Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 988: Drilling into the Woods

"Don't worry about the gun. Look, your boyfriend just came back and seems to have hunted a Tara beast."

Nisha looked up and saw a mighty Nabi riding a mount at the entrance of the tribe, dragging back a Tara beast. From Rubik's perspective, the Tara beast was actually some kind of large cat, similar to a lion, with six legs and very ferocious. Nisha Sha's boyfriend is the strongest warrior in the tribe, and Nisha is the most beautiful girl and the most powerful hunter in the tribe. They are a perfect match. In addition, Nisha is also the daughter of the tribe's patriarch and priest. The patriarch is an old man with a head full of pheasant feathers. Na'vi, the sacrifice is the friendly old female Na'vi.

It is foreseeable that in the future, Nisha will be the sacrifice and that awesome guy will be the clan leader. The Na'vi people are very peaceful, and the clan leader is more of a responsibility than a idiot who only cares about enjoyment. He needs to bear more responsibilities.

The reason why Rubik's Cube stayed here is because he accidentally discovered that the Na'vi people seem to be able to connect to the ubiquitous network underground. Although they cannot communicate, it can make them love nature more. Rubik's Cube wants to find out what secrets this network has. The Rubik's Cube in the network felt the aura of God. He himself was a demigod and could never find a way to become a real god no matter what. He had an intuition that he could become a god through the Namei Star Rubik's Cube.

The tribesmen ran over to greet the hero. Not everyone could kill the Tara beast single-handedly. They cheered and shouted, and then cut the meat to prepare for the dinner. Nisha and her boyfriend were talking on the side, and the Rubik's Cube gained power again and continued to absorb energy. The opportunity did not last long, and Nissa, who also wanted to hunt Tara Beast, ran over and dragged the Rubik's Cube into the woods...

Don’t get me wrong, I’m going hunting.

How boring is it to hunt with a robot? It’s just to show off in front of you that you can hunt Tara beast. After examining Nisha, Rubik’s Cube concluded that Nissa is a flexible long-range attack hunter rather than a tough melee fighter like her boyfriend. Strong man, it is very difficult to inflict damage to the Tara beast with a bow and arrow. If you don't eat barbecue in the tribe, you have to go into the forest to fight the beast...

"That Nissa... I think we should go back instead of continuing to go further. Why don't we spare that Taramon today?"

"Stop fooling me. I want to tell the rest of the tribe that I can not only shoot agile jumping deer but also hunt Tara beasts. My mother asked me to take you, otherwise I really don't want you to come. Look at your clumsiness." The way we walk, are we trying to tell others where to find us?”

Nisha pointed to the footprints behind the Rubik's Cube and said, "With all conscience, how could the Rubik's Cube be a robot and be as professional as the Na'vi without leaving any traces?"

"I'm not a hunter. I told you three hundred and eighty-seven times, and now it's the three hundred and eighty-eighth time."

"Really? I really didn't pay attention. You remember it very carefully."

Nisha continued to search for animal traces as she walked, sniffing the grass and leaves, grabbing the dirt with her hands, and searching everywhere with sharp eyes.

The current range has exceeded the normal hunting range of the Na'vi tribe and has entered an unknown and dangerous area. Various small animals are jumping around in the trees and croaking. There are swamps everywhere on the ground and they cannot get out. Fortunately, the Na'vi people are naturally suitable. Surviving in the forest, he carried the Rubik's Cube cautiously forward. The speechless Rubik's Cube really wanted to pull Nisha's beautiful tail back to the tribe.

As the saying goes, good things don't work but bad things work. Rubik's Cube and Nissa are typical examples of this.

Less than an hour after walking out, Nisa discovered the paw prints of the Tara beast under Rubik's Cube's depressed eyes. It was very fresh. Don't ask Rubik's Cube how she knew it because Nisha had smelled it. It was good, great, and she finally had to face the vicious animal. .

Nisha climbed up the big tree nimbly and the Rubik's Cube had no choice but to climb up, carefully moving forward from a high place, searching as she moved.

"Shh! There!"

Nisha pointed to the grass in the distance. After scanning the Rubik's Cube, it was confirmed that there was a huge black beast there. It was bigger than the beast that Nissa's boyfriend pulled back. Compared with this, the one that the boy brought back was at most an older boy, and This one definitely belongs to the prime of life, the kind of man who is very irritable...

Taking out the feather arrow, Nisha wiped the arrow with some kind of black fruit. After analysis by the detection equipment, it was found that it was some kind of narcotic fruit. Can this dose be given to such a big beast?

Taramon is all black, with short hair that shows off its strong muscles and streamlined figure. There are some kind of decorative bone spurs on the back of its face that can be opened and closed, sharp claws, and fangs. When Nissa's boyfriend met this thing, Nissa would probably want it. Change boyfriend...

He took out the firearm from his back and quickly unfolded it, taking out two extended sniper rifle bullets and stuffing them into the chamber.

"Didn't you say you threw away your weapon? What is this!"

"Yes, but I picked it up again."

"Glib tongue."

Nisha continued to spit out the anesthetic, Rubik's Cube opened the tripod of the gun, fixed it, adjusted the sight, and locked the aim. It seemed that it would be impossible not to do anything today. If the Na'vi tribe knew that the daughter of their patriarch and priest went out with her, the result would definitely be anger. If you can't get off the pirate ship, the only way is to kill the Tara beast or rescue Nissa. The problem of becoming a god has not been solved yet. Nissa cannot die.

Taramon, who was resting in the grass, moved its nose, and Meng turned over and roared at the location of Nissa and the Rubik's Cube!


"It saw us!" Rubik's Cube shouted.

"I know!" Nissa replied, she drew her bow and aimed an arrow at the Tara beast, but because she was too nervous, the arrow grazed the Tara beast's fur and stuck into the trunk of the tree.

Rubik's Cube resisted the urge to shoot and searched around to see if there was a safe spot. Felines used their butts to figure out that they could climb trees!

There was another arrow with a bang, but it also missed.

"You missed!"

"Can you shut up!"

The Rubik's Cube mechanical eye rolled back and began to aim with the firearm. The Tara beast was quickly shuttled close to the big tree and would soon climb up. If it couldn't be stopped, it would have to run away. It's not worth making grenades that are not easy to consume. It would make life difficult. Live carefully.

boom! The sound of the gunshot echoed in the forest and startled the Tara beast. The bullet grazed the Tara beast's skin, leaving a blood mark and piercing into the soil. It can only be blamed on the thing running too fast to calculate the trajectory. The second bullet The bullet was loaded and the Rubik's Cube aimed again. Nisha's third arrow next to her also missed...

Just as he was about to shoot, Rubik's Cube suddenly turned around, pointed the muzzle at the tree crown above his head, and fired a second sniper bullet with a bang!

“Quack quack!!”

Before Nisha could ask why Rubik's Cube shot above her head, she saw a huge six-legged snake rushing down from the canopy of the tree. Its six claws grabbed the trunk of the tree and rushed down. There was a bloody hole in one of the claws and it was pulled aside helplessly.

Tu tu tu tu…! The gun fired continuously, and the dense bullets left a trail and hit the six-legged snake. After being shot, the six-legged snake couldn't hold on to the tree trunk and fell down. It screamed and fell to the ground with leaves in front of the Rubik's Cube and Nissa. Not knowing whether he was alive or dead, the Tara beast thought that the six-legged snake was his attacker, rushed forward and bit the six-legged snake into pieces with a few crazy bites...

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