Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 978: Planet Cybertron

Rubik's Cube felt that he was a little anxious. If he had killed those damn monks in advance, he would not have to be distracted to deal with them at this time. The teleportation on the planet Cybertron had already begun and it was impossible to pause it. The only solution now was to protect the teleportation column to stop it. Those stupid and greedy monks!

"Stop them! Stop them even if it means death! Kill them!!"

The rough and low mechanical sound spread throughout the space, and combat units with crazy red eyes rushed towards the group of senior monks, mainly Transformers. At the same time, distant battleships aimed their guns at the monks...

The fighter plane formation opened fire, and energy bombs and laser weapons flickered to illuminate the space. The mechanical soldiers inside each battleship operated sci-fi cannons to fire at the flying monks. The cannons vibrated, retreated, reset, and continued to fire. The Transformers stood in the flying unit formation. The front is ready for close combat. The light caused by the launch of various energy weapons is clearly visible on the ground. With the naked eye, the blue sky can be seen flashing continuously. There are even energy bombs and ion cannons launched by warships that do not hit the target but instead shoot on the surface of the Shenwu planet. If they fall into the ocean, they will It will explode into huge waves, and when it hits the land, it will explode into a deep pit...

The battleship's giant cannon poses the greatest threat and is difficult to evade due to its speed, but the energy weapons launched by those fighter plane formations cannot be underestimated either.

One fighter plane can be defended by laser, and ten can be defended, but what about a hundred? What about a thousand? Quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes, and they are so densely packed that it is very difficult to avoid them. After being hit by the concentrated fire, several monks in the King of Martial Stage only felt that their Dantian spiritual power was quickly consumed. The monks who had lost their spiritual power were burned to ashes by the laser, and were killed from a long distance before they even made contact. Several Martial Kings, the monks feel that today is not so easy to get through...

After getting closer, all kinds of flying sword magic weapons tried their best to greet the formation. A large number of fighter planes were scrapped, and the wreckage was scattered far into the darkness driven by inertia.

The battleship's energy cannon fired continuously, killing several Martial King monks again. At this time, three Martial King monks had already gotten into the formation and started a close-range battle. The Transformers turned into human-sized mechanical forms and surrounded them to start a siege. , as soon as they made contact, several Transformers were hit from the front and had to withdraw from the battle group. Fortunately, there were many Transformers to make up for it again.

"court death!"

Rubik's Cube roared angrily, and asked several Transformers to protect the main energy column, then transformed into a human-sized mechanical form and rushed towards the Martial Emperor at the front!

"All battleships, it's time to cast interference energy fields!"

A Martial Emperor in the distance felt the threat of the Rubik's Cube and went straight to the Rubik's Cube. It was a sword cultivator holding a sword. Sword cultivators are the most popular in the world of immortality. Holding the sword, the whole person was like a giant sword, knocking away a large number of fighters and piercing the Rubik's Cube. The Rubik's Cube was holding A generous mechanical machete has an expressionless face, and the surging mechanical energy makes the Rubik's Cube look like a blue flaming man!

Suddenly, the monk felt a shock all over his body, as if he was stuck in a quagmire. The movement of his spiritual power was slowed down, his meridians were blocked, and his head was making a fuss. At this time, there was no way to turn back when he opened his bow, so he could only hit the Rubik's Cube...

Two high-energy objects collide violently! A ring-shaped halo spread from the impact point, and the nearby fighter planes were shattered and damaged after being affected. The other fighter planes saw this and quickly escaped from the fighting range of the Transformers and senior monks.

In the first fight, the Emperor Wu was completely at a disadvantage due to the interference of the battleships and was forced to retreat to relieve the impact. However, this was not the ground but space. It took a lot of effort to relieve the pain caused by the attack. As a Emperor Wu, when had he ever experienced this? After gathering his energy, Emperor Wu, who also unleashed his anger, roared and used his sword skills to attack the Rubik's Cube.

"Cut the waves and kill!"

Rubik's Cube was startled by the name of the sword skill. Upon closer inspection, it was actually a horizontal slash. He curled his lips, swung the mechanical machete and followed up with a horizontal slash!

when! There was no sound transmitted in the vacuum. Both sides could feel the sound of the swords clashing through vibrations. The Rubik's Cube also had the upper hand. Seeing that he could not win under the interference, the Emperor Wu had the intention to retreat. However, the Rubik's Cube was in full swing and held him back. Seeing that The three anxious Emperors looked at each other and rushed towards the huge battleship. In their opinion, the larger the object, the lower the defense. The only solution now was to destroy those battleships that could release interference and then retreat.

Unexpectedly, all the Transformers did not attack or block but just watched.

The huge size of the battleship also means that it has huge energy reserves. Having huge energy reserves and huge size also means that it can install a large number of defensive facilities to protect itself. Not to mention the three Martial Emperors, even hundreds of Transformers would have to break through the defenses. This can only be done by consuming all the energy of the battleship through intermittent attacks.

As expected, the three Emperors barely escaped being seriously injured after attacking the battleship. After hitting the wall, they threw various life-saving treasures and broke out.

"Keep beating me! Even if I can't beat them to death, it will consume the wealth they have saved for several lifetimes! Let them beat them once and become paupers!"

The Rubik's Cube gave a very vicious order to the monks. The three Emperors not only had to avoid the terrifying ion cannons and energy cannons on the battleships, but also kept throwing treasures to block the lasers and energy bombs of the fighter fleets. The magic weapons and treasure clothes were ruined and had been treasured for many years. The talisman was used, all kinds of precious elixirs were eaten, and the mechanical army was consuming the three guys' family property...

In the warm greetings of the mechanical army, a group of people came to disrupt the situation. Only three Martial Emperors escaped in the end. A bunch of Martial Emperors were all buried in space. The corpses without the protection of spiritual power gradually swelled and shattered in the vacuum environment. The blood had long been drained, and the face was peeling off. Pale skin and flesh...

There is no time to deal with those monks now, the Rubik's Cube has to continue to teleport the mechanical planet.

The rescue spacecraft found the surviving fighter jets for repairs, and the completely damaged ones were recovered and prepared to be refurbished. A dozen Transformers suffered different injuries and even three were seriously injured and needed the help of warships for repair. More than a hundred fighter jets were scrapped, and the warships were not damaged at all. The Rubik's Cube It is felt that it is necessary to increase the combat effectiveness of Transformers again in order to deal with those Martial Emperors and even higher-level monks.

The teleportation array composed of energy pillars still teleports the mechanical planet. Every time it flashes, more mechanical planets will be revealed. Death Scorpion, who was injured by Emperor Wu, lies in the rescue spacecraft with sparks flying all over his body. The mechanical eyes are staring at the huge mechanical planet in space.

"Oh... Cybertron... you are so beautiful..."

The rescue spacecraft sent Death Scorpion into the battleship for repairs. Death Scorpion was frustrated that he could not witness the arrival of his new home. Although he could see it through the connection, he could not see it with his own eyes or feel it.

The mechanical energy column is working stably, and the huge mechanical planet has grown to nearly one-third of its size. The creatures on the ground are watching the huge mechanical planet getting bigger and bigger. All the mechanical life on the ground are excitedly looking at the mechanical planet. In his eyes, Shenwu Planet or other planets are not the home of mechanical life at all. Only the fleet and the mechanical planet are the real homes.

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