Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 987: Gain reputation

Rubik's Cube didn't know what they were shouting. Anyway, after the final shouting, a Na'vi man came over with a bone knife...

"Oh~ don't be like this! You attacked me first..."

"For the sake of this damn planet you should protect rare wildlife..."

"Hey! Stop! If you don't stop, I'm going to throw a grenade!"

The Na'vi man with the knife in his hand was getting closer and closer, and Rubik's Cube had no choice but to turn his mechanical hand and take out a grenade. It was not a flash bomb, but a real high-explosive grenade. The language barrier was no problem. At least we all had a common language. When the Na'vi man was about to use the Rubik's Cube and turn on the grenade safety, a shout prevented the tragedy from happening.

Walking down from a high place, a Na'vi man whose head was also covered with pheasant feathers was a woman. Her chest was covered with necklaces and ornaments made of various animal teeth.

Then Rubik's Cube saw a group of Na'vi people arguing, and the quarrel was red-faced. The ones who were angry were the Na'vi people who were shot by Rubik's Cube. Rubik's Cube found that several Na'vi people simply bandaged their wounds without removing the bullets from their bodies. It seemed that No gunpowder firearms have ever appeared on the Na'vi planet before.

After arguing for a long time, the old female Na'vi gained the upper hand. She pulled out the bone knife from her waist and walked towards the Rubik's Cube. The Rubik's Cube retracted the grenade. From the eyes of the old female Na'vi, she did not see violence or murderous intent. What she did see was violence. There is only friendship.

Uh-huh! The sharp bone knives cut the vines, and all the surrounding Na'vi people aimed their bone knives and spears at the Rubik's Cube for fear that the Rubik's Cube would make any overly violent movements...

Slowly, slowly, Rubik's Cube stood up gently to prevent the other party from mistakenly thinking that he was going to hurt others. After standing up, he raised his hands to show that he had no ill intentions. Fortunately, the angry Na'vi people did not attack. It seems that the old female Na'vi are very authoritative in the group. After thinking about it, the Rubik's Cube adjusted the red color of the mechanical eye to blue, which frightened the Na'vi and retreated. Only the two elderly Na'vi wearing pheasant feathers did not retreat. .

The old female Na'vi smiled at the Rubik's Cube and gave the Rubik's Cube a tooth of some kind of beast, meaning that the Rubik's Cube should be hung around her neck.

The manipulator scratched his head and found it difficult to hang the necklace. Hanging a rope would easily hinder the movement. After running the computer, he came up with a good idea. The metal of the chest armor was dented. He put the animal teeth in and closed it, and it worked!

Several Na'vi people around were very curious about the ability of the Rubik's Cube. They touched their chests and tried to see if they could embed it, but of course they all failed.

Now that everyone is no longer enemies, Rubik's Cube feels it is necessary to improve his reputation here. The fastest way to increase his reputation is to cure the Na'vi people who were shot. Otherwise, the bullets will cause inflammation and infection in the body and they will die easily. There are experts here, yes. But a master would never come to treat a low-level subordinate without any trouble, would he?

Pointing at the injured Na'vi, Rubik's Cube pointed at himself.

The two older Na'vi said a few words. Seeing that Rubik's Cube didn't understand, they simply called over the Na'vi who had been shot. Rubik's Cube pointed at the wound again and made several dangerous movements, indicating that the wound should be treated rather than left alone. Leave it alone.

After obtaining the consent, the Rubik's Cube asked the Na'vi to lie on the ground. The somewhat angry Na'vi had no choice but to lie on the ground under the instructions of the old female Na'vi. The Rubik's Cube squatted down, and when the robotic arm retracted its forearm and stretched out again, it turned into various complex surgical instruments. , regardless of the surprise of the Na'vi people, the mechanical eye sent out a fan-shaped scanning beam to check the wound.

The projectile rolled inside its body and caused damage. The Rubik's Cube had to find a way to avoid the blood vessels and remove the projectile. It also took this opportunity to examine the Na'vi's body structure and collect data...

Complex surgical instruments slowly pulled out a metal bullet from the wound. After seeing the bullet, all the Na'vi people understood the meaning of the Rubik's Cube. The bandage was not part of the Rubik's Cube. The Rubik's Cube was only responsible for taking out the bullets for those Na'vi who had been shot. After processing a few After one minor injury, four more were seriously injured. Four of them were hit by bullets in the abdomen or chest and their internal organs were injured. In order to increase their reputation, they could only find a way to cure the four of them. Rubik's Cube began to treat them carefully again.

An incision was made in a location with few blood vessels in the abdomen, and a mechanical device was inserted to remove the warhead. At the same time, hygienic threads were used to sew the internal wound. I believe that with the physical fitness of the Na'vi people, they will be able to recover in a few days.

After working for more than two hours, all the Na'vi who were shot were finally cured. Now their hatred value is not as high as it was at the beginning.

After cleaning the blood, the surgical instruments were retracted and the forearm came out again, and the manipulator was restored. Rubik's Cube looked at the other Na'vi who had been shot and signaled that there was no need to deal with it, because the bullets had penetrated the skin and flew out. The old female Na'vi pointed. Rubik's Cube pointed at the still angry female Na'vi and said a bunch of words. Rubik's Cube saw that the female Na'vi was very angry, and pulled his mechanical arm and walked out.

I came to a certain big tree in a daze, and the Na'vi woman climbed up the tree and got into the natural bed of plants and started sleeping. What does this mean? Leave yourself to her care?

Rubik's Cube stared at several huge planets in the sky all night...


From then on, Rubik's Cube began his cultural experience journey on the planet Na'vi. What he liked to do most every day was to sit in the middle of the tribe and eavesdrop, decipher the language through eavesdropping, and record the living customs of the Na'vi people through observation. The Na'vi people are mainly hunting. At the same time, they also pick fruits and vegetables in the forest and worship nature. You can see their love for the forest from the fact that they will never hunt indiscriminately. The tribe will not deliberately bulldoze the ground to make dirt, but will be covered with lawns and big trees. , and occasionally ride some kind of horse-like animal, living a prosperous and carefree life. Every Na'vi is born to be an excellent hunter. As for the high-level energy humans have not seen yet, the Rubik's Cube may have masters in other large tribes.

After a week, the Rubik's Cube was able to communicate normally with the Na'vi, which surprised the female Na'vi. Now that she could communicate, she carried it with her wherever she went, and she also liked to pose problems to the metal man.

"Cube, come hunting with me. I believe you are an excellent hunter."

"Nisha, you know I don't eat or sleep. It's better for me not to go to high-end activities like hunting."

Rubik's Cube was sitting on a tree trunk basking in the sun and said without raising his head. Suddenly, his eyesight went dark. The female Na'vi named Nisha appeared in front of her and blocked the sun. The Rubik's Cube's mechanical eyes flashed blue. This girl told herself to go hunting. He definitely didn't have any good intentions. It would be better to stay in the tribe and bask in the sun to recharge his energy than to go there and fall into the trap.

"Are you scared?"

"How could I be afraid? What I'm afraid of is that your archery skills are not as good as mine and it will make you angry. Don't forget that you didn't shoot me but I shot you."

"That's because I don't understand your weapons. Where are your weapons? Did you throw them away?"

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