flown into the Yinhe, and another hatch of the Yinhe slowly opened, and out came a young girl carrying a package that was larger than a human being. It was Zombie Ruoyan.

Now Ruoyan's body has long been cleared of viruses and is no longer contagious. It has become more powerful. A few days ago, she heard that she was going to another world and opened a barbecue restaurant in a city near Longshan. It was not profitable. Ruoyan packed up the barbecue utensils and meat without saying a word. The block drilled directly into the Galaxy.

"Ha~ Hey New World~ It must be very profitable to open a barbecue restaurant here!"

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