Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 977: Super Teleportation

The Rubik's Cube sat in a daze on the top of the battleship Galaxy. In the cockpit, Mo Yan'er used some method to amuse Zhang Xiaowen. Ruoyan carried the package and ran to Wanghai City. It was said that she was going to find the person in charge, Princess Jun Ru, at the main store. Opening a barbecue restaurant, Rubik's Cube was not only worried about how to appease Zhang Xiaowen, but also worried about how to appease Wang Ziyan. If she told Wang Ziyan, the obedient Wang Ziyan would never object and would definitely listen to him, but he felt very sorry for her. Rubik's Cube grabbed her hard I scratched my hair and felt like the fire was going to explode.

All the other warships rose into space, only the Galaxy was still floating in the open sea, and the Guardians of the Galaxy animals at the hatch looked at the world in front of them and chirped.

"This planet is really big. It's very interesting to read the data. I wonder how the fruits here taste."

The one who just spoke was a certain little raccoon. The eight little raccoons were studying the issue of eating, drinking and having fun. The four evil cats were much more sensible. They were studying the map of Shenwu Continent and looking at data from various places.

"Oh~ The land map of Shenwu Continent is really ugly! It looks like a bacon pie covered with earthworms! And those damn zombies, it's really too bad."

The police chief complained very unbearably.

Feng Xiaoer, who was leaning against the cabin door next to him, had a melancholy expression on his face, like a handsome young man who had seen through the world. He might have been more handsome if he didn't have a dog's head. He smacked his lips from time to time with a toothpick in his mouth. As the only husky, he couldn't help but I really like the little raccoon's endless eating of fruit and the curiosity of the four big cats. Now Feng Xiaoer likes to see the world even more...

After a while, Zhang Xiaowen asked the animals to park the spaceship next to Wanghai City. The animals hurried to work. Maybe they could catch up soon to help Ruoyan decorate the barbecue restaurant.

Rubik's Cube did not follow, but restored the Transformers form and flew into space with Death Scorpion and all the Transformers to join the battleship formation to prepare for a huge project, a project that no one dared to imagine, to build a super space bridge and teleport. An object that seems very huge to others, a huge mechanical planet built by mechanical life with massive amounts of metal...

In the cabin of a huge battleship, Rubik's Cube and a group of Transformers walked towards the cockpit. The unique gravity system set up in the battleship prevented the robots from flying up.

The speeding sports car, the captain of the heavy helicopter, the police car capture and other Transformers walked to the Rubik's Cube together. The three old subordinates who had not seen each other for many years were much stronger and more stable. The Death Scorpions hugged the three of them one by one, and everyone remembered the past together. On the days of fighting, I didn’t expect that decades would pass before we saw each other again.

"Follow the plan. All combat units will conduct a complete blockade of the nearby airspace. All unknown approaching objects will be broken into pieces. Execute the order!" Rubik's Cube ordered.


The fixed small battleships on dozens of large battleships broke away and flew to their respective airspace according to predetermined routes. All the cabin doors were opened, and sci-fi fighter jets and a large number of Transformers flew out of the cabin doors, forming formations and arrays, densely packed air combat units. Constantly flying to various places for warning, various weapons such as small battleships and large battleships, ion cannons, energy cannons, laser cannons, etc. were all activated. Thousands of flying units flashed blue tail flames and spread, which was extremely spectacular.

Rubik's Cube stood in the cockpit with his arms folded and looked at the units in place with an expressionless expression.

In earthling terms, the giant planet is the legendary Cybertron planet. The difference from the movie is that there is not just one Cybertron planet but several. The planets are all made of metal and are based on hexagons and are shaped like battleships. It is composed of a thick mechanical structure, which looks more like a woven structure from a distance. It is huge and similar in size to the earth. It is a special planet for mechanical life.

The Rubik's Cube starship decided to build a battleship base after decades of calculations, and the Rubik's Cube itself is somewhat close to the size of an asteroid. Building the planet Cybertron is a piece of cake. You can melt a large number of meteorites floating in the universe to collect metals, or even a few smaller planets. It was also crushed to collect metal to build a mechanical planet. The project is huge. Fortunately, the Mechanical Empire never cares about the size of the project as long as it has an order. It will be executed immediately. In the past few decades, the huge Mechanical Empire has only built two complete mechanical planets. Teleporting a planet to the world where the Shenwu Planet is located shows the importance Rubik's Cube attaches to this universe.

"Two low-level energy spacecraft and two hundred aircraft were discovered in the direction of Shenwu Planet." The alert Transformers sent back a report.

"According to plan."

"Command confirmation."

Not long after, fire continued to flash in the distance near the Shenwu planet, and mechanical air combat units began to attack the alien spacecraft in sheer numbers. Rubik's Cube now didn't care at all whether they were angry or not and wanted reinforcements. They had better not cause trouble, otherwise Rubik's Cube I don't mind sacrificing their blood.

After a while, the battle came to an end, and there were a lot of debris in the universe, basically all alien aircraft and spaceships.

After the mechanical fleet set up the warning zone, each Transformer held a huge mechanical energy column and flew out of the cabin to the predetermined location. At the location of the Rubik's Cube, there was a huge main control mechanical energy pillar as tall as a Rubik's Cube. The equipment Rubik's Cube sent by the main body It can be easily controlled and used, and only the Rubik's Cube can operate the entire fleet.

"Only mechanical life in the world can do something as crazy as teleporting to a planet. It's exciting just thinking about it."

The Rubik's Cube that grabbed the main control mechanical energy column flew out of the battleship and flew lightly to the predetermined location in a gravity-free environment. Hundreds of auxiliary energy columns were already prepared.

"Prepare to teleport."

The Rubik's Cube and all Transformers release the mechanical energy column. The energy column slowly floats and automatically adjusts its position. Its interior flashes blue light and emits countless lines connected to each other. From a distance, it looks like a huge hexagon with countless lines in it. The combined links are extremely complicated and full of mystery. The mechanical characters on the surface of the energy column shine with light. Countless mechanical characters appear in every corner of the huge hexagon...

"Appear, home of mechanical life!"

The manipulator sent out energy lines that penetrated into the main mechanical energy column, and all the energy columns suddenly shook! A huge light blue energy column is shot from the Rubik's Cube into space!

Moo~! The creatures on the Shenwu Planet heard a loud noise, raised their heads, and saw a huge circular light curtain suddenly appeared in the blue sky. Then, under the gaze of many creatures, many hexagons appeared in the huge circular light curtain. Below the hexagons were still The hexagons are stacked on top of each other and are extremely complex. The most terrifying thing is that the complex object is gradually getting larger, and it is almost certain that it is a complex sphere...

Just when the mechanical life was rejoicing, the detection system showed that a group of more than 20 high-energy humans headed by Martial Kings and three Martial Emperors were flying from the direction of the Shenwu Planet. Obviously, those monks didn't know what the mechanical army was doing, but they definitely didn't do anything to interrupt it. Incorrect.

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